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Содержимое каталога
14491. Tuerker C. Peer-to-Peer, Grid, and Service-Orientation in Digital Library Architectures: 6th Thematic Workshop of the EU Network of Excellence DELOS, Cagliari,2005
14492. Tufte E.R. The Visual Display of Quantitative Information (2-nd edition)2001
14493. Tulchin Joseph S América Latina Estados Unidos2016
14494. Tullio Ceccherini-Silberstein Michel Coornaert Cellular automata and groups2010
14495. Tullis T. Albert W. Measuring the User Experience: Collecting, Analyzing, and Presenting Usability Metrics2008
14496. Tuma T. Buermen A. Circuit Simulation with SPICE OPUS: Theory and Practice2009
14497. Tuncer Cebeci ian P. Shao Fassi Kafyeke Computational Fluid Dynamics for Engineers1998
14498. Tung W. Group theory in physics. Problems and solutions1991
14499. Tung-chen Chung William C. Meeeham Defect of the Five-Thirds Law Using the Wiener-Hermite Expansion1989
14500. Tuofu Zhu Human Retrovirus Protocols: Virology and Molecular Biology (Methods in Molecular Biology 304)2005
14501. Turaev D. Rom-Kedar V. Soft Billiards with Corners2003
14502. Turesson B.O. Lecture Notes in Mathematics (1736). Nonlinear potential theory and weighted Sobolev spaces2000
14503. Turin M. (ed.) Wheeler C. (ed.) Wilkinson E. (ed.) Oral Literature in the Digital Age: Archiving Orality and Connecting with Communities2013
14504. Turkington C. Pound C.R. The WHO Manual on Diagnostic Imaging Radiographic Technique and Projections2004
14505. Turksen K. Embryonic Stem Cell Protocols: Volume II: Differentiation Models (Methods in Molecular Biology) (2 edition)2006
14506. Turksen K. Epidermal Cells: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology) (Methods in Molecular Biology Series)2005
14507. Turner B. Workbook of Atmosphere Dispersion Estmiates1994
14508. Turner F.J. The Character and Influence of the Indian Trade in Wisconsin1891
14509. Turner J. The Extended Organism: The Physiology of Animal-Built Structures2000
14510. Turner J.G. McCluskey T.L. The construction of formal specifications: an introduction to the model-based and algebraic approaches1993
14511. Turner K. J. Magill E. H. Marples D. J. Service Provision: Technologies for Next Generation Communications (1 edition)2004
14512. Turner S. Evaluation of the CYSA TANF Programs in California: Final Report2004
14513. Turton N. ABC of CommonGrammatical Errors1995
14514. Turyshev S. From Quantum to Cosmos: Fundamental Physics Research in Space2009
14515. Tveito A. Winther R. Introduction to Partial Differential Equations: A Computational Approach2008
14516. Tweney R. Gorman M. Gooding D. Scientific and Technological Thinking2005
14517. Twyman R. Advanced Molecular Biology A Concise Reference2003
14518. TYE М. Vagueness and the Evolution of Consciousness: Through the Looking Glass2021
14519. Tyler D.J. Carr and Latham's Technology of Clothing Manufacture, Fourth Edition (4 edition)2008
14520. Tyler Veak Democratizing Technology: Andrew Feenberg's Critical Theory of Technology2006
14521. Tyman J. Synthetic and Natural Phenols1996
14522. Tymann P. Reynolds C. Osborne Schaum's Outline Of Principles Of Computer Science (1 edition)2008
14523. Tymms M.J. Kola I. Gene Knockout Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology Vol 158)2001
14524. Tze-Fei Wong J. Prebiotic Evolution and Astrobiology (First edition)2009
14525. Tzekaki M. Kaldrimidou M. Sakonidis H. Proceedings of the 33rd Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education:In Search for Theories in Mathematics Education Volume 52009
