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Содержимое каталога
2031. Bairoch A. Cohen-Boulakia S. Froidevaux C. Data Integration in the Life Sciences: 5th International Workshop, DILS 2008, Evry, France, June 25-27, 2008, Proceedings2008
2032. Bajic V. Wee T. Information Processing and Living Systems2005
2033. Baker A. Introduction To p-adic Numbers and p-adic Analysis2011
2034. Baker D. Clay J. Fox C. Challenging Ways of Knowing - In English, Maths and Science1996
2035. Baker H.F. Principles of Geometry1929
2036. Baker R.W. Membrane Technology and Applications (2 edition)1999
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2040. Bakus G. J. Quantitative Analysis of Marine Biological Communities: Field Biology and Environment2007
2041. Balachandran A. P. Jo S. G. Marmo G. Group Theory and Hopf Algebra: Lectures for Physicists (1 edition)2010
2042. Balagurusamy E. Object Oriented Programming with C++ (Fifth edition)2011
2043. Balaji R. Gowtham S. Meghana K. A novel experimental study & design study on systematic designed sea water purifier machine using activated carbon2020
2044. Balakrishnan V. Nicolis C. Nicolis G. Extreme Value Distributions in Chaotic Dynamics1995
2045. Balandin S. Dunaytsev R. Koucheryavy Y. Smart Spaces and Next Generation Wired Wireless Networking: Third Conference on Smart Spaces, ruSMART 2010, and 10th International Conference, NEW2AN ... Networks and Telecommunications)2010
2046. Balazs Denis Vandoruton Panamatol Mexikoig (Vilagjarok)1981
2047. Balbín C.L.G. Hidrocarburos y Amazonía peruana: ¿Superposición de derechos u oportunidades para el desarrollo sostenible?2010
2048. Balbim R. (ed.) The geopolitics of cities: old challenges, new issues2016
2049. Baldi P. Brunak S. Bioinformatics: the machine learning approach (2 edition)2001
2050. Baldini F. Chester A. N. Homola J. Optical Chemical Sensors (NATO Science Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry) (1 edition)2006
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2052. BALDOR Algebran/a
2053. Baldridge A. The Camera Phone Book: How to Shoot Like a Pro, Print, Store, Display, Send Images, Make a Short Film2007
2054. Baldwin P. R. A Multidimensional Continued Fraction and Some of Its Statistical Properties1991
2055. Baldwin J. Fundamentals of stability theory (1 edition)1988
2056. Baleanu D. Guvenc Z. Machado J. New trends in nanotechnology and fractional calculus applications2010
2057. Balescu R. Kinetic Theory of Area-Preserving Maps. Application to the Standard Map in the Diffusive Regime1999
2058. Balescu R. Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics and the Transport Phenomena in Magnetically Confined Plasmas1987
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2060. Balinski M.L. Hoffman A.J. Polyhedral combinatorics1978
2061. Ballmann W. Lectures on spaces of nonpositive curvature (1 edition)2004
2062. Baluna M. Becheanu M. Romanian mathematical competitions2001
2063. Bamberg P. Sternberg S. A course in mathematics for students of physics 11988
2064. Bambi Hu Jicong Shi Sang-Yoon Kim Recurrence of Kolmogorov-Arnoid-Moser Tori in Nonanalytic Twist Maps1990
2065. Bamshad Mobasher Sarabjot Singh Anand Intelligent Techniques for Web Personalization: IJCAI 2003 Workshop, ITWP 2003, Acapulco, Mexico, August 11, 2003, Revised Selected Papers (1 edition)2005
2066. Ban Wang Ideas, History, and Modern China2019
2067. Ban Wang Ideas, History, and Modern China2012
2068. Ban Wang Ideas, History, and Modern China2016
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2070. Ban Wang Wang Hui Geremie Barmé Ideas, History, and Modern China2012
2071. Ban Wang Wang Hui Ideas, History, and Modern China2016
2072. Ban Wang WANG Hui Geremie Barmé Ideas, History, and Modern China2012
2073. Banagl M. Intersection Spaces, Spatial Homology Truncation, and String Theory2010
2074. Banaschewski B. Hoffmann R.-E. Continuous Lattices Proc. conf. Bremen, 1979 (1 edition)1981
2075. Banatre J.P. Le Metayer D. Research Directions in High-Level Parallel Programming Languages: Mont Saint-Michel, France, June 17-19, 1991 Proceedings1992
2076. Bandeira L.A.M. As relacoes perigosas: Brasil-Estados Unidos (De collor a Lula, 1990-2004)2014
2077. Bandyopadhyay B. Manjunath T. Umapathy M. Modeling Control and Implementation of Smart Structures. Bandyopadhyay (1 edition)2007
2078. Bandyopadhyay S. Dissemination of Information in Optical Networks:: From Technology to Algorithms (Texts in Theoretical Computer Science. An EATCS Series)2008
2079. Banerjee R. Internetworking Technology: An Engineering Perspective2002
2080. Banerjee S . Griffiths R. B. Thermodynamic Limit for Dipolar Media1998
2081. Bang-Jensen J. Gutin G. Digraphs. Theory, algorithms and applications (2nd edition)2009
2082. Baniahmad A. Thyroid Hormone Receptors: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology, Vol 202) (1st edition)2002
2083. Banks I. Evans D. Classic Glamour: Techniques of the Top Glamour Photographers2003
2084. Bansal R. Phosphorus Heterocycles II (Topics in Heterocyclic Chemistry, Volume 21)2010
2085. Bansal S. Technology Scorecards: Aligning IT Investments with Business Performance2009
2086. Banville D.L. Chemical Information Mining: Facilitating Literature-Based Discovery2008
2087. Banyaga A. The structure of classical diffeomorphism groups (no pp.126-7) (1st edition)1997
2088. Bao F. Li H. Wang G. Information Security Practice and Experience, 5 conf., ISPEC 20092009
2089. Bao G. Cowsar L. Masters W. Mathematical modeling in optical science2001
2090. Baoping Jiang Hamid Reza Karimi Sliding Mode Control of Semi-Markovian Jump Systems2022
2091. Barabasz A. Watkins J. Hypnotherapeutic Techniques 2E (2 edition)2005
2092. Baral C. Greco G. Leone N. Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning: 8th International Conference, LPNMR 2005, Diamante, Italy, September 5-8, 2005, Proceedings2005
2093. Barany I. Solymosi J. An Irregular Mind: Szemeredi is 70 (Bolyai Society Mathematical Studies, 21)2010
2094. Baras F. Nicolis G. M. Malek Mansour Stochastic Theory of Adiabatic Explosion1983
2095. Barash C.I. Just Genes: The Ethics of Genetic Technologies2008
2096. Barbalet J. The Theory of Guanxi and Chinese Society2021
2097. Barbara Aland Andreas Juckel Das Neue Testament in syrischer Überlieferung1991
2098. Barbara Aland Die Weltlichkeit des Glaubens in der Alten Kirche1997
2099. Barbara Assadi Galen Gruman InDesign CS2 For Dummies2005
2100. Barbara Burke Hubbard The World According to Wavelets1996

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