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1681. Aardal K. Gerards B. Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization, 8 conf2001
1682. Aaronson J. An Introduction to Infinite Ergodic Theory1997
1683. Aaronson J. An Introduction to Infinite Ergodic Theory (Mathematical Surveys and Monographs)1997
1684. Aarsand P. Around the screen : computer activities in children's everyday lives2006
1685. Aart C. Organizational Principles for Multi-Agent Architectures2005
1686. Aarts E. Collier R. Loenen E. Ambient Intelligence: First European Symposium, EUSAI 2003, Veldhoven, The Netherlands, November 3.-4, 2003, Proceedings2003
1687. Aarts J. Nishiura T. Dimension and extensions1993
1688. Aarts J. Nishiura T. Dimension and extensions1993
1689. Aarts J. Nishiura T. Dimension and extensions1993
1690. Aarts J. Nishiura T. Dimension and Extensions (North-Holland Mathematical Library)1993
1691. Aas K. Technologies of Insecurity: The Surveillance of Everyday Life2009
1692. Abadi M. Ito T. Theoretical Aspects of Computer Software: Third International Symposium, TACS'97, Sendai, Japan, September 23 - 26, 1997, Proceedings1997
1693. Abate M. Patrizio G. Finsler Metrics - A Global Approach. With Applications to Geometric Function Theory1994
1694. Abate Z. Wimax Rf Systems Engineering (Artech House Mobile Communications Library)2009
1695. Abbaspour H. Marcolli M. Tradler T. Deformation Spaces: Perspectives on Algebro-Geometric Moduli (Vieweg Aspects of Mathematics)2010
1696. Abbass H. Applications of Information Systems to Homeland Security And Defense2006
1697. Abbinnett R. Marxism after Modernity: Politics, Technology and Social Transformation2007
1698. Abbondandolo A. Morse Theory for Hamiltonian Systems2001
1699. Abbott D. Linux for Embedded and Real-Time Applications (Embedded Technology)2003
1700. Abbott D. PCI Bus Demystified, Second Edition (Demystifying Technology Series) (2nd edition)2004
1701. Abbott E.A. Flatland. A romance of many dimensions (second revised edition)1884
1702. Abbott-Hoduski B. Lobbying for Libraries and the Public's Access to Government Information: An Insider's View2003
1703. Abd-El-Aziz A. Carraher C. Harvey P. Macromolecules Containing Metal and Metal-Like Elements, Photophysics and Photochemistry of Metal-Containing Polymers (Volume 10)2010
1704. Abdalla M. Barreto P. Progress in Cryptology - LATINCRYPT 2010: First International Conference on Cryptology and Information Security in Latin America, Puebla, Mexico, ... Computer Science Security and Cryptology)2010
1705. Abdelgawad A. Naga O. Pediatric Orthopedics: A Handbook for Primary Care Physicians2014
1706. Abdelguerfi M. Lavington S. Emerging Trends in Database and Knowledge Based Machines: The Application of Parallel Architectures to Smart Information Systems1995
1707. Abdo E. Power Equipment Engine Technology2011
1709. Abdul-Rahman A. Zlatanova S. Coors V. Innovations in 3D Geo Information Systems (Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography)2006
1710. Abdulla P. Potapov I. Reachability Problems: 7th International Workshop, RP 2013, Uppsala, Sweden, September 24-26, 2013 Proceedings2013
1711. Abdullaev F. Konotop V. Nonlinear Waves: Classical and Quantum Aspects2004
1712. Abdullaev F. Konotop V. Nonlinear Waves: Classical and Quantum Aspects (NATO Science Series II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry)2005
1713. Abe A. Albertsson A. Cantow H. Viscoelasticity Atomistic Models Statistical Chemistry (Advances in Polymer Science)2000
1714. Abe E. Hopf algebras1977
1715. Abe M. Advances in Cryptology - ASIACRYPT 20102010