14528. U. S. Department of Health & Human Services Toxicological profiles - Polybrominated Biphenyls And Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers2004
14529. U. S. Israel Workshop on Model Theory in Mathematical L Baldwin J. Classification Theory. Proc. Workshop Chicago, 19851987
14530. Ubilluz J.C. (ed.) LA PANTALLA DETRÁS DEL MUNDO. Las ficciones fundamentales de Hollywood2012
14531. Uglov D. B. lvanov I. T. sl(N) Onsager's Algebra and Integrability1995
14532. Ugo Fano Rau A. R. P. Symmetries in Quantum Physics1996
14533. Ujvari S. A História E Suas Epidemias2003
14534. Uke S.J. Chaudhari G.N. Kumar Y. Tri-Ethanolamine-Ethoxylate assisted hydrothermal synthesis of nanostructured MnCo2O4 with superior electrochemical performance for high energy density supercapacitor application2020
14535. Ukita H. Micromechanical Photonics (1 edition)2006
14536. Ulber R. Sell D. White Biotechnology (Advances in Biochemical Engineering Biotechnology)2007
14537. Ulf Grenander Mathematical experiments on the computer, Volume 105 (Pure and Applied Mathematics)1982
14538. Ullman L. Liyanage M. Mac OS X Tiger Timesaving Techniques for Dummies2005
14539. Ullrich J. Shevelko V. Many-Particle Quantum Dynamics in Atomic and Molecular Fragmentation2003
14540. Ulmschneider P. Intelligent Life in the Universe From Common Origins to the Future of Humanity2004
14541. Ulmschneider P. Intelligent Life in the Universe: Principles and Requirements Behind Its Emergence, 2nd Edition (Advances in Astrobiology and Biogeophysics) (2nd edition)2006
14542. Ulrich B. Müller Studien zu Jesus und dem frühen Christentum2018
14543. Ulrich Dierkes Stefan Hildebrandt Albrecht Koster Minimal Surfaces II: Boundary Regularity (Grundlehren Der Mathematischen Wissenschaften) (1 edition)1992
14544. Ulrich F. Bitcoin a moeda na era digital (1ª Edição edition)2014
14545. Ulrich H. Hoppe Ogata H. Soller A. The Role of Technology in CSCL: Studies in Technology Enhanced Collaborative Learning (Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Series)n/a
14546. Ulrich Koschorke Differential Topology. Proc. Symposium Siegen, 1987 (1 edition)1988
14547. Ulridt Wilkens Weisheit und Torheit1959
14548. Ulrik Brandes Sabine Cornelsen Graph Drawing, 18th International Symposium, GD 2010, Konstanz, Germany, September 21-24, 2010, Revised Selected Papers (1st Edition.)2011
14549. Uma Shanker Jha Ramjee Prasad OFDM Towards Fixed and Mobile Broadband Wireless Access (Artech House Universal Personal Communications)2007
14550. Umasankar Y. Kumar S. Chen S. Nanostructured Materials for Electrochemical Biosensors2009
14551. Umberto Cherubini Giovanni Della Lunga Structured Finance2007
14552. Umberto Eco Os Limites da Interpretação2016
14553. Umberto Marini Bettolo Marconi Yi-Cheng Zhang Novel Scaling Behavior of Directed Polymers: Disorder Distribution with Long Tails19990
14554. Unaids Collaborating With Traditional Healers for HIV Prevention and Care in Sub-saharan Africa: Suggestions for Programmed Managers and Field Workers (Unaids Publication)2006
14555. Unamuno V. (ed.) Maldonado Á. (ed.) Prácticas y repertorios plurilingües en Argentina2012
14556. Uncle Fester Rick Nakayama Pedro Cavalcanti Bloody Brazilian Knife Fightin' Techniques2004
14557. Ungson G.R. Trudel J.D. Engines of Prosperity: Templates for the Information Age1998
14558. Unknown A. Handbook on the Physics and Chemistry of Rare Earths. vol.231996
14559. Unknown A. Intensional and higher-order modal logic. With applications to Montague semantics1975
14560. Uno Ingard Notes on Acoustics (1 edition)2008

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