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Содержимое каталога
1541. Parris N.A. Journal of Chromatography Library (№27 1984) (2nd edition)1984
1542. Pascal Patrick Matzler Mentoring and Co-Writing for Research Publication Purposesn/a
1543. Passaro V.M.N. Modeling of photonic devices2009
1544. Paul G. Goerss John F. Jardine Simplical Homotopy theoryn/a
1545. Paul W. Baschnagel J. Stochastic Processes. From Physics to Finance2000
1546. Paula N. Kagan Marlaine C. Smith Peggy L. Chinn Philosophies and Practices of Emancipatory Nursing2017
1547. Pauling L. Kamb B. Linus Pauling: Selected Scientific Papers2002
1548. Pavese F. Forbes A.B. Data modeling for metrology and testing in measurement science2009
1549. Pavlov A. Sachdev M. CMOS SRAM Circuit Design and Parametric Test in Nano-Scaled Technologies: Process-Aware SRAM Design and Test2008
1550. Pazienza M.T. Information Extraction in the Web Era.. Natural Language Communication for Knowledge Acquisition, SCIE 20022003
1551. Pearsall T.P. Strained-layer superlattices: materials science and technology.1991
1552. Peierls R. Bird of passage: recollections of a physicist1988
1553. Penrose O. Lebowitz J.L. Marro J. Growth of clusters in a first-order phase transition1969
1554. Pepper I.L. Gerba Ch.P. Environmental and Pollution Science (2nd edition)2006
1555. Perelomov A. Generalized Coherent States and Their Applications1986
1556. Peter Aggleton Richard Parker Routledge Handbook of Sexuality, Health and Rights (Richard Parker edition)2010
1557. Peter Hongler International Law of Taxation2021
1558. Peter Kraftl John Horton Sarah Mills Mapping the Moral Geographies of Educationn/a
1559. Peter Morgan Carbon Fibers and Their Composites2005
1560. Peters J.F Skowron A. Transactions on Rough Sets 3 conf2008
1561. Peters J.F. Transactions on Rough Sets 4 conf2005
1562. Peters N. Reduced Kinetic Mechanisms for Applications in Combustion Systems1993
1563. Peters S.R. (ed.) A Practical Guide to Frozen Section Technique2009
1564. Pfaffelhuber E. Information-theoretic stability and evolution criteria in irreversible thermodynamics1976
1565. Pfahringer B. Holmes G. Hoffman A. Discovery Science: 13th International Conference, DS 2010, Canberra, Australia, October 6-8, 2010, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence)2010
1566. Pham H. (ed.) Reliability modeling, analysis and optimization2006
1567. Pharr M. Humphreys G. Physically Based Rendering: From Theory to Implementation2004
1568. Phil Robinson Working with Young Homeless People2008
1569. Philipp Schorch Martin Saxer Marlen Elders Exploring Materiality and Connectivity in Anthropology and Beyond2020
1570. Piña E. On a modified thorne kinetic equation for a binary mixture of rigid spheres1973
1571. Piasecki J. Cichocki B. Generalized enskog theory for homogeneous systems1975
1572. Pieprzyk J. Topics in Cryptology - CT-RSA 2010: The 10th Cryptographers' Track at the RSA Conference 2010, San Francisco, CA, USA, March 1-5, 2010. Proceedings2010
1573. Pierre Baldi Deep Learning in Science1921
1574. Pierre Noyes H. Van Den Berg J.C. Bit-string physics: A finite and discrete approach to natural philosophy2001
1575. Pierson O. The Unwritten Rules of the Highly Effective Job Search: The Proven Program Used by the Worlds Leading Career Services Company2005
1576. Pingree D.E. Jyotihsastra: Astral and mathematical literature1981
1577. Piran T. Physics in higher dimensions. Volume 21987
1578. Piziali Фю Functional Verification Coverage Measurement and Analysis2004
1579. Plotnitsky A. Reading Bohr: Physics and philosophy2006
1580. Pluet J. Pirazzoli P.A. World Atlas of Holocene Sea-Level Changes (Elsevier Oceanography Series)1991
1581. Plunkett J.W. Plunkett's Nanotechnology & Mems Industry Almanac 2010: Nanotechnology & MEMS Industry Market Research, Statistics, Trends & Leading Companies2010
1582. Poeschl M., Nollet L.M.L. Radionuclide concentrations in food and the environment (1 edition)2006
1583. Popov V.N. Lambin P. Carbon Nanotubes2006
1584. Portalupi J. Fletcher R.J. Nonfiction Craft Lessons: Teaching Information Writing K-82001
1585. Porter M.E. Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors1998
1586. Portner H. Playle R.C. Cold Ocean Physiology2007
1587. Portwood M. Dyslexia and Physical Education2004
1588. Post S.G. Encyclopedia of bioethics (Vol. 1) (3rd edition)2004
1589. Post S.G. Encyclopedia of bioethics (Vol. 2) (3rd edition)2004
1590. Post S.G. Encyclopedia of bioethics (Vol. 3) (3rd edition)2004
1591. Post S.G. Encyclopedia of bioethics (Vol. 4) (3rd edition)2004
1592. Post S.G. Encyclopedia of bioethics (Vol. 5) (3rd edition)2004
1593. Postnikov M.M. Foundations of Galois Theory2004
1594. Povinelli D.J. Folk Physics for Apes: The Chimpanzee's Theory of How the World Works2003
1595. Prasada Rao T.S.R. (ed.) Dhar G.M. (ed.) Recent advances in basic and applied aspects of industrial catalysis (studies in surface science and catalysis, volume 113)1998
1596. Prawitz D. Natural Deduction: A Proof-Theoretical Study2006
1597. Priami C. Transactions on Computational Systems Biology 9 conf2008
1598. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS Colloquium) Science, Technology and the Economy1996
1599. Prothero D.R. Bringing Fossils To Life: An Introduction To Paleobiology (2nd edition)2004
1600. Psillos D. Niedderer H. Teaching and Learning in the Science Laboratory (Science & Technology Education Library)2003
1601. Pumain D.(ed.) Hierarchy in Natural and Social Sciences (Methodos Series) (1 edition)2005
1602. Purser M. Secure Data Networking1993
1603. Pylkkanen P. Mind, Matter and the Implicate Order2006
1604. Queinnec I.(ed.) Tarbouriech S.(ed.) Garcia G. (ed.) Biology and control theory: current challenges2007
1605. Quinn T.F.J. Physical Analysis for Tribology1991
1606. R. Aiello G. Giordano F. Testa Impact of Zeolites and other Porous Materials on the New Technologies at the Beginning of the New Millennium2002
1607. R. E. Innis Pragmatism and the Forms of Sense: Language, Perception, Technics (American and European Philosophy)2002
1608. R.E. Hester R. M. Harrison Nanotechnology: Consequences for Human Health & the Environment (Issues in Environmental Science and Technology)2007
1609. Rabaey J. Pedram M. Low power design Methodology1995
1610. Raffa R.B. Tallarida R.J. Chemo Fog: Cancer Chemotherapy-Related Cognitive Impairment2010

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