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» Список нерубрицированных книг

Содержимое каталога
9521. lto H. M. Stochastic Disk Dynamo as a Model of Reversals of the Earth's Magnetic Field1988
9522. Lu Huang A New Watermarking Technique for Multimedia Protectionn/a
9523. Lu Y. Science & Technology in China: A Roadmap to 2050: Strategic General Report of the Chinese Academy of Sciences2010
9524. Lu Z. In Pursuit of the Great Peace. Han Dynasty Classicism and the Making of Early Medieval Literati Culture2019
9525. Lubbers P. Albers B. Salim F. Pro HTML5 Programming: Powerful APIs for Richer Internet Application Development (1 edition)2010
9526. Lubeck S. Tricritical Directed Percolation2006
9527. Luby M. Wigderson A. Pairwise Independence and Derandomization (Foundations and Trends(R) in Theoretical Computer Science)2006
9528. Luca Berchicci Innovating for Sustainability: Green Entrepreneurship in Personal Mobility (Routledge Studies in Innovation, Organization and Technology) (1 edition)2008
9529. Lucas J.R. Conceptual Roots of Mathematics (International Library of Philosophy)2000
9530. Luciani J. F. Mora P. Resummation Methods of the Chapman-Enskog Expansion for a Strongly Inhomogeneous Plasma1985
9531. Luciano Amadasi Mario Casartelli Basins of Periodic Orbits for Elliptic Maps of the Torus1991
9532. Luciano Boi Pierre Kerszberg Frederic Patras Rediscovering Phenomenology: Phenomenological Essays on Mathematical Beings, Physical Reality, Perception and Consciousness (1 edition)2007
9533. Luciano de Crescenzo História da filosofia moderna: de Nicolau de Cusa a Galileu Galilei2003
9534. Luciano De Fiore Anche il mare sogna Filosofie dei flutti2013
9535. Lucilla de Arcangelis Antonio Coniglio Infinite Hierarchy of Exponents in a Two-Component Random Resistor Network1987
9536. Lucius Annaeus Florus RÓMA HÁBORÚI1979
9537. Luck C. Rewriting Language. How Literary Texts Can Promote Inclusive Language Use2020
9538. Luck J. M. Nieuwenhuizen Th. M. Lifshitz Tails and Long-Time Decay in Random Systems with Arbitrary Disorder1987
9539. Luck W. Transformation Groups and Algebraic K-Theory (1 edition)1989
9540. Lucy N. Beyond Semiotics: Text, Culture and Technology2001
9541. Ludaescher B. Raschid L. Data Integration in the Life Sciences: Second International Workshop, DILS 2005, San Diego, CA, USA, July 20-22, 2005, Proceedings2005
9542. Ludlow P. Semantics, Tense, and Time: An Essay in the Metaphysics of Natural Language1999
9543. Ludwig Brand Michael L. Johnson Numerical Computer Methods (1 edition)2004
9544. Luebke D.M. Poley J. Ryan D.C. Conversion and the Politics of Religion in Early Modern Germany2012
9545. Luecke W. Introduction to Photonics (draft edition)2005
9546. Luenberger D.G. Linear and nonlinear programming (2 edition)1984
9547. Luftman J. Competing in the Information Age: Strategic Alignment in Practice1996
9548. Lugowski H. Weinert H.J. Grundzuge der Algebra, teil 21958
9549. Lui J. Tan K. Lui J. Mobile Data Management: Second International Conference, MDM 2001 Hong Kong, China, January 8-10, 2001 Proceedings2001
9550. Luigi Ambrosio Nicola Fusco Diego Pallara Functions of Bounded Variation and Free Discontinuity Problems2000
9551. Luigi Del Re Luigi Glielmo Carlos Guardiola Automotive Model Predictive Control: Models, Methods and Applications (1st Edition.)2010
9552. Luigi Manca Jean-Marie Kauth Interdisciplinary Essays on Environment and Culture2016
9553. Luis A. Caffarelli Rafael de la Llave Interfaces of Ground States in Ising Models with Periodic Coefficients2004
9554. Luis Alberto Torrejón Muñoz Rebeldes republicanos: la turba urbana de 19122010
9555. Luis Caffarelli Sandro Salsa A geometric approach to free boundary problems2005
9556. Luis E. Ninamango J. Encubrimiento y Usurpación de América2009
9557. Luis L. Bonilla Jose M. Casado Manuel Morillo Self-Synchronization of Populations of Nonlinear Oscillators in the Thermodynamic Limit1987
