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» Список нерубрицированных книг

Содержимое каталога
8681. Koch C. Politische Entwicklung in einem arabischen Golfstaat Die Rolle von Interessengruppen im Emirat Kuwait2001
8682. Koch S. W. Rainer Liebmann Comparison of Molecular Dynamics and Monte Carlo Computer Simulations of Spinodal Decomposition1983
8683. Koch S. W. Haug H. Quantum Theory of the Optical and Electronic Properties of Semiconductors2004
8684. Koch W.F.R.M. Marani E. Early Development of the Human Pelvic Diaphragm2007
8685. Kock A. Synthetic geometry of manifolds2009
8686. Kock J. Vainsencher I. Invitation to Quantum Cohomology: Kontsevich's Formula for Rational Plane Curves2007
8687. Kock N. Evolutionary Psychology and Information Systems Research: A New Approach to Studying the Effects of Modern Technologies on Human Behavior (Integrated Series in Information Systems)2010
8688. Kodaira K. Complex analysis2008
8689. Kodali V. Engineering Electromagnetic Compatibility: Principles, Measurements, and Technologies1996
8690. Koen Hindriks Alexander Pokahr Sebastian Sardina Programming Multi-Agent Systems: 6th International Workshop, ProMAS 2008, Estoril, Portugal, May 13, 2008. Revised, Invited and Selected Papers (Lecture ... Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence) (1 edition)2009
8691. Koen V. Hindriks Alexander Pokahr Sebastian Sardina Programming Multi-Agent Systems (1 edition)2009
8692. Koenig J.S. A Diachronic Analysis of the Interaction of Syllabification and Jer Vocalization2004
8693. Koerner B. The Best of Technology Writing 2006 Writing & Journalism2006
8694. Kogan B. Introduction to Computational Cardiology: Mathematical Modeling and Computer Simulation2010
8695. Kogan J. Bifurcation of Extremals in Optimal Control (1 edition)1986
8696. Kogan J. Robust Stability and Convexity: An Introduction (1 edition)1995
8697. Koh S.C.L. Maguire S. Information and Communication Technologies Management in Turbulent Business Environments2008
8698. Kohane I. Kho A. Butte A. Microarrays for an Integrative Genomics, 3rd edition (Computational Molecular Biology)2003
8699. Kohei Uchiyama Equilibrium Fluctuations for Zero-Range-Exclusion Processes2004
8701. Kohring G. A. Finite-State Neural Networks. A Step Toward the Simulation of Very Large Systems1990
8702. Koichi Furukawa Hozumi Tanaka Tetsunosuke Fujisaki Logic Programming '89: Proceedings of the 8th Conference, Tokyo, Japan, July 12-14, 1989 (1 edition)1991
8703. Koichi Tanaka Solvent-free Organic Synthesis opt (1 edition)2003
8704. Koirala S. Sheikh S. Software Testing: Interview Questions (Computer Science) (1 edition)2008
8705. Koki Shimoji William D. Jr. Willis Evoked Spinal Cord Potentials: An illustrated Guide to Physiology, Pharmocology, and Recording Techniques (1 edition)2006
8706. Kokotovic P. Khalil K.H. Singular Perturbation Methods in Control: Analysis and Design (Classics in Applied Mathematics) (Reprint edition)1986
8707. Kokotovic P. Bensoussan A. Blankenship G. Singular Perturbations and Asymptotic Analysis in Control Systems1987
8708. Koldobsky A. Fourier analysis in convex geometry2005
8709. Kole C. Technical Crops (Genome Mapping and Molecular Breeding in Plants)2007
8710. Kolenda N. Imagine Reading This Book: How Mental Pictures Influence Your Decisions2020
8711. Kolibri könyvek Móra Könyvkiadó Elődeink fegyverei1985
8712. Kollár L.P. Springer G.S. Mechanics of Composite Structures (1 edition)2003
8713. Kollmuss A. Lazarus M. Lee C. The Handbook of Carbon Offset Programs: Trading Systems, Funds, Protocols and Standards2010
8714. Kollo T. von Rosen D. Advanced Multivariate Statistics With Matrices2005
8715. Kolokoltsov V.N. Nonlinear Markov processes and kinetic equations2010
8716. Kolt G. Andersen M. Psychology in the Physical and Manual Therapies2004
8717. Komatsu G. Complex Geometry (Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics)1992
