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» Список нерубрицированных книг

Содержимое каталога
10361. Meadows, Mark Stephen Nós, Robôs2015
10362. Meager A. Gene Therapy Technologies, Applications and Regulations (1 edition)1999
10363. Meana H. P. Advances in Audio and Speech Signal Processing: Technologies and Applications2007
10364. Means B. Lindner L. Teaching Writing in Middle School: Tips, Tricks, and Techniques1998
10365. Medhi J. Stochastic Models in Queueing Theory (second edition)2002
10366. Medjaoui M. Continuous API Management (Second edition)2022
10367. Medrano J.C.R. ¿Fútbol lúdico o asociado? El surgimiento y consolidación del estilo de juego de Alianza Lima (1924-1931)2020
10368. Medvegyev P. Stochastic Integration Theory2007
10369. Meei-ling Lin Chung-tien Chin Horn-da Lin Proceedings of the International Symposium on New Generation Design Codes for Geotechnical Engineering Practice: Taipei 2006: National Taiwan University2006
10370. Meeks M.L. Methods of experimental physics. Astrophysics, radio observations1976
10371. Meenalochini G. Ramkumar S. Survey of machine learning algorithms for breast cancer detection using mammogram images2020
10372. Mees F. Swennen R. Geet M. Applications of X-ray Computed Tomography in the Geosciences (Geological Society Special Publication No. 215)2003
10373. Meg Morris Adrian Schoo Optimizing Exercise and Physical Activity in Older People2004
10374. Megard M. Parisi G. Virasoo M. Spin Glass Theory and Beyond1987
10375. Mehandjiev N. Grefen P. Dynamic Business Process Formation for Instant Virtual Enterprises (1st Edition.)2010
10376. Mehdi Khosrow-Pour Cases on Strategic Information Systems2006
10377. Mehra J. Einstein, physics and reality1999
10378. Mehra J. Rechenberg H. The Historical Development of Quantum Theory, vol. 6, part 22001
10379. Mehta D. Handbook of Data Structures and Applications2005
10380. Mehta L. Displaced by Development. Confronting Marginalisation and Gender Injustice2009
10381. Meikle H. Modern Radar Systems (2nd edition)2008
10382. Meinhard K. Numerische Methoden bei der Untersuchung von Rissen2008
10383. Meiqin Wang Socially Engaged Art in Contemporary China2019
10384. Meister V. Weck N. Wendland W. Function Theoretic Methods for Partial Differential Equations (1 edition)1976
10385. Meiuis Astronomical algorithms1991
10386. Mejía K. Rengifo E. Plantas Medicinales de Uso Popular en la Amazonía Peruana (Segunda edición corregida y aumentada edition)2000
10387. Mejlbro L. Integral operators2009
10388. Meksem K. Kahl G. The Handbook of Plant Mutation Screening: Mining of Natural and Induced Alleles (Molecular Plant Biology Handbook Series)2010
10389. Meléndez C. (ed.) Vergara A. (ed.) La iniciación de la política. El Perú político en perspectiva comparada2010
10390. Meléndez G. (ed.) Sentido histórico del V Centenario (1492-1992)1992
10391. Meleshko S. Grigoriev Y. Ibragimov N. Symmetries of Integro-Differential Equations: With Applications in Mechanics and Plasma Physics (Lecture Notes in Physics)2010
10392. Mello L. Do For Love: O que acontece quando você une sua paixão por viajar com sua vontade de ajudar?2019
10393. Melnikov K. Vainshtein A. Theory of the Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment2006
10394. Melvin Fitting Intuitionistic logic model theory and forcing1969
10395. Melvin M. Weiner Adaptive antennas and receivers (1 edition)2005
10396. Melvyn B. Nathanson Additive Number Theory: Inverse Problems and the Geometry of Sumsets (Graduate Texts in Mathematics) (Vol 165) (1 edition)1996
10397. Mendel Sachs Einstein Versus Bohr: The Continuing Controversies in Physics1988
10398. Mendelsohn E.(Editor) Journal of the History of Biology, Vol. 1, No. 21968
10399. Mendelsohn E.(Editor) Journal of the History of Biology, Volume 1, No. 11968
10400. Mendes G. Lago B. Strength of Materials (Materials Science and Technologies Series)2009
10401. Mendes R. Bueno R.C. Mude ou morra: Tudo que você precisa saber para fazer crescer seu negócio e sua carreira na nova economia2018
10402. Mendez R. Derecho Laboral. Un Enfoque Practico (2-nd edition)2014
10403. Mendling J. Weidlich M. Weske M. Business Process Modeling Notation: Second International Workshop, BPMN 2010, Potsdam, Germany, October 13-14, 2010 Proceedings2010
10404. Mendoza L. Propagación clonal: Embriogénesis somática y enraizamiento de estaquillas, dos aliados para la producción de cacao en San Martín2022
10405. Menezes A. Oorschot P. Vanstone S. Handbook of applied cryptography (1 edition)1996
10406. Meng-She Cohen E. G. D. Scaling of Particle Trajectories on a Lattice1996
10407. Menger K. Calculus : A Modern Approach1955
10408. Menken I. Blokdijk G. Virtualization: The Complete Cornerstone Guide to Virtualization Best Practices: Concepts, Terms, and Techniques for Successfully Planning, Implementing2008
10409. Mennicke J.L. Burnside Groups. Proc. workshop Bielefeld, 19771980
10410. Menzel D. H. Fundamental Formulas of Physics. vols.1,2 (Dover 1960) (2 edition)1960
10411. Mercola J. Upgrade Your Immunity with Herbs2021
10412. Meredith G. Kline Glory in Our Midst: A Biblical-Theological Reading of Zechariah's Night Visions2001
10413. Merino M.I. Ciudades sostenibles y cambio climático: desafíos, experiencias. Seminario internacional, Lima 17 al 19 de septiembre 20142014
10414. Merrick K. Messerschmitt Me 262 Described1972
10415. Merten O. Perrin P. Griffiths B. New Developments and New Applications in Animal Cell Technology2002
10416. Mertens D. M. Research and Evaluation in Education and Psychology: Integrating Diversity With Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Methods (third edition)2009
10417. Merton R. Science, Technology & Society in Seventeenth-Century England1938
10418. Merwe A. Mugur-Schächter M. Quantum Mechanics, Mathematics, Cognition and Action: Proposals for a Formalized Epistemology2003
10419. Mesa M. Bustelo M.G. Poder y democracia. Los retos del multilateralismo: Anuario CIP 20062006
10420. Mesa-Lago C. Evaluación de cuatro décadas de privatización de pensiones en América Latina (1980-2020): Promesas y realidades2020
10421. Meshorer E. Plath K. The Cell Biology of Stem Cells - Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology Vol 695 (1st Edition.)2010
10422. Meskin M. Phytochemicals - Mechanisms of Action2004
10423. Meskoob S. In the Alley of the Friend. On the Poetry of Hafez2018
10424. Messer J. Temperature Dependent Thomas-Fermi Theory (1 edition)1981
10425. Messiah A. Quantum Mechanics (1 edition)1961
10426. Metivier G. Hypoellipticite analytique sur des groupes nilpotents de rang 21979
10427. Metzler K. Prokop von Gaza2020
10428. Metzler K. Prokop von Gaza Der Genesiskommentar. Aus den „Eclogarum in libros historicos Veteris Testamenti epitome“ übersetzt und mit Anmerkungen versehen2016
10429. Meunier C. Nonlinear Coupling of Waves in a Plasma in a Strong Dissipation Limit1985
10430. Meyer M. A. Booker J. M. Eliciting and analyzing expert judgment2001

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