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» Список нерубрицированных книг

Содержимое каталога
15471. Yoshiki Kuramoto Ikuko Nishikawa Statistical Macrodynamics of Large Dynamical Systems. Case of a Phase Transition in Oscillator Communities1987
15472. Yoshimi Saito Spectral Representations for Schrodinger Operators With Long-Range Potentials1979
15473. Yoshitake Yamazaki Arno Holz Moyuru Ochiai Static and Dynamic Properties of XY Systems with Extended Defects in Cubic Anisotropic Crystallines1985
15474. Yoshizawa T. Handbook of Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics2000
15475. Yossi Rubner Carlo Tomasi Perceptual metrics for image database navigation (1 edition)2001
15476. Yossi Shussman Amnon Aharony Self-Avoiding Walks on Random Fractal Environments1994
15477. You Shuxiang Prosodic Phonology of the Fuzhou Dialect2020
15478. Young C. Kim Mikhail A. Anisimov Jan V. Sengers Crossover Critical Behavior in the Three-Dimensional Ising Model2002
15479. Young H.D. Freedman R.A. Sears and Zemansky's university physics2008
15480. Young Ho Kim Die Parusie bei Lukas Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft2016
15481. Young K. Informatics for Healthcare Professionals (1 edition)2000
15482. Young L. Japan's Total Empire. Manchuria and the Culture of Wartime Imperialism1999
15483. Young N. Surveys in geometry and number theory: Reports on contemporary russian mathematics2007
15484. Young S. Kim Woodford W. Zachary The Physics of Phase Space Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos Geometric Quantization, and Wigner Function (1 edition)1987
15485. Youngblood N. The Development of Mine Warfare: A Most Murderous and Barbarous Conduct (War, Technology, and History)2006
15486. Yourcenar M. FUOCHIn/a
15487. Youssef H. El-Hofy H. Machining Technology: Machine Tools and Operations2008
15488. Yovits M.C. Advances in computers. Volume 321991
15489. Yu G. Global and stochastic analysis with applications to mathematical physics2011
15490. Yu P. Made By Taiwan: Booming in the Information Technology Era2001
15491. Yu-Jin Zhang 3-D Computer Vision2023
15492. Yu. D. Burago Geometry IIIn/a
15493. Yu.V. Egorov Partial Differential Equations VIn/a
15494. Yuan J. Ward J. Membrane Receptors, Channels and Transporters in Pulmonary Circulation (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, Vol. 661)2010
15495. Yuan S.-T. Yokoo M. Intelligent Agents: Specification, Modeling, and Application: 4th Pacific Rim International Workshop on Multi-Agents, PRIMA 2001 (1 edition)2001
15497. Yuan Y. Yang X. Li Y. Expression and prognostic significance of fatty acid synthase in clear cell renal cell carcinoma (5 edition)2020
15498. Yue W. Takahashi Y. Takagi H. Advances in Queueing Theory and Network Applications2009
15501. Yuichiro Anzai Hirohiko Mori Katsuhiko Ogawa Symbiosis of Human and Artifact: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction1995
15502. Yuji Yamada Bethe Ansatz Equations for the Broken Z_N-Symmetric Model1995
15503. Yukhnovskii I. R. ldzyk I. M. Investigation of a Homogeneous Many-Particle System in the Vicinity of the Critical Point1994
15504. Yukhnovsky I. R. Shulepov Yu. V. Theory of the Spontaneous Polarization of the Adsorbed Monolayer of Polar Molecules. The Collective Variables Method1984
15505. Yukich J. E. Probability Theory of Classical Euclidean Optimization Problems1998
15506. Yukie A. Shintani Zeta functions1993
15507. Yukihiko Hara Green Tea Health Benefits and Applications (1 edition)2001
15508. Yukio Nagahata Fluctuation Dissipation Equation for Lattice Gas with Energy2002
15509. Yun-Heh Chen-Burger Dave Robertson Automating Business Modelling: A Guide to Using Logic to Represent Informal Methods and Support Reasoning (1st Edition.)2004
15510. Yung-Li Lee Pan J. Hathaway R. Fatigue Testing and Analysis. Theory and Practice (1 edition)2004
15511. Yupeng Yan Kobdaj C. Suebka P. Few-Body Problems in Physics: Proceedings of the 3rd Asia-Pacific Conference2007
15512. Yuri Bakhtin Existence and Uniqueness of Stationary Solutions for 3D Navier–Stokes System with Small Random Forcing via Stochastic Cascades2005
15513. Yuri Kabanov Mher Safarian Markets with Transaction Costs: Mathematical Theory (Springer Finance) (1st Edition.)2009
15514. Yuri Makeenko Methods of contemporary gauge theory (1 edition)2002
15515. Yuri Nikolsky Julie Bryant Protein Networks and Pathway Analysis2009
15516. Yuri Tschinkel Yuri Zarhin Algebra, arithmetic, and geometry: In honor of Yu.I.Manin2009
15517. Yuriy K. Sirenko Staffan Strom Nataliya P. Yashina Modeling and Analysis of Transient Processes in Open Resonant Structures New Methods and Techniqu (1 edition)2006
15518. Yuryev A. PCR Primer Design2007
15519. Yutaka Ishikawa Rodney R. Oldehoeft John V.W. Reynders Scientific Computing in Object-Oriented Parallel Environments: First International Conference, ISCOPE '97, Marina del Rey, California, December 8-11, 1997. Proceedings (1 edition)1997
15520. Yuval Ne'eman Algebraic Theory of Particle Physics: Hadron Dynamics in Terms of Unitary Spin Currents1967
15521. Yves Deswarte Gerard Eizenberg Jean-Jacques Quisquater Computer Security - ESORICS 92 (1 edition)1992
15522. Yves Pochet Laurence A. Wolsey Production Planning by Mixed Integer Programming (1 edition)2006
15523. Yves Pomeau Friction on a Spinning Piece of Matter2005
15524. Yves-Emmanuel Levy A Note on Sinai and Bunimovich's Markov Partition for Billiards1986
15525. Yvette Kosmann-Schwarzbach The Noether Theorems: Invariance and Conservation Laws in the Twentieth Century (Sources and Studies in the History of Mathematics and Physical Sciences) (1st Edition.)2010
15527. Z. Chen Finite Element Methods and Their Applications2005
15528. Z. I. Borevich I. R. Shafarevich Number Theory (Pure and Applied Mathematics)1986
15529. Z. M. Bora M. Sivaramakrishnan Narratives of Environmental Challenges in Brazil and India2019
15531. Zabolitzky J. G. Bergman D. J. Stauffer D. Precision Calculation of Elasticity for Percolation1985
15532. Zacharias R. A morte da razão2011
15533. Zachariou M. Affinity Chromatography Methods and Protocols (2-nd edition)2008
15534. Zachary T. Williamson Deployment of Advanced Energy Technologies2009
15535. Zachos C. K. Fairlie D. B. Curtright T. L. Quantum Mechanics in Phase Space. Volume 342005
15536. Zagoskin A. Quantum theory of many-body systems: techniques and applications (1 edition)1998
15537. Zaharopol R. Invariant Probalbilities of Markov-Feller Operators and Their Supports2005
15538. Zahn J. Methods in Bioengineering: Biomicrofabrication and Biomicrofluidics (Artech House Methods in Bioengineering Series)2009
15539. Zajda J. Gibbs D. Comparative Information Technology: Languages, Societies and the Internet (Globalisation, Comparative Education and Policy Research)2009
15540. Zajkowski K. Bounds on tail probabilities for quadratic forms in dependent sub-gaussian random variables2020

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