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» Список нерубрицированных книг

Содержимое каталога
13441. Sheila Cameron MBA HANDBOOK Academic and professional skills for mastering management (Ninth Edition)1988
13442. Sheila Liming Hanging Out: The Radical Power of Killing Time2023
13443. Sheila Sparks Ralph Cynthia M. Taylor SPARKS & TAYLOR’S Nursing Diagnosis Reference Manual2013
13444. Sheldon B. Hollis B. Windsor R. Professional Visual Basic 2012 and .NET 4.5 Programming2013
13445. Sheldon Lee Glashow Laurence Mittag Three Rods on a Ring and the Triangular Billiard1996
13446. Shelly L. Vaden Joyce S. Knoll Francis W.K. Smith, Jr. Blackwell’s Five-Minute Veterinary Consult: Laboratory Tests and Diagnostic Procedures: Canine & Feline2009
13447. Shelton J.H. Handbook for Technical Writing1994
13448. Shen Z. Differential Geometry of Spray and Finsler Spacesn/a
13449. Shennan N. Combat aircraft of the Battle of Britain1971
13450. Shephard R.J. Human Physiological Work Capacity2009
13451. Shepro D. Microvascular Research Biology and Pathology. Two-Volume Set. Volume 1-2n/a
13452. Sherman E. Advanced Marine Electrics and Electronics Troubleshooting: A Manual for Boatowners and Marine Technicians2007
13453. Sherman M. Paragon: A Language Using Type Hierarchies for the Specification, Implementation, and Selection of Abstract Data Types (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) (v. 189)1985
13454. Sherman Stein How the other half thinks: adventures in mathematical reasoning2001
13455. Sherri Haab Designer Style Jewelry: Techniques and Projects for Elegant Designs from Classic to Retro (illustrated edition)2004
13456. Sherrill R.A. Prophetic Melville: Experience, Transcendence, and Tragedy1979
13457. Sherry Kinkoph Gunter Teach Yourself VISUALLY Flash CS3 Professional (1 edition)2007
13458. Shetty J. Think Like a Monk: Train Your Mind for Peace and Purpose Every Day2020
13459. Sheu J.S. Maa J.R. Katz J.L. Adsorption and Nucleation on Smooth Surfaces1988
13460. Shevlyakov G. L. Vilchevski N. O. Robustness in Data Analysis Criteria and Methods2011
13461. Shi J. Functional Food Ingredients and Nutraceuticals: Processing Technologies (1 edition)2006
13462. Shi M. Taylor C. Antigen Retrieval Immunohistochemistry Based Research and Diagnostics2010
13463. Shi-Kuo Chang Zen Chen Suh-Yin Lee Recent Advances in Visual Information Systems: 5th International Conference, VISUAL 2002 Hsin Chu, Taiwan, March 11-13, 2002. Proceedings (1 edition)2002
13464. Shigeo Kusuoka Akira Yamazaki Advances in mathematical economics. Vol, 11 (1 edition)2008
13465. Shigeo(decease) Shionoya William M. Yen Hajime Yamamoto Phosphor Handbook (2 edition)2006
13466. Shihe Yang Physics and Chemistry of Nano-structured Materials (1 edition)1999
13467. Shillor M. Sofonea M. Telega J. J. Models and Analysis of Quasistatic Contact: Variational Methods2004
13468. Shilov G. Elementary Real and Complex Analysis1973
13469. Shima H. Nakayama T. Higher mathematics for physics and engineering2010
13470. Shimabukuro J. Jake Shimabukuro Teaches Ukulele Lessons2018
13471. Shimoji K. Willis W. Evoked Spinal Cord Potentials: An illustrated Guide to Physiology, Pharmocology, and Recording Techniques2006
13472. Shimura G. Elementary Dirichlet Series and Modular Forms2007
13473. Shingari E.C. Sankenarentsi oponaanaka kinkitsarentsi. Escritura y Cuento2003
13474. Shiohama K. Shioya T. Tanaka M. The Geometry of Total Curvature on Complete Open Surfaces (Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics)2003
13476. Shirky Clay Lá vem todo mundo2012
13477. Shirley A. Bayer Joseph Altman The Human Brain during the First Trimester 40- to 42-mm Crown-Rump Lengths2022
