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Содержимое каталога
9311. Duren P. A Century of Mathematics in America (History of Mathematics, Vol 2)1989
9312. Duren P. A Century of Mathematics in America. Part 21989
9313. Duren P. Univalent Functions (Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften 259)1983
9314. Duric N. Advanced astrophysics2004
9315. During W. Oakey R. Kauser S. New Technology-Based Firms in the New Millennium IV (New Technology-Based Firms)2005
9316. Durr K. Propositional logic of Boethius1951
9317. Durrett R. Random Graph Dynamics2007
9318. Durrett R. Random Graph Dynamics (Cambridge Series in Statistical and Probabilistic Mathematics)2007
9319. Durzan D. Smertenko P. Blume Y. Cell Biology and Instrumentation: UV Radiation, Nitric Oxide and Cell Death in Plants2006
9320. Dusek V. Philosophy of Technology: An Introduction2006
9321. Duskin J. Simplicial Methods and the Interpretation of `Triple' Cohomology1975
9322. Dustdar S. Fiadeiro J. Sheth A. Business Process Management: 4th International Conference, BPM 2006, Vienna, Austria, September 5-7, 2006, Proceedings2006
9323. Duszynski D. Couch L. The biology and identification of the coccidia (apicomplexa) of rabbits of the world2013
9324. Dutta A. Dutta N. Fujiwara M. WDM Technologies: Optical Networks (Optics and Photonics Series)2004
9325. Dutta A. Dutta N. Fujiwara M. WDM Technologies: Passive Optical Components (WDM Technologies)2003
9326. Dutta A. Dutta N. Fujiwara M. WDM Technologies: Passive Optical Components. Volume 2.2003
9327. Dutta P. Dutta J. Multifaceted Development and Application of Biopolymers for Biology, Biomedicine and Nanotechnology2013
9328. Dutta R. Kamal A. Rouskas G. Traffic Grooming for Optical Networks Foundations Techniques and Frontiers Optical Networks2008
9329. Dutta S. Mia I. The Global Information Technology Report 2007-2008: Fostering Innovation through Networked Readiness2008
9330. Dutton J.E. Energize Your Workplace2003
9331. Dutu R. Moneychangers, private information and Gresham's Law in Late Medieval Europe2004
9332. Duval E. Klamma R. Wolpers M. Creating New Learning Experiences on a Global Scale: Second European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2007, Crete, Greece, September2007
9333. Duval G. Republic P-47 Thunderbolt Described1969
9334. Dvalishvili B. Bitopological Spaces: Theory, Relations with Generalized Algebraic Structures and Applications2005
9335. Dvalishvili B. Bitopological spaces: theory, relations with generalized algebraic structures, and applications2005
9336. Dvoeglazov V. Einstein and Poincare: the physical vacuum2006
9337. Dvoeglazov V. Einstein and Poincare: the physical vacuum2006
9338. Dvoretsky M. Yusupov A. Attack and Defence1999
9339. Dwight H. Herbert Bristol Dwight. Tables of integrals and other mathematical data (3rd edition)1957
9340. Dwight H. Tables of integrals (3rd edition)1957
9341. Dwight H. Tables of Integrals and Other Mathematical Data (3rd edition)1957
9342. Dwivedi Y. The neurobiological basis of suicide2012
9343. Dwork B. Generalized hypergeometric functions1990
9344. Dworkin M. Falkow S. Rosenberg E. The Prokaryotes Handbook On The Biology Bacteria. Volume 1: Symbiotic Associations, Biotechnology, Applied Microbiology (3rd edition)2006
9345. Dworkin M. The Prokaryotes. A Handbook on the Biology of Bacteria. Volume 4: Bacteria: Firmicutes, Cyanobacteria (3rd edition)2006
9346. Dworsky L. Understanding the Mathematics of Personal Finance: An Introduction to Financial Literacy2009
9347. Dwyer D. Glucose Metabolism in the Brain. Volume 512002
9348. Dwyer M. Model Checking Software: 8th International SPIN Workshop, Toronto, Canada, May 19-20, 2001 Proceedings2001
9349. Dwyer R. Genomic Perl: From Bioinformatics Basics to Working Code2002
9350. Dwyer W. Hirschhorn P. Kan D. Homotopy Limit Functors on Model Categories and Homotopical Categories2004
9351. Dwyer W. Henn H. Homotopy theoretic methods in group cohomology2001
9352. Dyall k. Faegri K. Introduction to relativistic quantum chemistry2007
9353. Dybkjaer L. Hemsen H. Minker W. Evaluation of Text and Speech Systems (Text, Speech and Language Technology)2007
9354. Dybkjer L. Recent Trends in Discourse and Dialogue2008
9355. Dybvig R. The Scheme Programming Language (4th edition)2009
9356. Dyck V. Hendrichs J. Robinson A. Sterile Insect Technique: Principles and Practice in Area-Wide Integrated Pest Management2005
9357. Dydak J. Segal J. Shape Theory1978
9358. Dye S. Neutrino Geophysics: Proceedings of Neutrino Sciences 20052007
9359. Dyer G. Quantum Physics2009
9360. Dyer G. Chenery G. Halward T. SAT II Success Biology E/M2002
9361. Dyke P. An introduction to Laplace transforms and Fourier series2001
9362. Dyke P. Managing Mathematical Projects - with Success! (Springer Undergraduate Mathematics Series)2004
9363. Dykstra C. Frenking G. Kim K. Theory and applications of computational chemistry: The first forty years2005
9364. Dykstra C. Frenking G. Kim K. Theory and Applications of Computational Chemistry: The First Forty Years2005
9365. Dym C. Principles of mathematical modeling (2nd edition)2004
9366. Dym C. Principles of Mathematical Modeling (2nd edition)2004
9367. Dym C. Principles of Mathematical Modeling, Second Edition (2nd edition)2004
9368. Dymond A. Asymmetric Interconnection Charges for Rural Areas: Addressing the Interconnection Challenge in Developing Countries2004
9369. Dymond A. Navas-Sabater J. Juntunen N. Telecommunications and Information Services for the Poor: Toward a Strategy for Universal Access (World Bank Discussion Paper)2002
9370. Dynkin E. Osilenker B. Weighted estimates of singular integrals and their applications1985
9371. Dypvik H. Tsikalas F. Smelror M. The Mjolnir Impact Event and its Consequences: Geology and Geophysics of a Late Jurassic Early Cretaceous Marine Impact Event (Impact Studies)2010
9372. Dyson J. Williams D. The physics of the interstellar medium (2nd edition)1997
9373. Dyson J. Williams D. The physics of the interstellar medium. Color plates (2nd edition)1997
9374. Dyson N. Radiation Physics with Applications in Medicine and Biology (2nd edition)1993
9375. Dyson N. X-rays in Atomic and Nuclear Physics (Second edition) (2nd edition)1990
9376. Dyszel B. Outlook 2010 All-in-One For Dummies2010
9377. Dyszel B. Outlook 2010 For Dummies (For Dummies (Computer/Tech))2010
9378. Dzeroski S. Todorovski L. Computational Discovery of Scientific Knowledge: Introduction, Techniques, and Applications in Environmental and Life Sciences (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)2007
9379. Dzeroski S. Struyf J. Knowledge Discovery in Inductive Databases: 5th International Workshop, KDID 2006 Berlin, Germany, September 18th, 2006 Revised Selected and Invited Papers2007
9380. Dzombak D. Ghosh R. Wong-Chong G. Cyanide in Water and Soil: Chemistry, Risk, and Management2006

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