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1401. Mallick K. Researching Education: Perspectives and Techniques1998
1402. Mandell M.J. On the properties of a periodic fluid1976
1403. Manin Y.I. Mathematics and Physics1981
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1409. Mariano R.S. Tse Y.-K. Mariano R.S. Econometric Forecasting And High-Frequency Data Analysis2008
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1412. Mark J.E. Erman B. The Science and Technology of Rubber (3-d edition)2005
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1414. Marks D.B. Board Review Series: Biochemistry (2-nd edition)1994
1415. Marmiroli N. Samotokin B. Marmiroli M. Advanced Science and Technology for Biological Decontamination of Sites Affected by Chemical and Radiological Nuclear Agents2006
1416. Marshall S. Encyclopedia of Developing Regional Communities With Information And Communication Technology2005
1417. Martin Bulmer Social Science and Social Policy2021
1418. Martin C. Perfect Phrases for Writing Job Descriptions: Hundreds of Ready-to-Use Phrases for Writing Effective, Informative, and Useful Job Descriptions2009
1419. Martin E.M. Swarm Robotics from Biology to Robotics2010
1420. Martinussen T. Scheike T. The Statistical Analysis of Recurrent Events2007
1421. Mary Fairfax Greig Somerville MECHANISM OF THE HEAVENS (2 edition)2001
1422. Mary-Elaine Jacobsen The Gifted Adult: A Revolutionary Guide for Liberating Everyday Genius2000
1423. Masatoshi Murase Dynamics of Cellular Motility (1 edition)1992
1424. Massey D.B. Numerical Control over Complex Analytic Singularities2003
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1426. Mattias C. Bacterial Sensing and Signaling2009
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1431. McCook K. Opportunities in Library and Information Science (3-rd edition)2009
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1434. McGraw-Hill McGraw Hill Encyclopedia of Science & Technology, Volume 12 (NOB-PAP) (10 edition)2007
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1436. McLysaght A. Huson D.H. Comparative Genomics: RECOMB 2005 International Workshop, RCG 2005, Dublin, Ireland, September 18-20, 2005, Proceedings2005
1437. Medsker L.R. (ed.) Jain L.C. (ed.) Recurrent Neural Networks. Design and Applicationsn/a
1438. Melashvili Y. Lagundaridze G. Tsikarishvili M. Controlled structures with electromechanical and fiber-optical sensors2009
1439. Mendrick D.L. Mattes W.B. Essential Concepts in Toxicogenomics2008
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1441. Mertins A. Signal Analysis: Wavelets, Filter Banks, Time-Frequency Transforms and Applications1999
1442. Metz T.O. Metabolic Profiling: Methods and Protocols2011
1443. Meyer M.H. The Fast Path to Corporate Growth: Leveraging Knowledge and Technologies to New Market Applications2007
1444. Mezei Ottóné Biodinamikus1985
1445. Michael M. Reconnecting Culture, Technology and Nature: From Society to Heterogeneity (International Library of Sociology)2000
1447. Michael. WHITE The science of the X-files1996
1448. Michelson A.D. Platelets (2 edition)2006
1449. Michiels W. Aarts E. Korst J. Theoretical Aspects of Local Search2007
1450. Micocci A. The Metaphysics of Capitalism2009
1451. Miguel ruiz JR The Master of Life2021
1452. Miller D.M. Water at the Surface of Earth: An Introduction to Ecosystem Hydrodynamics (International Geophysics)1982
1453. Millikan R.G. Language: A Biological Model2005
1454. Mircea Predeleanu Arnaud Poitou Defects in Material Processing2004
1455. Mirel B. Spilka R. Reshaping Technical Communication: New Directions and Challenges for the 21st Century2002
1456. Misha Gromov Metric Structures for Riemannian and Non-Riemannian Space1997
1457. Mitcham C. Encyclopedia of Science Technology and Ethics. Volume 12005
1458. Mitsos A. Barton P. Microfabricated Power Generation Devices: Design and Technology2009
1459. Moellering H. (editor) Aalders H.J. (editor) Crane A. (editor) World spatial metadata standards. Scientific and technical characteristics, and full descriptions with crosstable (International Cartographic Association)2005
1460. Moens M.-F. Automatic Indexing and Abstracting of Document Texts2000
1461. Mohammad Yaseen Sofi Afshana Shafi Bioinformatics for Everyonen/a
1462. Montgomery R.B.(ed.) The Journal of Meteorology (vol. 4 number 1, February 1947)1947
1463. Moore T. (ed.) Pym D. (ed.) Ioannidis C. (ed.) Economics of information security and privacy2010
1464. Moreira A. Grundy J. Early Aspects: Current Challenges and Future Directions2008
1465. Morris Ch.G. (ed.) Academic Press Dictionary of Science and Technology1992
1466. Mort M. Building the Trident Network: A Study of the Enrollment of People, Knowledge, and Machines2001
1467. Mosteller R.D. Duderstadt J.J. A comparison of projection operator formalisms for the study of self-diffusion1973
1468. Moussouris J. Gibbs and Markov random systems with constraints1974
1469. Mu-Fa Chen Eigenvalues, Inequalities, and Ergodic Theory2005
1470. Murray T. Mehleman M. Encyclopedia of Ethical, Legal, and Policy Issues in Biotechnology2000

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