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» Список нерубрицированных книг

Содержимое каталога
2241. Bebbington A. Abdulai A. Bebbington D.H. Governing Extractive Industries: Politics, Histories, Ideas2018
2242. Beck M. The Joy Diet: 10 Daily Practices for a Happier Life2003
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2245. Becker J.D. Eisele I. Parallelism, Learning, Evolution: Workshop on Evolutionary Models and Strategies, Neubiberg, Germany, (1 edition)1991
2246. Becker L. Price D. How to Manage Your Science and Technology Degree (Palgrave Study Guides)2003
2247. Becker M. Mariategui and Latin American Marxist theory1993
2248. Becker P. Olsson N. Simpson J. Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifiers: Fundamentals and Technology1999
2249. Becky A. Brown A. Ray Brown Michael F. Shlesinger Solutions of Doubly and Higher Order Iterated Equations2002
2250. Bedford T. Probabilistic Risk Analysis: Foundations and Methods2001
2251. Bedijs K. Maaß C. Manual of Romance Languages in the Media2017
2252. Bednar N. Encyclopedia of Sewing Machine Techniques2001
2253. Bedward D. Stredwick J. Managing Information: Core Management2004
2254. Beebe N.H. A bibliography of literate programming2002
2255. Beeley P. Foundry Technology (2nd edition)2001
2256. Beer D. F. Writing & Speaking in Technology Professions: A Practical Guide1991
2257. Behera A. Optimization of process parameters in laser welding of dis-similar materials2020
2258. Behnke H. Bachmann F. Fladt K. Fundamentals of Mathematics Analysis1984
2259. Behnken B.D. Fighting Their Own Battles2011
2260. Behravesh N. Spin-free economics: a no-nonsense, nonpartisan guide to today's global economic debates (1 edition)2008
2261. Behrend K. Gomez C. Tarasov V. Quantum cohomology: lectures given at the C.I.M.E. Summer School held in Cetraro, Italy, June 30-July 8, 1997 (1 edition)2002
2262. Behrend R.E. Pearce P.A. Conformal Field Theories and Integrable Models2001
2263. Behrs B. The Total ME-Tox2017
2264. Beier R. C. Pillai S. D. Phillips T. D. Preharvest and Postharvest Food Safety: Contemporary Issues and Future Directions (1 edition)2004
2265. Beier S.P. Hede P.D. Essentials of Chemistry (2nd edition)n/a
2266. Beiser A. Schaum's Outline of Physical Science (2 edition)1988
2267. Bekken P.J. Pauls Negotiation of Abraham in Galatians 3 in the Jewish Context: The Galatian Converts Lineal Descendants of Abraham and Heirs of the Promise (Band 248 edition)2021
2268. Bekken P.J. Paul’s Negotiation of Abraham in Galatians 3 in the Jewish Context: The Galatian Converts ― Lineal Descendants of Abraham and Heirs of the Promise (Band 248 edition)2021
2269. Bela Bollobas Graph theory: proceedings of the Conference on Graph Theory1982
2270. Bela Bollobas Robert Kozma Dezso Miklos Handbook of large-scale random networks (1 edition)2009
2271. Belavin A. A. Polyakov A. M. Zamolodchikov A. B. Infinite Conformal Symmetry of Critical Fluctuations in Two Dimensions1983
2272. Belavkin V.P. Guta M. Quantum stochastics and information: statistics, filtering, and control2008
2273. Belding-Royer E. M. Al Agha K. Pujolle G. Mobile and Wireless Communications Networks: IFIP TC6 WG6.8 Conference on Mobile and Wireless Communication Networks (MWCN 2004) October 25-27, 2004 ... Federation for Information Processing) (1 edition)2004
2275. Belitsky V. Asymptotic Behavior of the Density for Two-Particle Annihilating Exclusion1994
2276. Belkin S. Gu M. Whole Cell Sensing System II: Applications (Advances in Biochemical Engineering Biotechnology)2010
2277. Bell B. Cowie B. Formative Assessment and Science Education (Science & Technology Education Library, Volume 12)2002
2278. Bell B. Cowie B. Formative Assessment and Science Education (Science & Technology Education Library, Volume 12) (1 edition)2000
