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7701. Corless M. Frazho A. Linear Systems and Control: An Operator Perspective2003
7702. Corne D. Shapiro J. Evolutionary Computing: AISB International Workshop, Manchester, UK, April 7-8, 1997. Selected Papers. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)1997
7703. Cornea A. Licea G. Order and Potential Resolvent Families of Kernels1975
7704. Cornelis R. Caruso J. Crews H. Handbook of Elemental Speciation I: Techniques and Methodology2003
7705. Cornell G. Morrison J. Programming VB .NET: A Guide for Experienced Programmers2002
7706. Cornell G. Morrison J. Programming VB .NET: A Guide for Experienced Programmers2001
7707. Cornet B. Nguyen V. Vial J. Nonlinear analysis and optimization1987
7708. Cornick T. Computer-Integrated Building Design1996
7709. Cornille P. Advanced Electromagnetism and Vacuum Physics (World Scientific Series in Contemporary Chemical Physics, 21)2003
7710. Cornips L. Corrigan K. Syntax and Variation: Reconciling the Biological and the Social (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory)2005
7711. Cornwall J. Papavassiliou J. Binosi D. The Pinch Technique and its Applications to Non-Abelian Gauge Theories2011
7712. Cornwell J. Group Theory in Physics, Vol. 1 (Techniques of Physics Series)1984
7713. Cornwell J. Group Theory in Physics. An Introduction1997
7714. Cornwell J. Group Theory in Physics: An introduction (Techniques of Physics Series)1997
7715. Coron J. Control and Nonlinearity (Mathematical Surveys and Monographs)2007
7716. Coron J.-M. Control and nonlinearity2007
7717. Coroza G. Krauss E. MMA Book of Knowledge - BJ Penn2007
7718. Corp H.L. Real little classical fake book1993
7719. Corradini A. Ehrig H. Montanari U. Graph Transformations: Third International Conference, ICGT 2006, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, September 17-23, 2006, Proceedings2006
7720. Corradini A. Montanari U. Recent Trends in Algebraic Development Techniques: 19th International Workshop, WADT 2008, Pisa, Italy, June 13-16, 2008, Revised Selected Papers ... Computer Science and General Issues)2009
7721. Correa C. Abilio. Determinado, ambicioso, polêmico2015
7722. Correa J. Hevia A. Kiwi M. LATIN 2006: Theoretical Informatics, 7 conf2006
7723. Correia J. Detrich D. Biophysical Tools for Biologists, In Vivo Techniques2008
7724. Correia L. Abramowicz H. Johnsson M. Architecture and Design for the Future Internet: 4WARD Project2011
7725. Correia L. Reis L. Cascalho J. Progress in Artificial Intelligence: 16th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, EPIA 2013, Angra do Hero?smo, Azores, Portugal, September 9-12, 2013. Proceedings2013
7726. Corrochano E. Handbook of Geometric Computing: Applications in Pattern Recognition, Computer Vision, Neuralcomputing, and Robotics2005
7727. Corrochano E. Handbook of Geometric Computing: Applications in Pattern Recognition, Computer Vision, Neuralcomputing, and Robotics2005
7728. Corry J. Curtis G. Baird R. Culture Media for Food Microbiology (Progress in Industrial Microbiology)1996
7729. Corso A. Gimenez P. Pinto M. Commutative Algebra: Geometric, Homological, Combinatorial and Computational Aspects (Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics)2006
7730. Cortada J. Making the Information Society: Experience, Consequences, and Possibilities2002
7731. Cortada J. The Digital Hand, Vol 3: How Computers Changed the Work of American Public Sector Industries2008
7732. Cortada J. The Digital Hand: How Computers Changed the Work of American Manufacturing, Transportation, and Retail Industries2004
7733. Cortada J. The Digital Hand:Volume II: How Computers Changed the Work of American Financial, Telecommunications, Media, and Entertainment Industries2006
7734. Cortada J.W. The Digital Hand: How Computers Changed the Work of American Manufacturing, Transportation, and Retail Industries (1 edition)2004