13478. Shirley P. Fundamentals of Computer Graphics (2 edition)2005
13479. Shiryaev A. N. Grossinho M. R. Stochastic Finance2006
13480. Shivakumar R Goniwada Cloud Native Architecture and Design2022
13481. Shivakumar R Goniwada Cloud Native Architecture and Design2022
13482. Shiyi Chen Hudong Chen Gary D. Doolen A Lattice Gas Model for Thermohydrodynamics1990
13483. Shizume M. The Japanese Economy During the Great Depression The Emergence of Macroeconomic Policy in A Small and Open Economy, 1931–19362021
13484. Shlomi Dolev Distributed Computing (1 edition)2006
13485. Shlomo Havlin James E. Kiefer George H. Weiss Properties of the Skeleton of Aggregates Grown on a Cayley Tree1985
13486. Shlomo Yehuda David I. Mostofsky Iron Deficiency and Overload: From Basic Biology to Clinical Medicine (1st Edition.)2009
13487. Shmuel Fishman Italo Guarneri Laura Rebuzzini A Theory for Quantum Accelerator Modes in Atom Optics2002
13488. Shneiderman B. Leonardo's Laptop: Human Needs and the New Computing Technologies2002
13489. Shneidman V. A. Hanggi P. Microscopic Reversibility and the Nonlinear Einstein-Onsager Relation in Macroscopic Description of Nucleation1994
13490. Shonda Rhimes Mariana Kohnert O ano em que disse sim: como dançar, ficar ao sol e ser a sua própria pessoa (1ª edição edition)2016
13491. Shone T. Blockbuster2004
13492. Shooman M. L. Reliability of Computer Systems and Networks: Fault Tolerance, Analysis, and Design2002
13493. Shoseyov O. Levy I. NanoBioTechnology: BioInspired Devices and Materials of the Future2008
13494. Shostak S. The Evolution of Death: Why We Are Living Longer (Suny Series in Philosophy and Biology)2006
13495. Shrum W. Genuth J. Chompalov I. Structures of Scientific Collaboration (Inside Technology)2007
13496. Shu C. Niu X. D. Chew Y. T. A Lattice Boltzmann Kinetic Model for Microflow and Heat Transfer2004
13497. Shu-Chiuan Chang Jesu ́s Salas Exact Potts Model Partition Functions for Strips of the Square Lattice2001
13498. Shubho Banerjee Griffiths R. B. Widom M. Thermodynamic Limit for Polydisperse Fluids2001
13499. Shui Feng lan Iscoe Timo Seppalainen A Class of Stochastic Evolutions That Scale to the Porous Medium Equation1996
13500. Shuichi Tasaki Pierre Gaspard Fick's Law and Fractality of Nonequilibrium Stationary States in a Reversible Muitibaker Map1995
13501. Shulin G. China's Industrial Technology: Market Reform and Organizational Change (Unu Intech Studies in New Technology and Development, 8)1999
13502. Shum Heung-Yeung Liao M. Chang Shih-Fu Advances in Multimedia Information Processing - PCM 2001: Second IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Multimedia Bejing, China, October 24-26, 2001 Proceedings (1 edition)2001
13503. Shunlong Luo Zhengmin Zhang An Informational Characterization of Schrödinger’s Uncertainty Relations2003
13504. Shunlong Luo Fisher Information Matrix of Husimi Distribution2000
13505. Shvartsman A. Principles of Distributed Systems: 10th International Conference, OPODIS 2006, Bordeaux, France, December 12-15, 2006, Proceedings2006
13506. Shyam Bahadur John H. Magee Wear Processes in Manufacturing1999
13507. Shyamasundar R.K. Kazunori Ueda Advances in Computing Science - ASIAN'97: Third Asian Computing Science Conference, Kathmandu, Nepal, December 9-11, 1997. Proceedings (1 edition)1997
13508. SHYAMKRISHNA BALGANESH The Cambridge Handbook of Copyright Limitations and Exceptions2021
13509. SHYAMKRISHNA BALGANESH NG-LOY WEE LOON HAOCHEN SUN The Cambridge Handbook of Copyright Limitations and Exceptions1921
13510. Sibuya Y. Global Theory of a Second Order Linear Ordinary Differential Equation With a Polynomial Coefficient (North-Holland mathematics studies 18)1975

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