2279. Bell D. Hong J. Flexible and Efficient Information Handling: 23rd British National Conference on Databases, BNCOD 23, Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK, July 18-20, 2006, Proceedings2006
2280. Bell D. Science, Technology and Culture (Issues in Cultural and Media Studies)2005
2281. Bell J. Machover M. A Course in Mathematical Logic1977
2282. Bell R. (ed.) Ficociello R. (ed.) Eco Culture: Disaster, Narrative, Discourse2018
2283. Bellamy David Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Primary Care (3 edition)2004
2284. Bellettini G. Cassandro M. Presutti E. Constrained Minima of Nonlocal Free Energy Functionals1996
2285. Bellido J.D. Los primeros años de la PUCP2012
2286. Bellissard J. Schulz-Baldes H. Subdiffusive Quantum Transport for 3D Hamiltonians with Absolutely Continuous Spectra1999
2287. Bellman Methods of nonlinear analysis. Volume 21973
2288. Bellman R. Wing G. M. An Introduction to Invariant Imbedding. Classics in Applied Mathematics1987
2289. Bellman R. Dreyfus S. Applied Dynamic Programming1962
2290. Bellman R. Methods of nonlinear analysis.Volume 2.1973
2291. Bellomo N. Lachowicz M. On the Asymptotic Equivalence between the Enskog and the Boltzmann Equations1988
2292. Bellovin S. Gennaro R. Keromytis A. Applied Cryptography and Network Security: 6th International Conference, ACNS 2008, New York, NY, USA, June 3-6, 2008, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)2008
2293. Bellucci S. Nanoparticles and Nanodevices in Biological Applications: The INFN Lectures - Vol I (Lecture Notes in Nanoscale Science and Technology)2009
2294. Belting M. Macromolecular Drug Delivery: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology)2009
2295. Beltrametti M. Lectures on curves, surfaces and projective varieties: A classical view of algebraic geometry2009
2296. Belz A. Evans R. Piwek P. Natural Language Generation: Third International Conference, INLG 2004, Brockenhurst, UK, July 14-16, 2004, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)2005
2297. Ben Abdallah N. Degond P. Genieys S. An Energy-Transport Model for Semiconductors Derived from the Boltzmann Equation1995
2298. Ben Glaser Modernism’s Metronome2020
2299. Ben Wagner Matthias C. Kettemann Kilian Vieth Research Handbook on Human Rights and Digital Technology2019
2300. Ben-David J. Centers of Learning Britain, France, Germany, United States1992
2301. Ben-David S. Computational Learning Theory: Third European Conference, EuroCOLT '97, Jerusalem, Israel, March 17 - 19, 1997, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)1997
2302. Ben-Naim A. A farewell to entropy: statistical thermodynamics based on information: S=logW2008
2303. Ben-Tal A. Ghaoui L. Nemirovski A. Robust optimization2009
2304. Benassi A. Fouque J. P. Saada E. Asymmetric Attractive Particle Systems on Z: Hydrodynamic Limit for Monotone Initial Profiles1990
2305. Benatallah B. Casati F. Traverso P. Service-Oriented Computing - ICSOC 2005: Third International Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, December 12-15, 2005, Proceedings2005
2306. Benatallah B. Casati F. Kappel G. Web Engineering: 10th International Conference, ICWE 2010, Vienna, Austria, July 5-9, 2010. Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ... Applications, incl. Internet Web, and HCI)2010
2307. Benatti F. Narnhofer H. Entropic Dimension for Completely Positive Maps1988
2308. Bender D.A. Benders' Dictionary of Nutrition and Food Technology (7-th edition)1999
2309. Bender H. Glauberman G. Local analysis for the odd order theorem1994
2310. Bender H. Glauberman G. Local analysis for the odd order theorem1994

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