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» Список нерубрицированных книг

Содержимое каталога
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15545. Zaki M. Bystroff C. Protein Structure Prediction2008
15546. Zakon E. Basic Concepts of Mathematics (The Zakon Series on Mathematical Analysis)2005
15547. Zaloom C. Out of the Pits: Traders and Technology from Chicago to London2006
15548. Zaman H. Robinson P. Petrou M. Visual Informatics: Bridging Research and Practice: First International Visual Informatics Conference, IVIC 2009 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, November ... Vision, Pattern Recognition, and Graphics)2009
15549. Zanatt M.M. (ed.) Grupos económicos y mediana empresa familiar en América Latina2014
15550. Zanetti M. Schoenberger S.P. Memory T Cells. Volume 6842010
15551. Zapata F. Cerutti H. Funes P. La búsqueda perpetua : lo propio y lo universal de la cultura latinoamericana. Volumen 2. El pensamiento filosófico, político y sociológico2011
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15555. Zarra M. Long M. Core Animation: Simplified Animation Techniques for Mac and iPhone Development2010
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15558. Zavialov P. Physical Oceanography of the Dying Aral Sea2005
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15560. Zbilut J. Unstable Singularities and Randomness: Their Importance in the Complexity of Physical, Biological and Social Sciences2003
15561. Zdenek Bittnar Peter J M Bartos Jiri Nemecek Nanotechnology in Construction: Proceedings of the NICOM3 (Springer Proceedings in Physics) (1 edition)2009
15562. Zdzislaw Alexander Melzak Mathematical Ideas, Modeling & Applications: Volume II of Companion to Concrete Mathematics1976
15563. Zeba A. Crook Reconceptualising Conversion2004
15564. Zebende G. F. Penna T. J. P. The Domany-Kinzel Cellular Automaton Phase Diagram1993
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15566. Zehnder E. Lectures on Dynamical Systems: Hamiltonian Vector Fields and Symplectic Capacities (Ems Textbooks in Mathematics)2010
15567. Zeidler E. Quantum field theory 1: Basics in mathematics and physics: a bridge between mathematicians and physicists2009
15568. Zeikowitz R. E. Letters between Forster and Isherwood on Homosexuality and Literature2008
15569. Zeis E.M. I Have a Very Good Trust in My God: La Construction de la Religiosité Des Jeunes Gens Sunnites À Beyrouth (Band 288 edition)2009
15570. Zeiter Band Von den anfangen roms bis zum ausgang der republik1972
15571. Zeiter K.C. Die Erfindung einer Nationalliteratur. Literaturgeschichten Argentiniens und Chiles (1860 ñ 1920)2011
15572. Zeland V. Tufti the Priestess. Live Stroll Through A Movie2018
15573. Zelkowitz M. Advaces in computers. Volume 471998
15574. Zelkowitz M. Advances in Computers. Volume 60. Information Security2004
15575. Zelkowitz M. Architectural Issues2007
15576. Zelkowitz M. Highly Dependable Software (1 edition)2003
15577. Zelmanov A. Chronometric invariants2006
15578. Zengliang Yu Introduction to Ion Beam Biotechnology (1 edition)2005
15579. Zeno Ackermann Sabine Schülting Shylock nach dem Holocaust2011
15580. Zentz L. Math for Pharmacy Technicians2010
15581. Zereini F. Wiseman C. L. S. Urban Airborne Particulate Matter: Origin, Chemistry, Fate and Health Impacts (1st edition)2010
15582. Zermelo E. Ebbinghaus H.-D. Kanamori A. Ernst Zermelo. Collected works, - Set theory, miscellanea2010
15583. Zerzan A. New Technologies, New Risks?: Innovation and Countering the Financing of Terrorism2009
15584. Zhan-Ning Hu Bo-Yu Hou Remarks on the Star-Triangle Relation in the Baxter-Bazhanov Model1994
15585. Zhang C. Lukose D. Distributed Artificial Intelligence Architecture and Modelling: First Australian Workshop on DAI, Canberra, ACT, Australia, November 13, 1995. Proceedings1996
15586. Zhang D. Kamel M. Baciu G. Integrated Image and Graphics Technologies2004
15587. Zhang F. Shock Wave Science and Technology Reference Library, Vol.4: Heterogeneous Detonation2009
15588. ZHANG FA The History and Spirit of Chinese Art2003
15589. Zhang G.-M. Guo Y.-X. Cheng C.-Y. Arginine infusion rescues ovarian follicular development in feedrestricted Hu sheep during the luteal phase2020
15590. Zhang H. Xie L. Control and Estimation of Systems with Input Output Delays2007
15591. Zhang J. Rokosh G. Cardiac Gene Expression. Methods and Protocols2007
15592. Zhang J. Rokosh G. Cardiac Gene Expression: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology Volume 366)2007
15593. Zhang J. Liu J. Wang Z. Self-Assembled Nanostructures (Nanostructure Science and Technology)2004
15594. Zhang Longxi East Asian Comparative Literature and Culturen/a
15595. Zhang M. Nelson B. Felder R. Life Science Automation Fundamentals and Applications (Bioinformatics & Biomedical Imaging)2007
15596. Zhang M. Q. Pair Correlation Function for Ising Spins with Competing Dynamics1988
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15598. Zhang P. Galletta D. Shneiderman B. Human computer Interaction And Management Information Systems: Foundations (Advances in Management Series)2006
15599. Zhang Q. Zhou Q. Wu S. Synthesis and characterization of a novel monolithic electro-optic molecular glass2020
15600. Zhang Y.Z. Lorentz and Poincare invariance: 100 years of relativity (1st edition)2002
15601. Zhao H. Yang C. Xian Zhang Biohydrometallurgy of Chalcopyrite2021
15602. Zhao S. Stodolsky M. Bacterial Artificial Chromosomes. Library Construction, Physical Mapping, and Sequencing2004
15603. Zhao Y. Berry Fruit: Value-Added Products for Health Promotion (Food Science and Technology)2007
15604. Zhao Y. Wang Y. Yao J. Effect of turbulence-driven secondary flow on particle preferential concentration and clustering in turbulent square duct flows2020
15605. Zharkova V. Artificial Intelligence in Recognition and Classification of Astrophysical and Medical Images (Studies in Computational Intelligence)2007
15606. Zhdanov V. P. Kasemo B. Surface Restructuring, Kinetic Oscillations, and Chaos in Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions1999
15607. Zheming Cheng Robert Savit Structure Factor of Substitutional Sequences1990
15608. Zheng W. M. Schieve W. C. Transition Probabilities and Stochastic Equations for the Mean Field Ising Model1982
15609. Zheng Y. Advances in Cryptology - ASIACRYPT 20022002
15610. Zhengyan L. Chuanrong L. Limit theory for mixing dependent random variables1996

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