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» Список нерубрицированных книг

Содержимое каталога
1262. Aha D.W. Watson I. Case-Based Reasoning Research and Development. 4th International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning, ICCBR 2001 Vancouver, BC, Canada, July 30 - August 2, 20012001
1263. Aharon Ben-Tal Laurent El Ghaoui Arkadi Nemirovski Robust optimization2009
1264. Ahlberg J. Nilson E. Walsh J. The Theory of Splines and Their Applications (Mathematics in Science and Engineering 38)1967
1265. Ahmad K. Brewster C. Stevenson M. Words and Intelligence I: Selected Papers by Yorick Wilks (Text, Speech and Language Technology)2007
1266. Ahmad M. Al-Dubayan Galen: „Über die Anatomie der Nerven" Originalschrift und alexandrinisches Kompendium in arabischer Überlieferung2000
1267. Ahmad S. Diseases of DNA Repair (1st Edition.)2010
1268. Ahmad S.A.B. Fermion QFT in black hole spacetimes1997
1269. Ahmed A. Shabana Dynamics of Multibody Systems (Third Edition)2005
1270. Ahmed Boukous Revitalizing the Amazigh Language Stakes, Challenges, and Strategies2011
1271. Ahmed Fekry Ibrahim Child Custody in Islamic Law Theory and Practice in Egypt since the Sixteenth Century2018
1272. Ahmed H. Spreadbury P. J. Analogue and Digital Electronics for Engineers: An Introduction (Electronics Texts for Engineers and Scientists)1984
1273. Ahrenkiel R. Lundstrom M. Semiconductors and Semimetals, Volume 39 Minority Carriers in III-V Semiconductors Physics and Applications1993
1274. Ahrweiler H. L'ideologie politique de l'Empire byzantin1975
1275. Ahuja H. Dozzi S. AbouRizk S. Project Management: Techniques in Planning and Controlling Construction Projects, 2nd Edition (2nd edition)1994
1276. Ahuja S. Alsante K. Handbook of Isolation and Characterization of Impurities in Pharmaceuticals (SST) (Separation Science and Technology)2003
1277. Ai zenberg L.A. Dautov Sh.A. Translations of MATHEMATICAL MONOGRAPHS. Differential Forms orthogonal to Holomorphic Functions or Forms, and Their Properties1983
1278. Ai-Hua Fan De-Jun Feng On the Distribution of Long-Term Time Averages on Symbolic Space1999
1279. Aiello R. Batra A. Ultra Wideband Systems: Technologies and Applications (Communications Engineering)2006
1280. Aiessandra Celletti Alessandro E. P. Villa Determination of Chaotic Attractors in the Rat Brain1996
1281. Aiman Ibrahim Der Herausbildungsprozeß des arabisch-islamischen Staates1994
1282. Airfix Productions Ltd. Каталог масштабных сборных моделей фирмы Airfix / Airfix 1971 construction kits1971
1283. Aitken R. Antibody Phage Display: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology) (2nd edition)2009
1284. Aizenman M. Goldstein S. Lebowitz J. L. Bounded Fluctuations and Translation Symmetry Breaking in One-Dimensional Particle Systems2000
1285. Aizenman M. Communications in Mathematical Physics - Volume 2512004
1286. Aizenman M. Chayes J. T. Discontinuity of the Magnetization in One-Dimensional 1/Ix _y|^2 Ising and Potts Models1987
1287. Aizenman M. (Chief Editor) Brydges D. Communications in Mathematical Physics2003
1288. Aizenman M.(Chief Editor) Communications In Mathematical Physics - Volume 2632006
1289. Aizenman Michael Newman Charles M. Tree Graph Inequalities and Critical Behavior in Percolation Models1984
1290. Ajdin Imsirovic React From Scratch, Book 2: Hooks and forms2023
1291. Ajikumar Aryangat The MCAT Chemistry Book2006
1292. Ajoy K. Datta Maria Gradinariu Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems: 8th International Symposium, SSS 2006, Dallas, TX, USA, November 17-19, 2006, Proceedings (1 edition)2006
1293. Ajoy K. Palit Dobrivoje Popovic An Introduction to the Mathematics of Money: Saving and Investing (1 edition)2006
1294. Akashdeep Bhardwaj Keshav Kaushik Practical Digital Forensics2023
1295. Akbar A. Saeed A. Contemporary Approaches to the Qurʾān and Its Interpretation in Iran2020
1296. Akera A. Calculating a Natural World: Scientists, Engineers, and Computers During the Rise of U.S. Cold War Research (Inside Technology)2007
