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Содержимое каталога
13231. Schmid U. Kitzelmann E. Approaches and Applications of Inductive Programming: Third International Workshop, AAIP 2009, Edinburgh, UK, September 4, 2009, Revised Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)2010
13232. Schmidt A.B. Finance Investment. Quantitative Finance For Physicists An Introduction2004
13233. Schmidt B. Wetzig K. Ion Beams in Materials Processing and Analysis2013
13234. Schmidt H. Crnkovic I. Component-Based Software Engineering: 10th International Symposium, CBSE 2007, Medford, MA, USA, July 9-11, 2007, Proceedings2007
13235. Schmidt H. Meta-Level Control for Deductive Database Systems1991
13236. Schmidt Stephan Stoyan Stefanov Wormus Aaron Lucke Cars PHP Programming with PEAR2006
13237. Schmidt T. Stochastic Analysis on Hilbert Spaces2005
13238. Schmidt V. Electron Spectrometry of Atoms using Synchrotron Radiation (Cambridge Monographs on Atomic, Molecular and Chemical Physics)2005
13239. Schmitt P.H. Formale Systeme2007
13240. Schmittmann B . Zia R . K . P . Two-Poin t Correlation s an d Critica l Lin e o f th e Drive n Isin g Lattic e Ga s i n a High-Temperatur e Expansio n1997
13241. Schmitz R. Sound Modes in a Nonequilibrium Fluid with Acoustic Boundary Conditions1989
13242. Schneider H. Auswucht-technik2007
13243. Schneider P. Galois Representations and (φ,Γ)-Modules2017
13244. Schneiders J.-P. Introduction to Characteritic Classes and Index Theory2000
13245. Schnelle Jr. K.B. Brown C.A. Air Pollution Control Technology Handbook (Handbook Series for Mechanical Engineering)2001
13246. Schneps L. Lochak P. Geometric Galois actions. The inverse Galois problem, moduli spaces1997
13247. Schoeneberg B. Elliptic Modular Functions: An Introduction (1 edition)1974
13248. Schoenfeld A.H. Problem solving in the mathematics curriculum: A report, recommendations, and an annotated bibliography (MAA notes #1)1983
13249. Schofield J.W. Computers and Classroom Culture2010
13250. Scholl A. J. Taylor R. L. Galois Representations in Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series)1999
13251. Scholten H. Velde R. Manen N. Geospatial Technology and the Role of Location in Science (GeoJournal Library, 96)2009
13252. Scholz M. Wetland Systems: Storm Water Management Control (Green Energy and Technology)2011
13253. Schomburg D. Lessel U. Bioinformatics: From Nucleic Acids and Proteins to Cell Metabolism1995
13254. Schoonmaker S. High-Tech Trade Wars: U.S.-Brazilian Conflicts in the Global Economy2002
13255. Schopenhauer A. A arte de escrever2011
13256. Schowalter T. Insect Ecology : An Ecosystem Approach2006
13257. Schröter J. Butticaz S. Dettwiler A. Receptions of Paul in Early Christianity2018
13258. Schreiber E. A. Burger J. Biology of Marine Birds (1 edition)2001
13259. Schreuder S. Würde im Widerspruch. Jüdische Erzählliteratur im nationalsozialistischen Deutschland 1933-19382002
13260. Schrijver C. Siscoe G. Heliophysics: Space Storms and Radiation: Causes and Effects, Volume 22010
13261. Schroder M. Functional Metal-Organic Frameworks: Gas Storage, Separation and Catalysis (1st Edition. 2nd Printing.)2010
13262. Schrodinger E. Collected papers on wave mechanics (Second edition)1929
13263. Schroeder D. V. An introduction to thermal physics (US ed edition)1999
13264. Schubert H. Rimski-Korsakov A. Stand-off Detection of Suicide Bombers and Mobile Subjects (NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics)2006
13265. Schubert M. Information Development:.Managing Your Documentation Projects, Portfolio, and People (2nd edition)2007
