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» Список нерубрицированных книг

Содержимое каталога
9801. Maindonald J. Braun J. Data Analysis and Graphics Using R: An Example-based Approach (Cambridge Series in Statistical and Probabilistic Mathematics) (2 edition)2006
9802. Maines R. Hedonizing Technologies: Paths to Pleasure in Hobbies and Leisure (Gender Relations in the American Experience)2009
9803. Maio V. Franscell R. O Segredo dos Corpos2017
9804. Majda A. Existence of Multi-Dimensional Shock Fronts (Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society)1983
9805. Majda A. Wang X. Nonlinear Dynamics and Statistical Theories for Basic Geophysical Flows2006
9806. Majid S. Moslem Frieden im Islam2005
9807. Majumdar G. Illegitimate Freedom. Informality in Modernist Literature, 1900–19402022
9808. Majumdar M.(ed.) Organization with Incomplete Information: Essays in Economic Analysis: A Tribute to Roy Radner1998
9809. Majumder H. Drug Targets in Kinetoplastid Parasites2008
9810. Makaran G. Perfil de Bolivia (1940-2009)2011
9811. Makari G. Revolution in Mind - The Creation of Psychoanalysis (Reprint edition)2009
9812. Makino S. Lee T.-W. Sawada H. Blind Speech Separation (Signals and Communication Technology)2007
9813. Makkai M. Reyes G.E. First order categorical logic. Model-theoretical methods in the theory of topoi and related categories (1 edition)1977
9814. Makoto Katori Norio Konno Hideki Tanemura Survival Probabilities for Discrete-Time Models in One Dimension1999
9815. Makowski G.S. Clinical Chemistry. Volume 55n/a
9816. Malakis A. Two- and Three-Spin Triangular Ising Model: Variational Approximations1981
9817. Malaparte C. Technique du coup d'Etat1992
9818. Malca C.G. Fortalecer el sistema de salud público para la equidad en salud: una necesidad impostergable2020
9819. MALCA O. CASTAÑEDA O. FERNANDEZ L. A. Herramientaspara administrar una Agroempresa2021
9820. Malcolm R. Dando Preventing Biological Warfare: The Failure of American Leadership2002
9821. Malek Mansour M. Dethier J. Baras F. Microscopic Simulation of Limit Cycle Behavior in Spatially Extended Systems2000
9822. Malisoff M. Mazenc F. Constructions of strict Lyapunov functions (1 edition)2009
9823. Malkin T. Topics in Cryptology - CT-RSA 2008: The Cryptographers' Track at the RSA Conference 2008, San Francisco, CA, USA, April 8-11, 2008, Proceedings2008
9824. Mallios A. Topological Algebras: Selected Topics1991
9825. Mallot H.A. Allen J.S. Computational Vision, Information Processing In Perception And Visual Behavior (2-nd edition)2000
9826. Maloberti F. Analog Design for CMOS VLSI Systems2001
9827. Malone P. Waterpower in Lowell: Engineering and Industry in Nineteenth-Century America2009
9828. Malte' Henkel Schrodinger Invariance and Strongly Anisotropic Critical Systems1994
9829. Maltz M. Psicocibernética (2 edition)1972
9830. Malu Castellanos Umeshwar Dayal Timos Sellis Business Intelligence for the Real-Time Enterprise: Second International Workshop, BIRTE 2008, Auckland, New Zealand, August 24, 2008, Revised ... Notes in Business Information Processing) (1 edition)2009
9831. Maly I.V. Systems Biology2009
9832. Mamadou Diallo Jeremiah Duncan Nora Savage Nanotechnology Applications for Clean Water: Solutions for Improving Water Quality (1 edition)2009
9833. Manahan Stanley E. Fundamentals of Environmental Chemistry1993
9834. Manasreh O. Semiconductor heterojunctions and nanostructures (1 edition)2005
9835. Mancosu P. Philosophy of mathematics and mathematical practice in the seventeenth century1996
9836. Mandal M. Asif A. Continuous and discrete time signals and systems2007
