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» Список нерубрицированных книг

Содержимое каталога
11061. Nick Aleks Black Hat GraphQL2023
11062. Nick Berardi Al Katawazi Marco Bellinaso ASP.NET MVC 1.0 Website Programming: Problem - Design - Solution (Wrox Programmer to Programmer)2009
11063. Nick Malgieri The modern baker: Time-saving techniques for breads, tarts, pies, cakes and cookies2008
11064. Nickel N. Terukov E. Zinc Oxide - A Material for Micro- and Optoelectronic Applications: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Zinc Oxide as a Material for ... II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry)2005
11066. Nicola Fourikis Advanced Array Systems, Applications and RF Technologies2002
11067. Nicola King RT-PCR Protocols, 2nd Edition (Methods in Molecular Biology, Vol 630) (2nd edition)2010
11068. Nicolas Bourbaki Sterling K. Berberian Elements of Mathematics. Integration II2004
11069. Nicolas Bourbaki Elements of Mathematics: General Topology, Pt.11967
11070. Nicolas Dirr A Stefan Problem with Surface Tension as the Sharp Interface Limit of a Nonlocal System of Phase-Field Type2003
11071. Nicolas Guelfi Anthony Savidis Rapid Integration of Software Engineering Techniques: Second International Workshop, RISE 2005, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, September 8-9, 2005, Revised (1 edition)2006
11072. Nicolas Halbwachs Doron Peled Computer Aided Verification, 11 conf., CAV '99 (1 edition)1999
11073. Nicolas Jacq Henning Muller Ignacio Blanquer From Genes to Personalized HealthCare: Grid Solutions for the Life Sciences - Proceedings of HealthGrid 2007, Volume 126 Studies in Health Technology and Informatics (1 edition)2007
11074. Nicolas Navet Francoise Simonot-Lion Automotive Embedded Systems Handbookn/a
11075. Nicolas Reynolds Key Competencies in the Knowledge Society: IFIP TC 3 International Conference, KCKS 2010, Held as Part of WCC 2010, Brisbane, Australia, September 20-23, ... in Information and Communication Technology) (1st Edition.)2010
11076. Nicole Brown Jennifer Leigh Ableism in Academia2020
11077. Nicole T. C. Chiang Emperor Qianlong’s Hidden Treasures2019
11078. Nicoleta Neagu Constraint Satisfaction Techniques for Agent-Based Reasoning (1 edition)2005
11079. Nicolle D. McBride A. Arthur And The Anglo-Saxon Wars2000
11080. Nicosia G. Cutello V. Bentley P. J. Artificial Immune Systems: Third International Conference, ICARIS 2004, Catania, Sicily, Italy, September 13-16, 2004, Proceedings (1 edition)2004
11081. Nicu Sebe Michael S. Lew Thomas S. Huang Computer Vision in Human-Computer Interaction: ICCV 2005 Workshop on HCI, Beijing, China, October 21, 2005, Proceedings (1 edition)2005
11082. Niedermeier R. Invitation to Fixed Parameter Algorithms (Oxford Lecture Series in Mathematics and Its Applications)2006
11083. Niederreiter H. Coding Theory and Cryptology2003
11084. Niederreiter H. Random Number Generation and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods1992
11085. Niels O. Schiller Antje S. Meyer Phonetics and Phonology in Language Comprehension and Production2003
11086. Nielsen J. Metabolic Engineering2001
11087. Nielsen j. Arrizabalaga H. Fragoso N. Tagging and Tracking of Marine Animals with Electronic Devices2009
11088. Nieminen R. Puska M. Manninen M., eds Many-Atom Interactions in Solids1990
11089. Nieminen R. Puska M. Manninen M. Many-Atom Interactions in Solids (1 edition)1990
11090. Nienhaus G.U. Protein-ligand Interactions: Methods and Applications2010
11091. Niessen W.J. Viergever M.A. Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention - MICCAI 2001: 4th International Conference Utrecht, The Netherlands, October 14-17, 2001. Proceedings2001
11092. Nietzsche F. Grandes obras de Nietzsche2017
11093. Nieuwenhuis R. Automated Deduction CADE-20: 20th International Conference on Automated Deduction, Tallinn, Estonia, July 22-27, 2005, Proceedings2005
11094. Nieuwenhuizen Th. M. Brand H. Diffusion and Survival in a Medium with Imperfect Traps1989
11095. Nieuwoudt J. C. Kirkpatrick T. R. Long-Range Boundary Effects in Simple Fluids1983
