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» Список нерубрицированных книг

Содержимое каталога
2521. Blanco R. Pesquera L. Long-Distance Transmission at Zero Dispersion: Exact Expressions for One-Time Statistical Properties2000
2522. Blandford A. Attfield S. Carroll J.M. Interacting with Information (Synthesis Lectures on Human-Cenered Informatics)2010
2523. Blaquiere A. Quantitative and qualitative games1969
2524. Blasius L.D. Schenker's Argument and the Claims of Music Theory (Cambridge Studies in Music Theory and Analysis) (First Edition)1996
2525. Blavatsky H.P. O Pais das Montanhas Azuisn/a
2526. Blaxter J. H. S. Frederick S. Russell Yonge C. M. Advances in Marine Biology, Volume 181980
2527. Blecker T. Friedrich G. Mass Customization Information Systems in Business2007
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2529. Blesa M. Blum C. Raidl G. Hybrid Metaheuristics: 7th International Workshop, HM 2010, Vienna, Austria, October 1-2, 2010, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues)2010
2530. Blessenohl D. Schocker M. Noncommutative Character Theory of the Symmetric Group2005
2531. Blitz K.N. Eu sobrevivi ao Holocausto2015
2532. Blokdijk G. Help Desk 100 Success Secrets - Helpdesk Need to Know topics covering Help desk jobs, Help desk software, computer Help desk, Help desk support, Helpdesk jobs, IT Help desk and Much more2008
2533. Blomberg C. Some Properties of Stochastic Equations for Coupled Chemical Reactions Far from Equilibrium1979
2534. Blondel P. Caiti A. Buried Waste in the Seabed; Acoustic Imaging and Bio-toxicity (1 edition)2007
2535. Bloom C. Kazarinoff N. Short Wave Radiation Problems in Inhomogeneous Media: Asymptotic Solutions (1 edition)1976
2536. Blow C. Transport Terminals and Modal Interchanges. Planning and Design2005
2537. Blows W. The Biological Basis of Nursing: Cancer Care2005
2538. Bluhm C. Overbeck L. Wagner C. An Introduction to Credit Risk Modeling (1 edition)2002
2539. Blum L. Vericat F. Herrera-Pacheco J. N. On the Analytical Solution of the Ornstein-Zernike Equation with Yukawa Closure1991
2540. Blumenthal B. Gornostaev J. Unger C. Human-Computer Interaction: 5th International Conference, EWHCI '95, Moscow, Russia, July 3-7, 1995. Selected Papers (1 edition)1995
2541. Bo Thide Electromagnetic Field Theoryn/a
2542. Boaler J. Experiencing School Mathematics: Teaching Styles, Sex, and Setting1997
2543. BOAVENTURADE SOUSA SANTOS Epistemologies of the South. Justice against Epistemicide2016
2544. Boavida F. Monteiro E. Orvalho J. Protocols and Systems for Interactive and Distributed Multimedia2002
2547. Bobe R. Alemseged Z. Behrensmeyer A. Hominin Environments in the East African Pliocene: An Assessment of the Faunal Evidence (Vertebrate Paleobiology and Paleoanthropology)2007
2548. Bobenko A. Compact Riemann surfaces (web draft edition)2010
2549. Bobrow J. GMAT CAT (Computer-Adaptive Graduate Management Admission Test) (Cliffs Test Prep) (8 edition)2000
2550. Bobryakov S. Rosenberg M. Elsevier's dictionary of technical abbreviations in English and Russian2005
2551. Bobylev A. V. Alex Hansen Piasecki J. From the Liouville Equation to the Generalized Boltzmann Equation for Magnetotransport in the 2D Lorentz Model2000
2552. Bobylev A. V. Cercignani C. Self-Similar Asymptotics for the Boltzmann Equation with Inelastic and Elastic Interactions2002
2553. Boccaccini G. Paul’s Three Paths to Salvation2020
2554. Bock R. Cell and Molecular Biology of Plastids (1 edition)2007
2555. Bockris J.M. Reddy A.K.N. Modern Electrochemistry 2B: Electrodics in Chemistry, Engineering, Biology and Environmental Science (2nd edition)2001
2556. Bocquet-Appel J.-P. Recent Advances in Palaeodemography: Data, Techniques, Patterns2008
2557. Boczkowski P. Digitizing the News: Innovation in Online Newspapers (Inside Technology)2004
