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Содержимое каталога
15051. Weiyi Meng Clement Yu M. Tamer Ozsu Advanced Metasearch Engine Technology (1 edition)2010
15052. Wells D. Prime numbers. The most mysterious figures in math (1 edition)2005
15053. Wells R.O. Differential Analysis on Complex Manifolds, Third Edition (Graduate Texts in Mathematics 65) (Softcover reprint of hardcover 3rd ed. 2008 edition)2010
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15056. Weltens B. (ed.) de Bot K. (ed.) van Els T. (ed.) Language Attrition in Progress1986
15057. Wen G. Elliptic, Hyperbolic and Mixed Complex Equations with Parabolic Degeneracy: Including Tricomi-Bers and Tricomi-Frankl-Rrassias Problems (Peking University Series in Mathematics)2008
15058. Wen X.-G. Quantum field theory of many-body systems: from the origin of sound to an origin of light and electrons2004
15059. Wendlinder A. Speaking of God in Thomas Aquinas and Meister Eckhart. Beyond Analogy2014
15060. Wendy L. Martinez Angel Martinez Jeffrey Solka Exploratory Data Analysis with MATLAB (1 edition)2004
15061. Wendy S. Enelow Louise M. Kursmark Expert Resumes For Computer And Web Jobs (2 edition)2005
15062. Wenk M.R. Fernandis A.Z. A Manual for Biochemistry Protocols (Manuals in Biomedical Research) (Manuals in Biomedical Research)2007
15063. Wenyin L. Llados J. Graphics Recognition. Recent Advances and New Opportunities: 7th International Workshop, GREC 2007, Curitiba, Brazil, September 20-21, 2007, Selected2008
15064. Wenyin Liu Josep Llad?s Graphics Recognition. Ten Years Review and Future Perspectives: 6th International Workshop, GREC 2005, Hong Kong, China, August 25-26, 2005, Revised Selected Papers (1 edition)2006
15065. WERKE G. L. Heidelberger Asthetik (1916-1918)1974
15066. Wermelinger M. Margaria-Steffen T. Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering2004
15067. Wermer J. Potential Theory (2nd edition)1981
15068. Werner Fischer Hajo Leschke Peter Muller Spectral Localization by Gaussian Random Potentials in Multi-Dimensional Continuous Space2000
15069. Werner Foerste Untersuchungen über die Quellen und die Entwicklung der valentinianischen Gnosis1928
15070. Werner Hildbert Greub Stephen Halperin James Van Stone Connections, Curvature, and Cohomology: Cohomology of principal bundles and homogeneous spaces1975
15071. Werner Horn Yuval Shahar Greger Lindberg Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: Joint European Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine and Medical Decision Making, AIMDM'99, Aalborg, ... (1 edition)1999
15072. Werner Horsthemke Mark F. Schumaker Noise and Superfluid Turbulence in He II: Theory1989
15073. Werner Horsthemke Noise-Induced Clumping in the One-Dimensional Reversible Diffusion-Limited Single-Species Coagulation Process1993
15074. Werner Zager Gottesherrschaft und Endgericht in der Verkündigung Jesu1996
15075. Weron A. Weron K. Woyczynski W. A. Relaxation Functions in Dipolar Materials1994
15076. Wertheim M. S. Fluids with Highly Directional Attractive Forces. I. Statistical Thermodynamics1983
15077. Wesley Shrum Joel Genuth Ivan Chompalov Structures of Scientific Collaboration (Inside Technology)2007
15078. Wess J. Akulov V. P., editors Supersymmetry and Quantum Field Theory: Proceedings of the D. Volkov Memorial Seminar Held in Kharkov, Ukraine, 5–7 January 1997 (Lecture Notes in Physics)1998
15079. West T. In the Mind's Eye: Visual Thinkers, Gifted People With Learning Difficulties, Computer Images, and the Ironies of Creativity1991
15080. Westman C. Seeking the right level. What does today's world demand in disability reserves?1999
15081. Westman R. The Copernican Question. Prognostication, Skepticism, and Celestial Order2011
15082. Weston D. Electromagnetic Compatibility (2nd edition)2001
