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Содержимое каталога
10711. Mooly Sagiv Programming Languages and Systems, 14 conf.,ESOP 2005 (1 edition)2005
10712. Moon J. The Module and Programme Development Handbook: A Practical Guide to Linking Levels, Outcomes and Assessment Criteria2002
10713. Moon T. Error Correction Coding : Mathematical Methods and Algorithms2005
10714. Moorad Aiexanian Statistical Entropy of a Schwarzschild Black Hole1985
10715. Moore B. Cochlear Hearing Loss: Physiological, Psychological and Technical Issues (2-nd edition)2007
10716. Moore C. C. Group representations, ergodic theory, operator algebras, and mathematical physics1987
10717. Moore G. Zermelo's axiom of choice: Its origins, development, and influence (1 edition)1982
10718. Moore J. Langley R. Biochemistry For Dummies2008
10719. Moore J. Lectures on Seiberg-Witten Invariants (1 edition)1996
10720. Moore R. Methods and applications of interval analysis (2 edition)1995
10721. Moore S. Seymour M. Global Technology and Corporate Crisis: Strategies, Planning and Communication in the Information Age2005
10722. Moore S. Global Technology and Corporate Crisis: Strategies, Planning and Communication in the Information Age (1 edition)2005
10723. Moore S. Public Relations and the History of Ideas2014
10724. Moorwood A. Science with the VLT in the ELT Era (Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings)2009
10725. Morón E. Bernedo M. Chávez J.F. Tratado de Libre Comercio con los Estados Unidos: una oportunidad para crecer sostenidamente2020
10726. Morais G. O Poder da Resiliência2020
10727. Morales J.L.B. Ciencia Religión: Horizontes de Relación Desde el Contexto Latinoamericano2012
10728. Morales-Ruiz J. Differential Galois Theory and Non-integrability of Hamiltonian Systems (draft) (1 edition)1999
10729. Moran A. TV Formats Worldwide: Localizing Global Programs2010
10730. Moran D. Giljum S. Kanemoto K. From Satellite to Supply Chain: New Approaches Connect Earth Observation to Economic Decisions2020
10731. Moran-Lopez J.L. Physics of Low Dimensional Systems (1 edition)2001
10732. Mordukhovich B. Variational Analysis and Generalized Differentiation I: Basic Theory (Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften) (v. 1)2006
10733. Mordukhovich B. Variational Analysis and Generalized Differentiation II: Applications (Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften) (v. 2)2006
10734. Moreau L. McGuinness D.L. Michaelis L.R. Provenance and Annotation of Data and Process (Third International Provenance and Annotation Workshop, IPAW 2010, Troy, NY, USA, June 2010 Revised Selected Papers)2011
10735. Morel S. On the cohomology of certain non-compact Shimura varieties2010
10736. Morell S.F. Nourishing Diets: How Paleo, Ancestral and Traditional Peoples Really Ate2018
10737. Moreno C. Guia Prático do Português Correto 12003
10738. Moreno M. A dieta dos 17 dias2012
10739. Moreno-Diaz R. Pichler F. Quesada-Arencibia A. Computer Aided Systems Theory - EUROCAST 2009: 12th International Conference on Computer Aided Systems Theory, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, ... Computer Science and General Issues)2009
10740. Moreno-Munoz A. Power Quality: Mitigation Technologies in a Distributed Environment (1 edition)2007
10741. Morgan A. Solving Polynomial Systems Using Continuation for Engineering and Scientific Problems2009
10742. Morgan J. Bass H. The Smith Conjecture (Pure and Applied Mathematics)1984
10743. Morgan R. A. Walser E. Handbook of Angioplasty and Stenting Procedures (Techniques in Interventional Radiology) (1st Edition.)2010
10744. Moriarty P. Honnery D. Rise and Fall of the Carbon Civilisation: Resolving Global Environmental and Resource Problems (Green Energy and Technology)2010
10745. Morin E. El cine o el hombre imaginario2002
10746. Morin R. Dossier,processes,FreeBSD2002
10747. Morinaga N. Kohno P. Sampei S. Wireless Communication technologies: new multimedia systems2002
10748. Morita T. Horiguchi T. Higher-Order Susceptibilities of the Regular and the Random Ising Model on the Cayley Tree. I1980
10749. Morley D. Television, Audiences and Cultural Studies1992
10750. Morlok E. Kabbala und Haskala: Isaak Satanow (17321804) zwischen jüdischer Gelehrsamkeit, moderner Physik und BerlinerAufklärung2022
10751. Morohoshi N. Komamine A. Molecular Breeding of Woody Plants2001
10752. Morris C. Advanced Paper Aircraft Constructionn/a
10753. Morris C. Nguyen-The C. Nicot P. Aerial Plant Surface Microbiology (The Language of Science)1996
10754. Morris G. Candlestick Charting Explainedn/a
10755. Morris G. Candlestick Charting Explained: Timeless Techniques for Trading Stocks and Futures (3rd edition)2006
10756. Morris J. R. Gooding R. J. Finite-Size Scaling Study of a First-Order Temperature-Driven Symmetry-Breaking Structural Phase Transition1992
10757. Morris M. Nisbett R. Peng K. Causal attribution across domains and culturesn/a
10758. Morris M. Diet for the MIND: The Latest Science on What to Eat to Prevent Alzheimer's and Cognitive Decline2017
10759. Morris P. Cereal Biotechnology2000
10760. Morris P. Bryce J. Cereal Biotechnology2000
10761. Morrison Word. 2007 Beyond the Manual2007
10762. Morrison J. Diagnosis Made Easier: Principles and Techniques for Mental Health Clinicians2006
10763. Morrison M. Unifying Scientific Theories: Physical Concepts and Mathematical Structures2000
10764. Morrison R. Kennedy J. Advances in Databases: 14th British National Conference on Database, BNCOD 14 Edinburgh, UK, July 3 - 5, 1996. Proceedings1996
10765. Morrow D. Cardiovascular Biomarkers: Pathophysiology and Disease Management (Contemporary Cardiology)2006
10766. Morrow J.A. Shi‘ism in the Maghrib and al-Andalus, Volume Two: Traditions2021
10767. Morse P.M. Thermal physics (Second edition)1965
10768. Morten Byholt Bayesian Nonparametric Density Estimation With a Local Likelihood1996
10769. Mortimer J. Adler Como Ler Livros (1 edition)2010
10770. Mortimer J. Adler Dez erros filosóficos2021
10771. Mortimer Jerome Adler Como ler livros2010
10772. Morton I. Kamien Nancy L. Schwartz Dynamic optimization: the calculus of variations and optimal control in economics and management (2nd edition)1991
10773. Morvan M. Meinel C. Krob D. STACS 98, Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science 15 conf (1 edition)1998
10774. Morville P. Rosenfeld L. Information Architecture for the World Wide Web: Designing Large-Scale Web Sites (3 edition)2006
10775. Moschovakis Y. Elementary Induction on Abstract Structures1974
10776. Moschovakis Y.N. Descriptive Set Theory1980
10777. Moscovici A. High Speed A D Converters - Understanding Data Converters Through SPICE (The Kluwer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science, Volume 601)2002
10778. Moser S.M. Chen P.-N. A student's guide to coding and information theory2012
10779. Moses J. Symbolic Integration: The Stormy Decade1971
10780. Moshe Gitterman George H. Weiss The Behavior of a Periodically-Forced Nonlinear System Subject to Additive Noise1992

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