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Содержимое каталога
12111. Pruitt J. Adlin T. The Persona Lifecycle: Keeping People in Mind Throughout Product Design (1 edition)2006
12112. Pryde D. Most már eszkimó vagy!1976
12113. Prytherch R. Harrod's Librarians' Glossary And Reference Book: A Directory Of Over 10,200 Terms, Organizations, Projects and Acronyms in the Areas of Information Management, ... ... Librarians' Glossary and Reference Book) (10 edition)2005
12114. Psailla G. E-Commerce and Web Technologies: 8th International Conference, EC-Web 2007, Regensburg, Germany, September 3-7, 2007, Proceedings2007
12115. Pu-Jen Cheng Min-Yen Kan Wai Lam Information Retrieval Technology (1st edition)2010
12116. Pucci P. Serrin J. The Maximum Principle2007
12117. Puccio C.D.M. (ed.) DESAFÍOS ÉTICOS EN LOS NEGOCIOS2020
12118. Puchner M. O mundo da escrita: Como a literatura transformou a civilização2019
12119. Puckette M. The Theory and Technique of Electronic Music2006
12120. Puglisi J.D. Biophysics and the Challenges of Emerging Threats (NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics)2009
12121. Pugnaire F. Valladares F. (eds.) Functional Plant Ecology2007
12122. Puigjaner L. Espuna A. European Symposium on Computer-aided Process Engineering-15: 38th European Symposium of the Working Party on Computer Aided Process Engineering: Escape-15, 29 May - 1 June 2005, Barcelona, Spainn/a
12123. Pukelsheim F. Optimal Design of Experiments2006
12124. Pulendran B. Ahmed R. From Innate Immunity to Immunological Memory2006
12125. Pulli K. Aarnio T. Miettinen V. Mobile 3D Graphics: with OpenGL ES and M3G2008
12126. Puri R R Mathematical Methods Of Quantum Optics2001
12127. Purser S. A Practical Guide to Managing Information Security (Artech House Technology Management Library)2004
12128. Putirka K. Tepley F. Minerals, Inclusions, and Volcanic Processess2008
12129. Putnam H. The Collapse of the Fact/Value Dichotomy and Other Essays2002
12130. Putnik G. Cunha M. Knowledge and Technology Management in Virtual Organizations: Issues, Trends, Opportunities and Solutions2007
12131. Putt A. Putt's Law and the Successful Technocrat: How to Win in the Information Age2006
12132. Putwain D.W. Gallard D. Beaumont J. Academic buoyancy protects achievement against minor academic adversities2020
12133. Puzyn T. Leszczynski J. Cronin M. Recent Advances in QSAR Studies: Methods and Applications (Challenges and Advances in Computational Chemistry and Physics)2009
12134. Puzyn T. Leszczynski J. Cronin M. Recent Advances in QSAR Studies: Methods and Applications (Challenges and Advances in Computational Chemistry and Physics)2009
12135. Pyle M.A. Test of English as a Foreign Language preparation guide1991
12136. Pyotr Ya. Ufimtsev Fundamentals of the physical theory of diffraction (Wiley edition)2007
12137. Pовинский С.В. Тимофеев Н.К. Элементы и системы электроавтоматики1974
12138. Pуdro Franco Сoncha El gobierno corporativo en el Perú: reflexiones académicas sobre su aplicación2020
12139. Qiang Cui Ivet Bahar Normal Mode Analysis: Theory and Applications to Biological and Chemical Systems (Chapman & Hall/CRC Mathematical & Computational Biology) (1 edition)2005
12140. Qiming Zhou Brian Lees Guo-an Tang Advances in Digital Terrain Analysis (1 edition)2008
12141. Qin Meng-Zhao Zhang Mei-Qing Explicit Runge--Kutta-like Schemes to Solve Certain Quantum Operator Equations of Motion1990
12142. Qing S. Okamoto T. Zhou J. Information and Communications Security: Third International Conference, ICICS 2001, Xian, China, November 13-16, 2001. Proceedings (1 edition)2001
