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Содержимое каталога
2171. Barszczak T. Kutner R. Modified Fermi-Dirac Statistics of Fermionic Lattice Gas by the Back-Jump Correlations1990
2172. Bart Demoen Vladimir Lifschitz Logic programming: 20th International Conference, ICLP 2004, Saint-Malo, France, September 6-10, 2004 (1 edition)2004
2173. Bart H. Gohberg I. Kaashoek M. A. Factorization of Matrix and Operator Functions: The State Space Method2007
2174. Bartel Van De Walle Murray Turoff Starr Roxanne Hiltz Information Systems for Emergency Management (Advances in Management Information Systems)2009
2175. Bartels R. Beatty J. Barsky B. An Introduction to Splines for Use in Computer Graphics and Geometric Modeling (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Computer Graphics)1987
2176. Bartelt M. C. Evans J. W. Scaling of Spatial Correlations in Cooperative Sequential Adsorption with Clustering1994
2177. Barth A. Breu M. Endres A. Digital Libraries in Computer Science: The MeDoc Approach (1 edition)1998
2178. Barth W. Several Complex Variables VI: Complex Manifolds (Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Sciences)1991
2179. Barthe G. Hermenegildo M. Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation: 11th International Conference, VMCAI 2010, Madrid, Spain, January 17-19, 2010, Proceedings (Lecture ... Computer Science and General Issues)2010
2180. Bartholdi L. Ceccherini-Silberstein T. Smirnova-Nagnibeda T. Infinite Groups.. Geometric, Combinatorial and Dynamical Aspects2005
2181. Bartlett B. Bartlett J. On-Location Recording Techniques1999
2182. Bartlett B. Bartlett J. Practical Recording Techniques, Fourth Edition: The step-by-step approach to professional audio recording (4th edition)2005
2183. Bartlett D. Advanced Practical Organic Chemistry2009
2184. Bartlett N. Who was that man?: a present for Mr. Oscar Wilde1988
2185. Bartlett P.J. Scholkopf B. Schuurmans D. Advances in Large-Margin Classifiers (Neural Information Processing)2000
2186. Bartolini C. Gaspary L.P. (eds.) Integrated Management of Systems, Services, Processes and People in IT2009
2187. Barton D.(ed.) Leonov S.(ed.) Radar technology encyclopedia1998
2188. Barton J. C. Edwards C. Q. (eds.) Hemochromatosis: Genetics, Pathophysiology, Diagnosis and Treatment2000
2189. Bartram D. Lindley P. Psychological Testing: BPS Occupational Test Administration Open Learning Programme2006
2190. Barwise J. Etchemendy J. Hyperproof: For Macintosh1994
2191. Bas van Bommel Classical humanism and the challenge of modernityn/a
2192. Basvan Leeuwen Agricultural Developmentin Qing China2018
2194. Basak A. Analogue Electronic Circuits and Systems (Electronics Texts for Engineers and Scientists)1991
2195. Bashir R. Wereley S. Ferrari M. BioMEMS and Biomedical Nanotechnology: Biomolecular Sensing, Processing and Analysis (1 edition)2006
2196. Basil A. Reid Archaeology and Geoinformatics: Case Studies from the Caribbean (Caribbean Archaeology and Ethnohistory) (1 edition)2008
2197. Basil the Great Homilien Zum Hexaemeron1997
2198. Bass H. Otero-Espinar M. Rockmore D. Cyclic Renormalization and Automorphism Groups of Rooted Trees (1 edition)1996
2199. Bass L.J. Gornostaev J. Unger C. Human-Computer Interaction: Third International Conference, EWHCI '93, Moscow, Russia, August 3-7, 1993. Selected Papers1993
2200. Bassani G. Encyclopedia of Condensed Matter Physics2005
2201. Bassingthwaighte J. Liebovitch L. West B. Fractal physiology1994
2202. Bastea S. Esposito R. Binary Fluids with Long Range Segregating Interaction. I: Derivation of Kinetic and Hydrodynamic Equations2000