15083. Weston J. Godwin H. Some exercises in pure mathematics with expository comments1968
15084. Westwood J.D. Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 15: In Vivo, in Vitro, in Sili Designing the Next in Medicine (Studies in Health Technology and Informatics) (Studies in Health Technology and Informatics)2007
15085. WETHERLY P. (ed.) Political Ideologies2017
15086. Wetton P. Physical Education in Nursery and Infant Schools1987
15088. Wexler B. Weight in America: Obesity, Eating Disorders, and Other Health Risks (Information Plus Reference Series)2005
15089. Weyandt L.L. The Physiological Bases of Cognitive and Behavioral Disorders2005
15090. Weyersberg A. Holey T. Critical Behavior of the Specific Heat for Pure and Site-Diluted Simple Cubic Ising Systems1991
15091. Weyl H. Quantum theory of atomic processes2007
15092. Weyns D. Parunak H. Michel F. Environments for Multi-Agent Systems: First International Workshop, E4MAS, 2004, New York, NY, July 19, 2004, Revised Selected Papers2005
15093. Weyns D. Malek S. de Lemos R. Self-Organizing Architectures: First International Workshop, SOAR 2009, Cambridge, UK, September 14, 2009, Revised Selected and Invited Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)2010
15094. Wheeldon J. Visual Criminology. From History and Methods to Critique and Policy Translation2022
15095. Wheeler A. A. Cahn-Hoffman xsi-Vector and Its Relation to Diffuse Interface Models of Phase Transitions1998
15096. Wheeler J.A. Zurek W.H. Quantum Theory and Measurement1983
15097. White The theory of toroidallly confined plasmas1989
15098. White A. Williams J.W. Digital Minimalism in Everyday Life: Overcome Technology Addiction, Declutter Your Mind, and Reclaim Your Freedom (Mindfulness and Minimalism Book 1)2020
15099. White E. Pro .NET 2.0 Graphics Programming2005
15100. White H.D. Brief Tests of Collection Strength: A Methodology for All Types of Libraries1995
15101. White R. How Computers Work, 4th Edition (How It Works Series) (4th edition)1998
15102. White R. The Pelvis (Technique and Diagnosis)1998
15103. White R.J. The Thorax and Abdomen: Technique and Diagnosis2007
15104. Whitehurst R. Emulsifiers in Food Technology2004
15105. Whitelaw I. The Computer Book - Windows XP Edition2004
15106. Whitley D. A genetic algorithm tutorialn/a
15107. Whitlock P. A. Kalos M. H. Chester G. V. A Schwinger Variational Method for the Bloch Equation1983
15108. Whitman M. Diz F. Distress Investing: Principles and Technique2009
15109. Whittaker E. From Euclid to Eddington: A Study Of Conceptions Of The External World1958
15110. Whittington S. G. Self-Avoiding Walks with Geometrical Constraints1983
15111. WHO Guidelines for the Programmatic Management of Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis: Emergency Update 2008 (1 edition)2008
15112. Wibkirchen M. Chern numbers and Rozansky-Witten invariants of compact Hyper-Kahler manifolds2004
15113. Wicker S. Kim S. Fundamentals of Codes, Graphs, and Iterative Decoding (The International Series in Engineering and Computer Science)2002
15114. Widder D. V. The heat equation1976
15115. Widder M. E. Titulaer U. M. The Influence of Temperature Gradients on the Kinetic Boundary Layer Problem for a Condensing Droplet1991
15116. Widder M. E. Titulaer U. M. The Moment Method for Boundary Layer Problems in Brownian Motion Theory1989
15117. Widerquist K. The Problem of Property: Taking the Freedom of Nonowners Seriously (1-st edition)2023
15118. Wiedijk F. The Seventeen Provers of the World: Foreword by Dana S. Scott2006
15119. Wiehenbrauk D. Collaborative Promotions: Optimizing Retail Supply Chains with Upstream Information Sharing (1st Edition.)2010
15120. Wienands R. Joppich W. Practical Fourier Analysis for Multigrid Methods2004

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