12143. Qing Yan Systems Biology in Drug Discovery and Development: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology, Vol. 662) (1st Edition.)2010
12144. Qiu J. Cartier C. Castells M. Working-Class Network Society: Communication Technology and the Information Have-Less in Urban China2009
12145. Quadt A. Topology-based Methods in Visualization2007
12146. Qualman E. The Focus Project: The Not So Simple Art of Doing Less2020
12147. Quarteroni A. Valli A. Numerical approximation of partial differential equations (1st ed. 1994. 2nd printing edition)2008
12148. Quas J. Fivush R. Emotion in Memory and Development: Biological, Cognitive, and Social Considerations2009
12149. Queiroga H. Cunha M. Cunha A. Marine Biodiversity: Patterns and Processes, Assessment, Threats, Management and Conservation2006
12150. Quental A. Tendências Gerais da Filosofia na Segunda Metade do Século XIX2014
12151. Quick J.D. The End of Epidemics2018
12152. Quin L. D. Tyrell J. Fundamentals of Heterocyclic Chemistry: Importance in Nature and in the Synthesis of Pharmaceuticals (1 edition)2010
12153. Quinn C. Computational Quantum Chemistry: An Interactive Guide to Basis Set Theory2002
12154. Quinn P.J. Kagan V.E. Phospholipid Metabolism in Apoptosis (Subcellular Biochemistry, Volume 36) (Subcellular Biochemistry)2002
12155. Quintana S.U. Ette O. Políticas y estrategias de la crítica: ideología, historia y actores de los estudios literarios2016
12156. Quintanilla P. Viale C. El pensamiento pragmatista en la actualidad: conocimiento, lenguaje, religión, estética y política2015
12157. Quintili P. La pensée critique de Diderot - matérialisme, science et poésie à l'âge de l'"Encyclopédie", 1742-17822001
12158. Quirchmayr G. Schweighofer E. Bench-Capon T. Database and Expert Systems Applications, DEXA 1998: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference1998
12159. Qureshi S. Embedded Systems Handbook: Embedded Systems Design and Verification (2-nd edition)2009
12160. R Bradbury Cancer (Topics in Medicinal Chemistry) (1 edition)2007
12161. R Houwink Elasticity Plasticity & the Structure of Matter1953
12163. Ríos A.S. Internacionalización de las empresas latinoamericanas2007
12164. R. A. DeCarlo and P. Lin Linear circuit analysis - solution manueln/a
12165. R. A. Hernández A. Canessa Complementariedades y exclusiones en Mesoamérica y los Andes2012
12166. R. A. Higgins Materials for Engineers and Technicians Fourth Edition (4 edition)2006
12168. R. B. Calderón SENTIDO Y ACTITUD EN LA VIDA2013
12169. R. Barrantes R. Cuenca J. Morel Las posibilidades del desarrollo inclusivo: Dos historias regionales2012
12170. R. Beals V. Protopopescu Half-Range Completeness for the Fokker-Planck Equation1983
12171. R. Beig Lecture Notes in Physics2000
12172. R. Bogadóttir Time-space Appropriation in the Inka Empire2016
12173. R. C. Hilborn Chaos and Nonlinear Dynamicsn/a
12174. R. Cerrón-Palomino El chipaya o la lengua de los hombres del agua2006
12175. R. Chang-Rodríguez ENTRE LA ESPADA Y LA PLUMA El Inca Garcilaso de la Vega y sus Comentarios reales2010
12176. R. Clift J. R. Grace M. E. Weber Bubbles, Drops, and Particles1978
12177. R. Clothey China’s Urban Future and the Quest for Stability2019
12178. R. Cohen S. K. Donaldson T. J. Lyons Operator Theory by Example2023
12179. R. Cuenca Etnicidades en construcción Identidad y acción social en contextos de desigualdad2014
12180. R. Curtis Bird Nuclear Structure And Gene Expression (Cell Biology - Series of Monographs) (1 edition)1996

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