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23102. Prigogine I. Rice S. Advances in Chemical Physics,2003
23103. Prigogine I. Rice S. Advances in Chemical Physics,2002
23104. Prigogine I. Advances in Chemical Physics, Vol. 1152000
23105. Prigogine I. Rice S. Rice S. Advances in Chemical Physics, Vol. 481981
23106. Prigogine I. Rice S. Advances in Chemical Physics, Vol. 681987
23107. Prigogine I. Advances in Chemical Physics, Vol. 741988
23108. Prigogine I. Rice S. Advances in Chemical Physics, Vol. 751989
23109. Prigogine I. Advances in Chemical Physics, Vol.11 (Interscience, 1967)1967
23110. Prigogine I. Rice S. Advances in Chemical Physics, Vol.70 Part 1, Evolution of Size Effects in Chemical Dynamics (Wiley 1988)1988
23111. Prigogine I. Rice S. Advances in Chemical Physics, Volume 351976
23112. Prigogine I. Rice S. Advances in Chemical Physics, Volume 511982
23113. Prigogine I. Rice S. Advances in Chemical Physics. Volume 201971
23114. Prigogine I. Advances in Chemical Physics. Volume 3.1961
23115. Prigogine I. Rice S. Advances in CHEMICAL PHYSICS. VOLUME LVII1984
23116. Prigogine I. Rice S. Advances in CHEMICAL PHYSICS. VOLUME XLIX1982
23117. Prigogine I. Rice S. Advances in Chemical Physics.Volume 102.1997
23118. Prigogine I. Rice S. Advances in Chemical Physics.Volume 116.2001
23119. Prigogine I. Rice S. Advances in Chemical Physics.Volume 14.2000
23120. Prigogine I. Rice S. Advances in Clinical Physics. Volume 1122000
23121. Prigogine I. Rice S. ASPECTS OF THE STUDY OF SURFACES1974
23122. Prigogine I. Rice S. Instability and Dissipative Structures in Hydrodynamics1975
23123. Prigogine I. Rice S. Modern Nonlinear Optics, Part I, Volume 119, Second Edition2001
23124. Prigogine I. Rice S. Modern Nonlinear Optics, Part II, Volume 119, Second Edition2001
23125. Prigogine I. Rice S. Modern Nonlinear Optics, Part III, Volume 119 (2nd edition)2001
23126. Prigogine I. Rice S. Non-simple Liquids. ADVANCES IN CHEMICAL PHYSICS1975
23127. Prigogine I. Rice S. Resonances, Instability and Irreversibility1997
23128. Prigogine I. Rice S. Surface Properties1996
23129. Prigogine I. Daudel R. The Application of Wave Mechanical Methods to the Study of Molecular Properties (ADVANCES IN CHEMICAL PHYSICS)(VOLUME 8)1965
23130. Prigogine I. Rice S. McGowan J. The Excited State in Chemical Physics1975
23131. Prigogine I. (ed.) Rice S.A. Advances in CHEMICAL PHYSICS. Volume XLIV1980
23132. Prilepko A. Orlovsky D. Methods for Solving Inverse Problems in Mathematical Physics2000
23133. Primiero G. Information and Knowledge: A Constructive Type-theoretical Approach2008
23134. Primrose S. Twyman R. Genomics: Applications in Human Biology2004
23135. Prince D. Porter D. Frommer's Portable Bahamas (4th edition)2004
23136. Prince E. International Tables for Crystallography, Vol.C: Mathematical, physical and chemical tables (4th edition)2004
23137. Prince V. Roche M. Information Retrieval in Biomedicine: Natural Language Processing for Knowledge Integration2009
23138. Principe J. Miikkulainen R. Advances in Self-Organizing Maps: 7th International Workshop, WSOM 2009, St. Augustine, Florida, June 8-10, 2009. Proceedings (Lecture Notes in ... Computer Science and General Issues)2009
23139. Pring M. Study Guide for Technical Analysis Explained : The Successful Investor's Guide to Spotting Investment Trends and Turning Points2002
23140. Pring M. Technical Analysis Explained : The Successful Investor's Guide to Spotting Investment Trends and Turning Points - 4th Edition (4th edition)2002
23141. Pring M. Technical Analysis for Short-Term Traders2000
23142. Pringle J. King A. Astrophysical Flows2007
23143. Pringle J. King A. Astrophysical Flows2007
23144. Prinz A. Reed R. Reed J. SDL 2005: Model Driven: 12th International SDL Forum, Grimstad, Norway, June 20-23, 2005, Proceedings2005
23145. Prior R. Leibling M. Coaching Made Easy: Step-By-Step Techniques That Get Results2003
23146. Prior T. Potter N. Neurogenetics: Methods and Protocols2003
23147. Prisco C. Methods in mathematical logic. Proc. of 6th Latin American Symposium on Mathematical Logic, Caracas, Venezuela, 1983 (LNM1130, Springer 1985)1985
23148. Pritchard A. Effective Teaching with Internet Technologies: Pedagogy and Practice2007
23149. Pritchard C . The Project Management Communications Toolkit (Artech House Project Management Library)2004
23150. Pritchard D. Reeve J. Euro-Par '98, Parallel Processing: Proceedings of the 4th International Euro-Par Conference1998
23151. Privalov P. Microcalorimetry of Macromolecules: The Physical Basis of Biological Structures2012
23152. Privara I. Rovan B. Ruzicka P. Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1994 19 conf., MFCS'941994
23153. Privara I. Ruzicka P. Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1997 22 conf., MFCS'971997
23154. Privault N. Stochastic Analysis in Discrete and Continuous Settings: With Normal Martingales2009
23155. Privault N. Stochastic Analysis in Discrete and Continuous Settings: With Normal Martingales (Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1982)2009
23156. Privault N. Understanding Markov Chains: Examples and Applications2013
23157. Privman V. Svrakic N. Directed models of polymers ,interfaces,and clusters; Scaling and finite-size properties1989
23158. Priya S. Inman D. Energy Harvesting Technologies2009
23159. Proakis J. Salehi M. Digital communications (3rd edition)1995
23160. Proakis J.G. Manolakis D.G. Digital signal processing. Principles, algorithms and applications (3-rd edition)1996
23161. Prockop D. Phinney D. Bunnell B. Mesenchymal Stem Cells: Methods and Protocols2008
23162. Proctor D. Grain storage techniques1994
23163. Proetzel G. Wiles M. Mouse Models for Drug Discovery. Methods and Protocols2010
23164. Proietti M. Logic Programming Synthesis and Transformation, 5 conf., LOPSTR'951996
23165. Prokopenko M. (Ed.) Advances in Applied Self-organizing Systems (Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing)2008
23166. Prolla J. Approximation of Vector Valued Functions1977
23167. Prolla J. Approximation Theory and Functional Analysis 1977: International Symposium Proceedings1979
23168. Prolla J. Approximation theory and functional analysis, Volume 35: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Approximation Theory, Universidade Estadual de Campinas ... 1977 (North-Holland Mathematics Studies)1979
23169. Prolla J. Approximation theory and functional analysis: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Approximation Theory, Universidade Estadual de Campinas ... 19771979
23170. Prolss G. Physics of the Earth's Space Environment2004

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