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26321. Spink A. Jansen B. Taksa I. Handbook of Research on Web Log Analysis2009
26322. Spink A. Cole C. New Directions in Cognitive Information Retrieval (The Information Retrieval Series)2005
26323. Spinrad R. Carder K. Perry M. Ocean Optics (Oxford Monographs on Geology and Geophysics)1994
26324. Spirakis P. Orejas F. Leeuwen J. Automata, Languages and Programming, 28 conf., ICALP 20012001
26325. Spiridonov O. Universal Physical Constants1987
26326. Spiridonov O. Universal physical constants1986
26327. Spirin A. Ribosomes1998
26328. Spitznagel E. Selected topics in mathematics1971
26329. Spitznagel J. Shafer W. Antibacterial Peptide Protocols1997
26330. Spivak M. Joy of TEX (Second Edition)1990
26331. Spivey J. Spivey M. An Introduction to Logic Programming Through Prolog2002
26332. Spolski J. User interface design for programmers2001
26333. Spowart G. Gosden J. Chromosome Analysis Protocols1994
26334. Sprang S. Mechanisms and Pathways of Heterotrimeric G Protein Signaling (Advances in Protein Chemistry, Vol 74)2007
26335. Sprecher S. Brain Development: Methods and Protocols2014
26336. Springer T. Invariant Theory1977
26337. Springer T. Linear algebraic groups (2nd edition)1998
26338. Spyns P. Metzner A. Demey Y. On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2013 Workshops: Confederated International Workshops: OTM Academy, OTM Industry Case Studies Program, ACM, EI2N, ISDE, META4eS, ORM, SeDeS, SINCOM, SMS, and SOMOCO 2013, Graz, Austria, September 9 - 13, 20132013
26339. Squatriti P. Working With Water in Medieval Europe: Technology and Resource-Use2000
26340. Squire J. Parry D. Fibrous Proteins: Muscle and Molecular Motors (Advances in Protein Chemistry)2005
26341. Squires G. Practical Physics (4th edition)2001
26342. Sragovich V. Spalinski J. Mathematical theory of adaptive control2006
26343. Srawley J. The Catechetical oration of Gregory of Nyssa1903
26344. Srbulov M. Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering: Simplified Analyses with Case Studies and Examples (Geotechnical, Geological, and Earthquake Engineering)2008
26345. Sridhar V. Sheshadri H. Padma M. Emerging Research in Electronics, Computer Science and Technology: Proceedings of International Conference, ICERECT 20122014
26346. Srinivas S. Landscapes of Urban Memory: The Sacred and the Civic in India's High-Tech City2001
26347. Srinivasa S. The Power Law of Information: Life in a Connected World (Response Books)2006
26348. Srinivasan S. Advanced Perl Programming1997
26349. Srinivasan S. Stochastic Theory and Cascade Processes1969
26350. Sriraman B. English L. Theories of Mathematics Education: Seeking New Frontiers2010
26351. Srivastava A. Shukla R. Practical Physics2006
26352. Srivastava A. Anand-Srivastava M. Signal Transduction in the Cardiovascular System in Health and Disease (Advances in Biochemistry in Health and Disease)2008
26353. Srivastava H. Interactive TV Technology & Markets2002
26354. Srivastava P. Supersymmetry, superfields and supergravity: An introduction1986
26355. Srivastava S. A Course on Mathematical Logic (Universitext)2008
26356. St-Laurent S. Shaders for Game Programmers and Artists (Premier Press Game Development (Paperback))2004
26357. Staab S. Grading Knowledge: Extracting Degree Information from Texts1999
26358. Staab S. Grading Knowledge: Extracting Degree Information from Texts1999
26359. Stabblefield M. Pontiac Fiero (1984-1988 гг.) Haynes Manual1999
26360. Stableford B. Science Fact and Science Fiction: An Encyclopedia, Vol. 12006
26361. Stacey F. Davis P. Physics of the Earth (4th edition)2008
26362. Stacey W. Fusion Plasma Physics2005
26363. Stacey W. Fusion Plasma Physics2012
26364. Stacey W. Nuclear Reactor Physics (2nd edition)2007
26365. Stacey W. Nuclear Reactor Physics2001
26366. Stacey W. Variational Methods in Nuclear Reactor Physics (Nuclear Science & Technology)1974
26367. Stadler R. Stiller B. Active Technologies for Network and Service Management: 10th IFIP/IEEE International Workshop on Distributed Systems: Operations and Management, ...1999
26368. Staffan N. Pomodoro Technique Illustrated: Can You Focus - Really Focus - for 25 Minutes?2009
26369. Stafford-Yilmaz L. Zwier L.J. Mc-Graw Hill's 400 Must-Have Words for the TOEFL2005
26370. Stahl A. Balslev I. Electrodynamics of the Semiconductor Band Edge1987
26371. Stahl A. Physics with tau leptons2000
26372. Stahl R. Valuation of ecological resources: integration of ecology and socioeconomics in environmental decision making: from the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry workshop on Valuation of Ecological Resources: Integration of Ecological Risk Assessm2008
26373. Stahler S. Palla F. The formation of stars2004
26374. Staibano S. Prostate Cancer: Shifting from Morphology to Biology2013
26375. Stajano A. Research, Quality, Competitiveness: European Union Technology Policy for the Knowledge-based Society (2nd edition)2009
26376. Stajano F. Kim H. Chae J. Ubiquitous Convergence Technology: First International Conference, ICUCT 2006, Jeju Island, Korea, December 5-6, 2006, Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)2007
26377. Stakgold I. Boundary value problems of mathematical physics2000
26378. Stallings J. Group Theory and Three-dimensional Manifolds (Mathematical Monograph, No. 4)1971
26379. Stallings W. Brown L. Howard M. Computer Security: Principles and Practice (2nd edition)2012
26380. Stallings W. Data and Computer Communications (5th edition)n/a
26381. Stalnaker R. Ways a World Might Be: Metaphysical and Anti-Metaphysical Essays2003
26382. Stalnaker R.C. Ways a World Might Be: Metaphysical and Anti-Metaphysical Essays2003
26383. Stamatis D.H. Six Sigma and Beyond. The Implementation Process. Volume VII2003
26384. Stambovsky P. Inference and the Metaphysic of Reason: An Onto-Epistemological Critique (Marquette Studies in Philosophy)2009
26385. Stammbach U. Homology in Group Theory1973
26386. Stammermann L. Thomas W. In-Game Advertising - Werbung in Computerspielen2007
26387. Stamos D. Darwin And the Nature of Species (S U N Y Series in Philosophy and Biology)2007
26388. Stamos D. The Species Problem, Biological Species, Ontology, and the Metaphysics of Biology2003
26389. Stamova I. Stability Analysis of Impulsive Functional Differential Equations (De Gruyter Expositions in Mathematics)2009
26390. Stamp M. Information Security : Principles and Practice2006

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