7735. Cortadella J. Reisig W. Applications and Theory of Petri Nets 2004: 25th International Conference, ICATPN 2004, Bologna, Italy, June 21-25, 2004, Proceedings2005
7736. Cortadella J. Yakovlev A. Rozenberg G. Concurrency and Hardware Design2002
7737. Cortellessa V. Balsamo M. Knottenbelt W. Computer Performance Engineering: 10th European Workshop, EPEW 2013, Venice, Italy, September 16-17, 2013. Proceedings2013
7738. Cortes L. Verification and Scheduling Techniques for Real-Time Embedded Systems (Linkoping studies in science and technology)2005
7739. Cortes U. Poch M. Advanced Agent-Based Environmental Management Systems2009
7740. Cortes V. Handbook of pseudo-Riemannian geometry and supersymmetry2010
7741. Cortesi A. Saeed K. Chaki R. Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management: 12th IFIP TC8 International Conference, CISIM 2013, Krakow, Poland, September 25-27, 2013. Proceedings2013
7742. Cortesi A. File G. Static Analysis: 6th International Symposium, SAS'99, Venice, Italy, September 22-24, 1999, Proceedings: Sixth International Symposium, SAS '99, ... 6th1999
7743. Corti A. Flips for 3-folds and 4-folds (Oxford Lecture Series in Mathematics and Its Applications)2007
7744. Cortona P. Manzi C. Pennisi A. Evaluation and optimization of electoral systems1999
7745. Cortona P. Manzi C. Pennisi A. Evaluation and optimization of electoral systems1999
7746. Cortona P. Manzi C. Pennisi A. Evaluation and optimization of electoral systems1999
7747. Coruzzi G. Gutierrez R. Annual Plant Reviews Volume 35: Plant Systems Biology2009
7748. Coruzzi G. Gutierrez R. Plant Systems Biology (Annual Plant Reviews, Volume 35)2009
7749. Cory J. Activist Business Ethics2004
7750. Cory J. Business ethics. The etyical revolution of minority shareholders2005
7751. Cosmology and Cosmic-Ray Physics Panel on Gravitation Physics Survey Committee, Board on Physics and Astronom Gravitation, Cosmology, and Cosmic-Ray Physics1986
7752. Cosnard M. Ferreira A. Peters J. Parallel and Distributed Computing: Theory and Practice. First Canada-France Conference, Montreal, Canada, May 19 - 21, 1994. Proceedings1994
7753. Cosner C. Janies D. Kubatko L. Tutorials in Mathematical Biosciences IV: Evolution and Ecology (Lecture Notes in Mathematics Mathematical Biosciences Subseries)2008
7754. Costa B. Philip K. Tactical Biopolitics: Art, Activism, and Technoscience2008
7755. Costa G. Fogli G. Symmetries and Group Theory in Particle Physics. An Introduction to Space-time and Internal Symmetries2012
7756. Costabile M. Paterno F. Human-Computer Interaction INTERACT 2005: IFIP TC 13 International Conference, Rome, Italy, September 12-16, 2005, Proceedings2005
7757. Costanzo L. Physiology (4th edition)2006
7758. Costanzo L. Physiology: Cases and Problems: Board Review Series2001
7759. Costanzo L. Physiology: Cases and Problems: Board Review Series2001
7760. Coster C. Habets P. Two-point boundary value problems: Lower and upper solutions2006
7761. Costin O. Asymptotics and borel summability2009
7762. Cotlar M. Cignoli R. An Introduction to Functional Analysis (North-Holland Texts in Advanced Mathematics)1974
7763. Cotronis Y. Dongarra J. Recent Advances in Parallel Virtual Machine and Message Passing Interface: 8th European PVM/MPI Users' Group Meeting, Santorini/Thera, Greece, September ...2001
7764. Cotsakis S. Gibbons G. Mathematical and Quantum Aspects of Relativity and Cosmology2000
7765. Cottet G. Hodnett F. Proceedings of the Sixth European Conference on Mathematics in Industry August 27–31, 1991 Limerick1992
7766. Cotton F. Progress in Inorganic Chemistry, Volume 101968
7767. Cotton F. Progress in Inorganic Chemistry, Volume 31962
7768. Cotton F. Progress in Inorganic Chemistry, Volume 61964
7769. Cotton F. Progress in Inorganic Chemistry, Volume 71966
7770. Cotton F. Progress in Inorganic Chemistry, Volume 81967

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