1297. Akhmanov S. Nikitin S. Physical optics1997
1298. Akinci G. Private Tutor for SAT Math Success 20062006
1299. Akira Namatame Taisei Kaizouji Yuuji Aruka The Complex Networks of Economic Interactions: Essays in Agent-Based Economics and Econophysics (1 edition)2006
1300. Akira Sakai Erratum on “Mean-field Behavior for the Survival Probability and the Percolation Point-to-Surface Connectivity”2005
1301. Akira Sakai Mean-Field Behavior for the Survival Probability and the Percolation Point-to-Surface Connectivity2004
1302. Akito Futaki Kaehler-Einstein metrics and integral invariants (1 edition)1988
1303. Akkermans H. Bogerd P. van Doremalen J. Travail, transparency and trust: A case study of computer-supported collaborative supply chain planning in high-tech electronics2004
1304. Akman V. Bouquet P. Thomason R. Modeling and Using Context: Third International and Interdisciplinary Conference, CONTEXT, 2001, Dundee, UK, July 27-30, 2001, Proceedings2001
1305. Akoumianakis D. Virtual Community Practices and Social Interactive Media: Technology Lifecycle and Workflow Analysis (Premier Reference Source)2009
1306. Aksit M. Mezini M. Objects, Components, Architectures, Services, and Applications for a Networked World: International Conference NetObjectDays, NODe 2002, Erfurt,2003
1307. Aktas A. Yagmur KIRCICEK Solar hybrid systems: design and application2021
1308. Al Brooks Reading Price Charts Bar by Bar: The Technical Analysis of Price Action for the Serious Trader2009
1309. Al Cuoco Mathematical Connections: A Companion for Teachers (Classroom Resource Material)2005
1310. Al Sweigart CRACKING CODES WITH PYTHON An Introduction to Building and Breaking Ciphers2018
1311. Alıcı G. Seelenlehre und Seelenerziehung Das Werk »as-Sayr wa-s-sulūk« des osmanisch-arabischen Sufis Qāsim al-Ḫānī2020
1312. Al-Shaer E.S. Pacifici G. Management of Multimedia on the Internet: 4th IFIP/IEEE International Conference on Management of Multimedia Networks and Services (1 edition)2001
1313. Aladdin M. Y. The liar speaks the truth: A defense of the revision theory of truth1993
1314. Alain F. Zuur Elena N. Ieno Neil Walker Mixed Effects Models and Extensions in Ecology with R (1 edition)2009
1315. Alain Haraux Nonlinear Evolution Equations. Global Behavior of Solutions (1 edition)1981
1316. Alain Herriott Supercharging Quantum Touch: Advanced Techniques2007
1317. Alain Joye Upper Bounds for the Energy Expectation in Time-Dependent Quantum Mechanics1995
1318. Alain Messager A Model with Simultaneous First and Second Order Phase Transitions2005
1319. Alam Zeb Phenolic Antioxidants in FoodsChemistry, Biochemistry and Analysis2021
1320. Alampay E. Living the information society in Asia2009
1321. Alan Bridges Construction Net: Online Information Sources for the Construction Industry (1st ed edition)1996
1322. Alan Bundy Automated Deduction, Cade-12: 12th International Conference on Automated Deduction, Nancy, France, June 26 - July 1, 1994. Proceedings (1 edition)1994
1323. Alan D. Sokal Mean-Field Bounds and Correlation Inequalities1982
1324. Alan D. Wilson John W. Nicholson Acid-Base Cements: Their Biomedical and Industrial Applications (Chemistry of Solid State Materials)2005
1325. Alan Davies Diane Crann A Handbook of Essential Mathematical Formulae2005
1326. Alan Dearle Susan Eisenbach Component Deployment: Third International Working Conference, CD 2005, Grenoble, France, November 28-29, 2005, Proceedings (1 edition)2005
1327. Alan F.M. Moorwood Science with the VLT in the ELT Era (Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings) (1 edition)2008
1328. Alan G. King Ceramic Technology and Processing: A Practical Working Guide (1st edition)2003
1329. Alan H. D. Watson The Biology of Musical Performance and Performance-Related Injury (Pap/Cdr edition)2009
1330. Alan Hevner Samir Chatterjee Design Research in Information Systems: Theory and Practice (Integrated Series in Information Systems, 22) (1st Edition.)2010

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