8718. Komatsu H. (ed.) Hyperfunctions and pseudo-differential equations (LNM0287, Springer 1973)1973
8719. KOMIYAMA S. TAKEKAWA A. Electromagnetics2015
8720. Komorowski J. Zytkow J. Principles of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery: First European Symposium, PKDD '97, Trondheim, Norway, June 24-27, 1997 Proceedings1997
8721. Komoto K. Ito M. van der Vleuten P. Energy from the Desert: Very Large Scale Photovoltaic Systems: Socio-economic, Financial, Technical and Environmental Aspects (Volume Three edition)2009
8722. Kompaneyets A.S. Theoretical physics2003
8723. Komzsik L. Applied calculus of variations for engineers (1 edition)2008
8724. Kondow T. Mafune F. Progress in Experimental and Theoretical Studies of Clusters (Advanced Series in Physical Chemistry)2003
8725. Kondratiev Yu. G. Minlos R. A. One-Particle Subspaces in the Stochastic XY Model1996
8726. Konecny M. Zlatanova S. Bandrova T. Geographic Information and Cartography for Risk and Crisis Management: Towards Better Solutions (Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography)2010
8727. Konforti B.(ed.) Nature Structural and Molecular Biology2009
8728. Kono A. Mimura M. Yoshioka I. 大学院への幾何学演習2020
8729. Konopelchenko B. Introduction to multidimensional integrable equations (1 edition)1992
8730. Konotop Nonlinear random waves (solitons)n/a
8731. Konrad Knechtel DATEN- VERARBEITUNG Physikalisch-technische Grundlagen1980
8732. Konrad Schwarz Gleichnisse und Parabeln Jesu im Thomasevangelium2020
8733. Konrad Slind Annette Bunker Ganesh C. Gopalakrishnan Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics: 17th International Conference, TPHOLS 2004, Park City, Utah, USA, September 14-17, 2004, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) (1 edition)2004
8734. Konstantas D. Leonard M. Pigneur Y. Object-Oriented Information Systems: 9th International Conference, OOIS 2003, Geneva, Switzerland, September 2-5, 2003, Proceedings (1 edition)2003
8735. Kontermann R. Dubel S. Antibody Engineering (2nd ed. edition)2010
8736. Kontermann R. Dubel S. Antibody Engineering Volume 1 (2nd edition)2010
8737. Kontoghiorghes E. Gatu C. Optimisation, Econometric and Financial Analysis2006
8738. Konyagin S. Shparlinski I. Character sums with exponential functions and their applications2004
8739. Konyagin S. Shparlinski I. Character Sums with Exponential Functions and their Applications2004
8740. Koo W. M. Oriented Polymers: A Transfer Matrix Calculation1995
8741. Koolen J. Kwak J. H. Xu M.-Y. Applications of Group Theory to Combinatorics2008
8742. Kopp S. Wachsmuth I. Gesture in Embodied Communication and Human Computer Interaction: 8th International Gesture Workshop, GW 2009, Bielefeld, Germany, February 25-27, ... Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence)2010
8743. Koppe T. Meyer G. Alt K. Comparative Dental Morphology: Selected Papers of the 14th International Symposium on Dental Morphology, August 27-30, 2008, Greifswald, Germany (Frontiers of Oral Biology)2009
8744. Koppen B. (ed.) Giordano M. (ed.) Butterworth J. (ed.) Community-based Water Law and Water Resource Management Reform in Developing Countries2007
8745. Koppett K. Training to Imagine: Practical Improvisational Theatre Techniques to Enhance Creativity, Teamwork, Leadership, and Learning2001
8746. Korac B. Otasevic V. Serbian society for mitochondrial and free-radical physiology. Mitochondria and free radicals - the new challenge. Book of abstracts. September 21st 2009, Belgrade.2009
8747. Koralov L. B. Sinai G. Y. Theory of Probability and Random Processes (2nd edition)2007
8748. KordemskiI B. A. The Moscow puzzles: 359 mathematical recreations1977
8749. Kordic V. Petri Net. Theory and applicationsn/a
8750. Kordic V. Petri Net.:Theory and applications (1st edition)2008

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