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9101. DR. Carl Scherzer Teavels in the free states of Central America: NICARAGUA, HONDURAS, AND SAN SALVADOR.1857
9102. Dr. Melvin Pasternak 21 Candlesticks Every Trader Should Know (1 edition)2006
9103. Dr.Hans Dieter Neuwinger Afrikanische Pfeilgifte1974
9104. Draelos Z.X. Lauren T. Thaman L. Cosmetic Formulation of Skin Care Products, Vol. 30 (1st edition)2006
9105. Draft D. Programming Language Extended Rexx (2nd edition)1998
9106. Dragan V. Morozan T. Stoica A. Mathematical methods in robust control of discrete-time linear stochastic systems2010
9107. Dragan V. Morozan T. Stoica A. Mathematical Methods in Robust Control of Linear Stochastic Systems (2nd edition)2013
9108. Dragan V. Morozan T. Stoica A. Mathematical Methods in Robust Control of Linear Stochastic Systems2006
9109. Draghici S. Data analysis tools for DNA microarrays2003
9110. Dragomir S. Tomassini G. Differential Geometry and Analysis on CR Manifolds2006
9111. Dragomir S. Inequalities for the Numerical Radius of Linear Operators in Hilbert Spaces2013
9112. Dragomir S. Ornea L. Locally Conformal Kahler Geometry (Progress in Mathematics)1998
9113. Dragomir S. Ornea L. Locally Conformal Kahler Geometry (Progress in mathematics)1998
9114. Dragon N. The Geometry of Special Relativity: A Concise Course2012
9115. Draheim D. Weber G. Trends in Enterprise Application Architecture: VLDB Workshop, TEAA 2005, Trondheim, Norway, August 28, 2005, Revised Selected Papers2006
9116. Drahein D. Business Process Technology2010
9117. Drake G. Springer Handbook of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics (2nd edition)2006
9118. Drake G. Springer Handbook of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics (2nd edition)2006
9119. Drake M. Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science, First Update Supplement (2nd edition)2005
9120. Drake R. High-energy-density physics2006
9121. Drake R. High-Energy-Density Physics: Fundamentals, Inertial Fusion, and Experimental Astrophysics2006
9122. Drapcho C. Nghiem J. Walker T. Biofuels Engineering Process Technology2008
9123. Draper N. Hodgson C. Adventure Sport Physiology2008
9124. Draper P. Deconstructing the Elements with 3ds Max (3rd edition)2009
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9126. Drazin P. Solitons1983
9127. Drazin P. Johnson R. Solitons: an introduction (2nd edition)1989
9128. Drazin P. Riley N. The Navier-Stokes equations2006
9129. Drechsel J. Cooperative Lot Sizing Games in Supply Chains (Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems 644)2010
9130. Drechsler W. Mayer M. Bohm A. Fiber Bundle Techniques in Gauge Theories1977
9131. Drechsler W. Mayer M. Fiber bundle techniques in gauge theories1977
9132. Drennan M. The Information Economy and American Cities2002
9133. Drensky V. Giambruno A. Sehgal S. Methods in Ring Theory (Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics)1998
9134. Drentea C. Modern Communications Receiver Design and Technology2010
9135. Drenth J. Principles of Protein X-Ray Crystallography (3rd edition)2007
9136. Drescher G. Good and Real: Demystifying Paradoxes from Physics to Ethics2006
9137. Drescher G. Good and Real: Demystifying Paradoxes from Physics to Ethics (Bradford Books)2006
9138. Dresner L. Similarity solutions of nonlinear partial differential equations1983
9139. Dresselhaus M. Avouris P. Dresselhaus G. Carbon Nanotubes: Synthesis, Structure, Properties, and Applications2001
9140. Dretske F. Knowledge and the Flow of Information1981
9141. Drew D. Passman S. Theory of Multicomponent Fluids1999
9142. Drew D. Passman S. Theory of Multicomponent Fluids (Applied Mathematical Sciences 135)1999
9143. Drexl J. Hilty R. Schon W. Patents and Technological Progress in a Globalized World: Liber Amicorum Joseph Straus (Mpi Studies on Intellectual Property, Competition and Tax La)2009
9144. Drexler E. Peterson C. Unbounding the Future: the Nanotechnology Revolution1991
9145. Drexler E.K. Peterson Ch. Pergamit G. Unbounding the Future: The Nanotechnology Revolution1991
9146. Dreyfus S. Dynamic Programming and the Calculus of Variations (Mathematics in Science and Engineering, Volume 21)1965
9147. Dreyfus S. Law A. The art and theory of dynamic programming1977
9148. Dreysse H. Electronic Structure and Physical Properies of Solids1999
9149. Drezner J. Leonard R. Innovative Development: Global Hawk and DarkStar - Flight Test in the HAE UAV ACTD Program (2)2002
9150. Driankov D. Eklund P. Ralescu A. Fuzzy Logic and Fuzzy Control: IJCAI '91 Workshops on Fuzzy Logic and Fuzzy Control, Sydney, Australia, August 24, 1991. Proceedings1994
9151. Drider D. Antimicrobial Peptides: Food, Veterinary and Medical Applications (Journal of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology 2007)2007
9152. Dries L. Tame topology and O-minimal structures1998
9153. Driesche J. Driesche R. Nature Out of Place: Biological Invasions in the Global Age2000
9154. Driesche R. Hoddle M. Center T. Control of Pests and Weeds by Natural Enemies: An Introduction to Biological Control2008
9155. Dring M. The biology of marine plants (2nd edition)1992
9156. Drioli E. Criscuoli A. Curcio E. Membrane contactors: fundamentals, applications and potentialities2006
9157. Drira K. Martelli A. Villemur T. Cooperative Environments for Distributed Systems Engineering: The Distributed Systems Environment Report2001
9158. Dris R. (ed.) Jain S.M. (ed.) Production Practices and Quality Assessment of Food Crops, Volume 2: Plant Mineral Nutrition and Pesticide Management2004
9159. Driscoll M. Carliner S. Advanced web-based training strategies2005
9160. Drmac Z. Marusic M. Tutek Z. Proceedings of the Conference on Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing2005
9161. Drmac Z. Marusic M. Tutek Z. Proceedings of the Conference on Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing2005
9162. Drobny J. Radiation technology for polymers2003
9163. Drobny J. Radiation Technology for Polymers, Second Edition (2nd edition)2010
9164. Drobny J. Technology of fluoropolimers (2nd edition)2009
9165. Drobny J. Technology of Fluoropolymers2001
9166. Droege P. Intelligent Environments. Spatial Aspects of the Information Revolution1997
9167. Drolsbaugh M Deaf again.The quest for a healthy deaf identity (5-издание edition)n/a
9168. Dromey R. How to Solve it by Computer1982
9169. Drongelen W. Signal Processing for Neuroscientists, A Companion Volume: Advanced Topics, Nonlinear Techniques and Multi-Channel Analysis (Elsevier Insights)2010
9170. Dronskowski R. Computational Chemistry of Solid State Materials: A Guide for Materials Scientists, Chemists, Physicists and others2006

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