9837. Mandal P. Implementation of Information Technology in a Job Shop Manufacturing Company: A Focus on Manusoftn/a
9838. MANDELBROT B. LES OBJETS FRACTALS Forme, hasard et dimension (QUATRIEME EDITION)1995
9839. Mandia K. Prosise C. Pepe M. Incident Response and Computer Forensics, 2nd Edition (2 edition)2003
9840. Mandoiu I. Zelikovsky A. Bioinformatics Algorithms: Techniques and Applications2008
9841. Manesh Patel Trading with Ichimoku Clouds: The Essential Guide to Ichimoku Kinko Hyo Technical Analysis (Wiley Trading) (1 edition)2010
9842. Manfred B. Lutz Nikolaus Romani Alexander Steinkasserer, Ralph M. Steinman Handbook of Dendritic Cells: Biology, Diseases and Therapies (3 Volume ) (1 edition)2006
9843. Manfred Broy Stefan Johnichen KORSO: Methods, Languages, and Tools for the Construction of Correct Software: Final Report (1 edition)1995
9844. Manfred Broy Martin Wirsing Methods of Programming: Selected Papers on the CIP-Project (1 edition)1991
9845. Manfred Nagl Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science. 15 conf., WG '89 (1 edition)1990
9846. Manfred Opper David Saad Advanced Mean Field Methods: Theory and Practice (Neural Information Processing)2001
9847. Manfred Requardt The Decay of Correlation of the Two-Particle Distribution Function in a Phase-Separating Layer and the Possibility of Spatial Phase Coexistence1982
9848. Manfred Tscheligi Marianna Obrist Arthur Lugmayr Changing Television Environments: 6th European Conference, EuroITV 2008, Salzburg, Austria, July 3-4, 2008, Proceedings (1 edition)2008
9849. Manfredo Tafuri La sfera e il labirinto Avanguardie e architettura da Piranesi agli anni '702019
9850. Mangasarian O. L. Nonlinear Programming1987
9851. Mangasarian O.L. Nonlinear Programming (Classics in Applied Mathematics)1987
9852. Manificat G. Caillol J. M. Monte Carlo Simulations of the Two-Dimensional Two-Component Plasma on a Line1993
9853. Manin Y. Holomorphic supergeometry and Yang-Mills superfields1985
9854. Manjit Singh Sidhu Technology-Assisted Problem Solving for Engineering Education: Interactive Multimedia Applications (Advances in Information and Communication Technology Education (Aicte) Book Series) (1 edition)2009
9855. Mankell H. El chino2008
9856. Manmatha Nath Dutt A Prose English Translation of Mahanirvana Tantra1900
9857. Mann K. Lazier J. Dynamics of Marine Ecosystems: Biological-Physical Interactions in the Oceans (3 edition)2005
9858. Manna S. S. Herrmann H. J. A Stochastic Method to Determine the Shape of a Drop on a Wall1991
9859. Manna S. S. Lfiszio B. Kiss Cascades and Self-Organized Criticality1990
9860. Mannhold R. Kubinyi H. Folkers G. Drug Delivery Systems2008
9861. Manocha A.K. Shruti Jain Mandeep Singh Computational Intelligence in Healthcaren/a
9862. Manoussakis J. God after Metaphysics: A Theological Aesthetic2007
9863. Manske R. The Alkaloids: Chemistry and Physiology, Volume 61960
9864. Manson M. Immunochemical Protocols1992
9865. Mansoori G. Principles Of Nanotechnology: Molecular-Based Study Of Condensed Matter In..2005
9866. Manton K.G. Akushevich I. Kravchenko J. Cancer Mortality and Morbidity Patterns in the U.S. Population: An Interdisciplinary Approach (1 edition)2008
9867. Manuel Burga Díaz ElVestido femenino limeño de¿lite, durante la era del guano (845-1878)2005
9868. Manuel J. Bellido Jorge Juan Manuel Valencia Logic-timing Simulation And the Degradation Delay Model2006
9869. Manuel Llamojha Mitma Jaymie Patricia Heilman NOW PERU IS MINE THE LIFE AND TIMES OF A CAMPESINO ACTIVIST2016
9870. Manuel Santoro On the Helmholtz Potential Metric: The Isotherm Length-Work Theorem2004

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