2203. Bastien Fernandez Propagating Fronts in a Bistable Coupled Map Lattice1995
2204. Bastos M. The Politics of Technology in Latin America (Unu Intech Studies in New Technologies and Development)1996
2205. Bastos M.I. Mitter S. Europe and Developing Countries in the Globalized Information Economy: Employment and Distance Education2000
2206. Basu S. Davidson I. Wagstaff K. (eds.) Constrained Clustering: Advances in Algorithms, Theory, and Applications2008
2207. Batavia M. Contraindications in Physical Rehabilitation: Doing No Harm2006
2208. Batchelor G.K. (ed.) The Scientific Papers of Sir Geoffrey Ingram Taylor (Vol. 2. Meteorology, Oceanography and Turbulent Flow)1960
2209. Batchelor M. T. Guan X.-W. Oelkers N. Quantum Phase Diagram of an Exactly Solved Mixed Spin Ladder2003
2210. Bateman H. Partial differential equations of mathematical physicsn/a
2211. Bateman H. TABLES OF INTEGRAL TRANSFORMS. Volume II.1954
2212. Bates Optical Switching Systems and Technologies 20012001
2213. Batiza A. Bioinformatics, Genomics, And Proteomics: Getting the Big Picture (Biotechnology in the 21st Century)2006
2214. Batschauer A. Photoreceptors and Light Signalling2004
2215. Batten B. Safavi-Naini R. Information Security and Privacy, 11 conf., ACISP 2006 (1 edition)2006
2216. Batten D. Discovering artificial economics2000
2217. Battey N. Dickinson H. Hetherington A. Post-translational Modifications in Plants1993
2219. Bauer F.L. Software Engineering: An Advanced Course (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) (1st ed. 1973. 2nd printing edition)1975
2220. Bauer T.J. Das tausendjährige Messiasreich der Johannesoffenbarung Eine literarkritische Studie zu Offb 19,11-21,82007
2221. Baugh L. S. Essentials of English Grammar (3 edition)2005
2222. Bauknecht K. Proll B. Werthner H. E-Commerce and Web Technologies: 6th International Conference, EC-Web 2005, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 23-26, 2005, Proceedings2005
2223. Baulieu L. de Boer J. Pioline B. String Theory: from Gauge Interactions to Cosmology: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on String Theory: From Gauge Interactions to ... II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry)2005
2224. Baumann C. A simple and fast look-up table method to compute the Exp and Ln functionsn/a
2225. Baumgarte T.W. Shapiro S.L. Numerical relativity: solving Einstein's equations on the computer (draft edition)2009
2226. Baumgartner U. Populismo e Negacionismo: O Uso do Negacionismo como Ferramenta para a Manutenção do Poder Populista (1.ª Edição edition)2021
2227. Baus M. Hansen J. P. Statistical Mechanics of Ionic Matter: Summary of a Workshop1983
2228. Bauschke H. Combettes P. Convex analysis and monotone operator theory in Hilbert spaces2011
2229. Bausell R. Li Y. Power Analysis for Experimental Research: A Practical Guide for the Biological, Medical and Social Sciences2006
2231. Baxter R. J. George E. Andrews Lattice Gas Generalization of the Hard Hexagon Model. I. Star-Triangle Relation and Local Densities1986
2232. Baxter R. J. The Order Parameter of the Chiral Potts Model2005
2233. Baxter Hastings N. Reynolds B.E. Workshop Calculus with Graphing Calculators: Guided Exploration with Review, vol.11999
2234. Bazhanov V. V. Baxter R. J. New Solvable Lattice Models in Three Dimensions1992
2235. Bazhanov V. V. Baxter R. J. Star-Triangle Relation for a Three-Dimensional Model1992
2236. Beall D.P. Vertebral Augmentation2020
2237. Beals R. Wong R. Special Functions: A Graduate Text2010
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2240. Beames J. Memoirs of a Bengal Civilian2004

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