13266. Schubert M. Boche H. QoS-Based Resource Allocation and Transceiver Optimization (Foundations and Trends in Communications and Information Theory)2006
13267. Schuenemann V. Biophysik: Eine Einfuehrung (1 edition)2004
13268. Schuerer K. Maufrais C. Letondal C. Introduction to Programmingusing Python Programming Course for Biologistsat the Pasteur Institute2005
13269. Schugerl K. Biotechnology, 2nd Edition, Volume 4: Measuring, Modelling and Control (2nd edition)1991
13270. Schuldt J. Bonanza macroeconómica y malestar microeconómico : apuntes para el estudio del caso peruano, 1988-20042004
13271. Schulkin J. Rethinking Homeostasis: Allostatic Regulation in Physiology and Pathophysiology2003
13272. Schuller-Zwierlein A. (ed.) Wiethof A. (ed.) Hußmann H. (ed.) Media Architecture2017
13273. Schulthess G. Zollikofer C. Musculoskeletal Diseases: Diagnostic Imaging and Interventional Techniques2005
13274. Schulthess G. Zollikofer C. Musculoskeletal Diseases: Diagnostic Imaging and Interventional Techniques2005
13275. Schultz R.A. Information Technology and the Ethics of Globalization: Transnational Issues and Implications2009
13276. Schulz K. U. Word Equations and Related Topics: 1st International Workshop, IWWERT '90, T?bingen, Germany, October 1-3, 1990. Proceedings (1 edition)1992
13277. Schulz-BaIdes H. Bellissard J. A Kinetic Theory for Quantum Transport in Aperiodic Media1998
13278. Schulze E.-D. Beck E. Müller-Hohenstein K. Plant Ecology2005
13279. Schumacher B. Westmoreland M. Quantum Processes Systems, & Information2010
13280. Schurman R. Kelso D. Engineering Trouble: Biotechnology and Its Discontents2003
13281. Schurr A. Nagl M. Zundorf A. Applications of Graph Transformations with Industrial Relevance: Third International Symposium, AGTIVE 2007, Kassel, Germany, October 10-12, 2007,2008
13282. Schuster D. Blackwell T. Molecular Imaging of the Lungs2005
13283. Schuster G. Die Beduinen in der Vorgeschichte Tunesiens: Die ""Invasion"" der Banu Hilal und ihre Folgen (Band 269 edition)2019
13284. Schutte K. Crossley J.N. Proof theory1977
13285. Schwabl F. Propagation of Sound at Continuous Structural Phase Transitions1985
13286. Schwarcz J. The Genie in the Bottle: 68 All New Commentaries on the Fascinating Chemistry of Everyday Life2001
13287. Schwarcz L. O ar que me falta: História de uma curta infância e de uma longa depressão2021
13289. Schwartz D. Medicine Science and Dreams: The Making of Physician-Scientists2011
13290. Schwartz J. Nonlinear Functional Analysis1969
13291. Schwartz R. Biological Modeling and Simulation - A Survey of Practical Models, Algorithms, and Numerical Methods2008
13292. Schwarz T. Satola D. Telecommunications Legislation in Transitional and Developing Economies2000
13293. Schwarz T. Satola D. Telecommunications Legislation in Transitional and Developing Economies (World Bank Technical Paper)2000
13294. Schweber S. S. An introduction to relativistic quantum field theory1961
13295. Schweber S.S. Bethe H.A. de Hoffmann F. Mesons and fields, vol.11995
13296. Schweickart N. Töpfer A. Wertorientiertes Management: Werterhaltung - Wertsteuerung - Wertsteigerung ganzheitlich gestalten2005
13297. Schweitzer M. Laredo J. New Techniques in Interventional Musculoskeletal Radiology2007
13298. Schweizer U. Muslime in Europa: Staatsbürgerschaft und Islam in einer liberalen und säkularen Demokratie (Band 281 edition)2019
13299. Schwind P. Fascial and Membrane Technique: A manual for comprehensive treatment of the connective tissue system2006
13300. Schwinger J. Deraad L. Milton K. Classical Electrodynamics (The advanced book program)1998

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