9558. Luis M. Botana Seafood and Freshwater Toxins: Pharmacology, Physiology, and Detection, Second Edition (2 edition)2008
9559. Luis Millones Renata Mayer Funerales, muerte y el más allá en la historia del Perú2021
9560. Luis Omar Montoya Arias Gabriel Medrano de Luna Historia social de las músicas populares latinoamericanas Una visión desde México2016
9561. Luis Santamaria Ildefonso Ingelmo Luca Alonso Neuroendocrine Cells and Peptidergic Innervation in Human and Rat Prostrate (1 edition)2007
9562. Luisa Menjivar Jorge Salazar World economic outlook (International Monetary Fund)2013
9563. Luisa Menjivar World economic outlook (International Monetary Fund)2018
9564. Luisi P.L. The Emergence of Life: From Chemical Origins to Synthetic Biology2006
9565. Luiz Alberto Moniz Bandeira As relações perigosas: BrasilEstados Unidos (de Collor a Lula, 1990-2004)2011
9566. Luiz Antonio Simas Coisas nossas2017
9567. Luiz Gama Liberdade 1880–18822021
9568. Luk W. Cheung P. Glesner M. Field Programmable Logic and Applications: 7th International Workshop, FPL '97, London, UK, September, 1-3, 1997, Proceedings1997
9569. LUKÁCS G. Historia i świadomość klasowa2013
9570. Luke Mitcheson Applied Cognitive and Behavioural Approaches to the Treatment of Addiction2010
9571. Lukose D. Delugach H. Keeler M. Conceptual Structures: Fulfilling Peirce's Dream: Fifth International Conference on Conceptual Structures, ICCS'97, Seattle, Washington, USA, August ...1997
9572. Lukowicz P. Kunze K. Kortuem G. Smart Sensing and Context: 5th European Conference, EuroSSC 2010, Passau, Germany, November 14-16, 2010. Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer ... Networks and Telecommunications)2010
9573. Lukszo Z. Deconinck G. Weijnen M. Securing Electricity Supply in the Cyber Age: Exploring the Risks of Information and Communication Technology in Tomorrow's Electricity Infrastructure (Topics in Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality)2010
9574. Lumer G. Evolution Equations and Their Applications in Physical and Life Sciences (1 edition)2000
9575. Lumsden J. Lumsden J. Handbook of Research on User Interface Design and Evaluation for Mobile Technology (2-Volume Set)2008
9576. Lundell A. Weindgram S. The Topology of CW Complexes1969
9577. Luo F.L. Ye H. Synchronous and resonant DC/DC conversion technology2005
9578. Luo J. Hu Y. Wen S. Physics and Chemistry of Micro-Nanotribology2008
9579. Luo Y. Mooney H. Saugier B. Carbon Dioxide and Environmental Stress (Physiological Ecology)1999
9580. Luo Y. Cooperative Design, Visualization, and Engineering: Third International Conference, CDVE 2006, Mallorca, Spain, September 17-20, 2006, Proceedings2006
9581. Luo Z. Computation and Reasoning: A Type Theory for Computer Science (International Series of Monographs on Computer Science)1994
9582. Lupicinio Íñiguez Rueda Análisis del discurso Manual para las ciencias sociales2003
9583. Luppicini R. Handbook of Research on Technoethics2008
9584. Lurie J. Higher topos theory2009
9585. Lury C. Cultural Rights: Technology, Legality and Personality (International Library of Sociology)1993
9586. Lustig B. Brody B. McKenny G. Altering Nature: Volume I: Concepts of 'Nature' and 'The Natural' in Biotechnology Debates2008
9587. Lustig B. A. Brody B.A. Gerald P. McKenny Altering Nature: Volume I: Concepts of 'Nature' and 'The Natural' in Biotechnology Debates (1 edition)2008
9588. Lustig B.A. Brody B.A. McKenny G.P. Altering Nature: Volume II: Religion, Biotechnology, and Public Policy (Philosophy and Medicine, 98)2008
9589. Luthi B. Physical acoustics in the solid state (1 edition)2005
9590. Lutoslawski W. The Origin and Growth of Plato's Logic : With an Account of Plato's Style and of the Chronology of His Writings1897

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