2558. Bod R. Beyond Grammar: An Experience-Based Theory of Language1998
2559. Bodemer K. (coord.) Cultura, sociedad y democracia en América Latina. Aportes para un debate interdisciplinario2012
2560. Bodin E. Cosset F. Lagier F. Resumes des memoires. Centre d'Etudes Actuarielles1994
2561. Bodineau T. Some New Results on the Kinetic Ising Model in a Pure Phase2002
2562. Boele Braaksma Hendrik Broer Floris Takens Dynamical systems and bifurcations (1 edition)1985
2563. Boerm S. Efficient numerical methods for non-local operators2010
2564. Boethius Rand E.K. Stewart H. F. The Theological Tractates and the Consolation of Philosophy (Loeb Classical Library 74)1968
2565. Boffi V. C. Malvagi F. Solution Methods for Discrete-State Markovian Initial Value Problems1989
2566. Bogan S.D. Hinders M.K. Interface effects in elastic wave scattering1994
2567. Bogdan Alexandru Dumitrescu Positive trigonometric polynomials and signal processing applications (1 edition)2007
2568. Bogle I. D. L. Zilinskas J. Computer Aided Methods in Optimal Design and Operations2006
2569. Boguslaw Zegarlifiski Extremality and the Global Markov Property II: The Global Markov Property for Non-FKG Maximal Gibbs Measures1985
2570. Bohr A. Mottelson B. R. Nuclear structure. Volume II : Nuclear Deformations1998
2571. Boi L. Kerszberg P. Patras F. Rediscovering Phenomenology: Phenomenological Essays on Mathematical Beings, Physical Reality, Perception and Consciousness2007
2572. Boisot M. MacMillan I. C. Han K. S. Explorations in Information Space: Knowledge, Agents, and Organization (First Edition)2008
2573. Bokhove O. Bruin C. Compagner A. Ensemble Properties and Molecular Dynamics of Unstable Systems1993
2574. Bokulich A. Jaeger G. Philosophy of Quantum Information and Entanglement2010
2575. Bokulich A. Jaeger G. Philosophy of Quantum Information and Entanglement2010
2576. Boldrighini C. David Wick W. Fluctuations in a One-Dimensional Mechanical System. I. The Euler Limit1988
2577. Boldrighini C. Frigio S. Tognetti D. Numerical Evidence for the Low-Mass Behavior of the One-Dimensional Rayleigh Gas with Local Interaction2002
2578. Bolejko K. Krasiski A. Hellaby C. Structures in the Universe by Exact Methods: Formation, Evolution, Interactions (Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics)2010
2579. Boleslaw Mikolajczak Algebraic and Structural Automata Theory (Annals of Discrete Mathematics)1991
2580. Bollobas B. Graph Theory and Combinatorics, 1988: Proceedings1989
2581. Bolshakov I.A. Gelbukh A. Computational linguistics Models, Resources, Applications2004
2582. Bomarius F. Komi-Sirvio S. Product Focused Software Process Improvement: Third International Conference, PROFES 2001, Kaiserslautern, Germany, September 10-13, 2001. Proceedings2001
2583. Bon Arofeffor Plittiman. Griebgebung, Regierung und Reatspflege1867
2584. Bona C. Palenzuela-Luque C. Bona-Casas C. Elements of Numerical Relativity and Relativistic Hydrodynamics: From Einstein' s Equations to Astrophysical Simulations (Lecture Notes in Physics) (2nd edition)2009
2585. Bonato C. A. Fernando Perez J. Kosterlitz-Thouless Transition for the Finite-Temperature d = 2 + 1, U(1) Hamiltonian Lattice Gauge Theory1988
2586. Bonato C. A. Fernando Perez J. Abel Klein The Mermin-Wagner Phenomenon and Cluster Properties of One- and Two-Dimensional Systems1982
2587. Bond R. Negotiating Tactics and Techniques for Software and Hi-tech Agreementsn/a
2588. Bondioli L.G.A Estratégias processuais na advocacia empresarial - 1ª edição de 20122012
2589. Bondy A. Murty U.S.R. Graph Theory (Graduate Texts in Mathematics) (3rd Corrected Printing. edition)2008
2590. Bonifacio S.T. Los Congresos Regionales (1919-1923 / 1925-1929). Historia de un fracaso descentralista2006

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