11096. Nievergelt J. Farrar J.C. Reingold E.M. Computer Approaches to Mathematical Problems (Prentice-Hall Series in Automatic Computation)1974
11097. Niewöhner-Eberhard E. Die Dashtakis - Familiengeschichte des Autors Hasan Fasa'i Farsnama-yi Nasiri (Band 296 edition)2019
11098. Niezen C. (ed.) Málaga I. (ed.) Franco Ó. (ed.) Balance de Investigación en Políticas Públicas 2011-2016 y Agenda de Investigación 2017-20212017
11099. Nigel Davies Elizabeth Mynatt Itiro Siio UbiComp 2004: Ubiquitous Computing: 6th International Conference, Nottingham, UK, September 7-10, 2004, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) (1 edition)2004
11100. Nigel Goldenfeld Alan McKane Qing Hou Block Spins for Partial Differential Equations1998
11101. Nigel P. Somerset Competence, Conduct, and Billion Dollar Consequences HOW REGULATORY STRATEGY AND RELATIONSHIPS CAN IMPROVE ORGANISATIONAL OUTCOMES2023
11102. Nigel Ray Grant Walker Adams memorial symposium on algebraic topology.1992
11103. Nigg E.A. (Ed.) Genome Instability in Cancer Development (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology Vol 570)2006
11104. Niiranen S. Open Information Management: Applications of Interconnectivity and Collaboration (1 edition)2009
11105. Nijay K. Gupta Worship that Makes Sense to Paul2010
11106. Nijboer B. R. A. Ruijgrok Th. W. On the Energy per Particle in Three- and Two-Dimensional Wigner Lattices1988
11107. Nik Weaver Mathematical quantization (1 edition)2001
11108. Niknejad A.M. Electromagnetics for High-Speed Analog and Digital Communication Circuits (1 edition)2007
11109. Nikolai Dokuchaev Mathematical finance: core theory, problems and statistical algorithms (New edition)2007
11110. Nikolai Ivanovich Koshkin M. Shirkevich Handbook of Elementary Physics (Russian Monographsand Texts on the Physical Sciences)1965
11111. Nikolaou C. Stephanidis C. Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries: Second European Conference, ECDL'98, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, September 21-23, 1998, Proceedings1998
11112. Nikolaus Werz Populisten, Revolutionare, Staatsmanner2010
11113. Nikolay S. Sidorenkov The Interaction Between Earth's Rotation and Geophysical Processes2009
11114. Nikolay V. Dokholyan Youngki Lee Sergey V. Buldyrev Scaling of the Distribution of Shortest Paths in Percolation1998
11115. Nikoletseas S. Rolim Jose D. P. Theoretical Aspects of Distributed Computing in Sensor Networks (1st Edition.)2011
11116. Nikolskij N.K. Functional Analysis I: Linear Functional Analysis (Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Sciences)1992
11117. Nilsson A. Design of programmable multi-standard baseband processorsn/a
11118. Nilsson N.J. Introduction to machine learning1996
11119. Nina Nelson The Clear Skin Diet2018
11120. Ning Zhong Andrzej Skowron Setsuo Ohsuga New Directions in Rough Sets, Data Mining, and Granular-Soft Computing: 7th International Workshop, RSFDGrC'99, Yamaguchi, Japan, November 9-11, 1999 Proceedings (1 edition)1999
11121. Ningomba M.S. A Course in Manipuri2001
11122. Nir S. Love Sex & Mathn/a
11123. Nira Alperson-Afil Naama Goren-Inbar The Acheulian Site of Gesher Benot Yaaqov Volume II: Ancient Flames and Controlled Use of Fire (Vertebrate Paleobiology and Paleoanthropology) (1st Edition.)2010
11124. Nirmala Prakash Mathematical Perspectives on Theoretical Physics: A Journey from Black Holes to Superstrings2003
11125. Nishida T. Jain L. Faucher C. Modelling Machine Emotions for Realizing Intelligence: Foundations and Applications (Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies)2010
11126. Nishida T. Fujii H. Mimura M. Patterns and Waves: Qualitative Analysis of Nonlinear Differential Equations (Studies in Mathematics & Its Applications)1986
11127. Nishikant Kolge Gandhi Against Caste2017
11128. Nishisato S. Multidimensional Nonlinear Descriptive Analysis2006
11129. Nishiura Togo Absolute Measurable Spaces (Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications) (1 edition)2008
11130. Nison S. Beyond Candlesticks : New Japanese Charting Techniques Revealed (Wiley Finance)1994

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