1716. Abe M. Topics in Cryptology CT-RSA 2007: The Cryptographers' Track at the RSA Conference 2007, San Fancisco, CA, USA, February 5-9, 2007, Proceedings2006
1717. Abe Y. Kopfermann K. Toroidal Groups: Line Bundles, Cohomology and Quasi-Abelian Varieties2001
1718. Abedon S. Bacteriophage Ecology: Population Growth, Evolution, and Impact of Bacterial Viruses2008
1719. Abel C. Architecture, Technology and Process2004
1720. Abel D. Ooi B. Advances in Spatial Databases: Third International Symposium, SSD '93, Singapore, June 23-25, 1993. Proceedings1993
1721. Abele E. Meyer T. Sykes S. Global Production: A Handbook for Strategy and Implementation2008
1722. Abell M. Braselton J. Differential Equations With Mathematica1993
1723. Abell M. Braselton J. Differential Equations with Mathematica1993
1724. Abell S. Science Teacher Education (Science & Technology Education Library). An International Perspective2002
1725. Abelquist E. Decommissioning Health Physics: A Handbook for MARSSIM Users (Medical Physics Series)2001
1726. Abels M. Wijers M. Kindt M. Mathematics in Context: Operations: Algebra2006
1727. Abelson B. Abelson K. Release Your Pain: Resolving Repetitive Strain Injuries with Active Release Techniques2005
1728. Abelson H. Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs - 2nd Edition (MIT Electrical Engineering and Computer Science) (2nd edition)1996
1729. Abelson H. diSessa A. Turtle Geometry: The Computer as a Medium for Exploring Mathematics (4th edition)1980
1730. Abelson J. Simon M. Phillips M. Antisense Technology, Part A, General Methods, Methods of Delivery, and RNA Studies, Volume 313 (Methods in Enzymology)2000
1731. Abelson J. Simon M. Methods in enzymology2004
1732. Abelson J. Simon M. METHODS IN ENZYMOLOGY2004
1733. Abelson J. Simon M. Phillips M. Methods in Enzymology Vol 314: Antisense Technology, Part B2000
1734. Abelson J. Simon M. Methods in Enzymology. Volume 3862004
1735. Abelson J. Simon M. Methods in enzymology.Volume 384.2004
1736. Aber J. Marzolff I. Ries J. Small-Format Aerial Photography: Principles, techniques and geoscience applications2010
1737. Abercrombie M. Hickman M. Johnson M. Biology Dictionary THE NEW PENGUIN DlCTlONARY OF BIOLOGY (8th edition)1990
1738. Abercrombie M. The New Penguin Dictionary Of Biology (7th edition)1980
1739. Abernethy B. Mackinnon L. Kippers V. The Biophysical Foundations of Human Movement (2nd edition)2005
1740. Abhyankar S. Algebraic geometry for scientists and engineers1990
1741. Abhyankar S. Abramov V. Adem A. Encyclopaedia of Mathematics, Supplement III2001
1742. Abhyankar S. Sathaye A. Geometric theory of algebraic space curves (Lecture notes in mathematics ; 423)1974
1743. Abhyankar S. Resolution of Singularities of Embedded Algebraic Surfaces (Pure & Applied Mathematics)1966
1744. Abhyankar S. Resolution of singularities of embedded algebraic surfaces. Volume 241966
1745. Abhyankar S. Orbanz U. Weighted Expansions for Canonical Desingularization1982
1746. Abilov M. Gomez J. Funk B. Information Technology in Environmental Engineering: Selected Contributions to the Sixth International Conference on Information Technologies in Environmental Engineering (ITEE2013)2014
1747. Abiteboul S. Shamir E. Automata, Languages and Programming, 21 conf., ICALP941994
1748. Abiteboul S. Kanellakis P. ICDT '90: Third International Conference on Database Theory, Paris, France, December 12-14, 1990, Proceedings1990
1749. Ablin R. Mason M. Metastasis of Prostate Cancer2007
1750. Ablowitz M. Prinari B. Trubatch A. Discrete and Continuous Nonlinear Schr?dinger Systems2004

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