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771. Shader R.I. Manual of Psychiatric Therapeutics (Paperback) (3rd Edition)2002
772. Shahroo Izadi The Kindness Method2018
773. Shangold M.M. Mirkin G. Women and Exercise: Physiology and Sport Medicine (2-nd edition)1994
774. Shaw G.D. Better You, Better Friends2021
775. Shields S.A. Gender and the social Meaning of Emotion2002
776. Shimizu H. Levine R.A. Japanese Frames of Mind: Cultural Perspectives on Human Development2002
777. Shinobu Kitayama Yukiko Uchida Explicit Self-Criticism and Implicit Self-Regard- Evaluating Self and Friend in Two Cultures2003
778. Shinyashiki R. A caricia essencial.Uma psicologia do afeton/a
779. Shrum L.J. Psychology of Entertainment Media: Blurring the Lines between Entertainment and Persuasion2003
780. Siddons S. The Complete Presentation Skills Handbook: How to Understand and Reach Your Audience for Maximum Impact and Success2008
781. Siegel D. J. The Enneagram Guide to Waking Up2021
782. Sigmund Freud Obras completas1961
783. Sigmund Freud The Interpretation of Dreams1900
784. Siler T. Think Like a Genius1999
785. Sillars A. Roberts L.J. Leonard K.E., Dun T. Cognition During Marital Conflict; The Relationship of Thought and Talk2002
786. Silverthorne C. Organizational Psychology in Cross Cultural Perspective2005
787. Simons R.F. Psychophysiology2011
788. Sitav M. NeoMindfulness2020
789. Skinner E.R. Brain Lipids and Disorders in Biological Psychiatry. Volume 352002
790. Smagorinsky P. Taxel J. The discourse of character education2005
791. Smail D. Talking care an alternative to therapy1998
792. Smart J.K. Real delegation: how to get people to do things for you - and do them well2002
793. Smith D.L. Por que Mentimos2006
794. Smith G. Leading the Professionals: How to Inspire & Motivate Professional Service Teams2004
795. Smith M.J. Kiger P.J. Oops - 20 Life Lessons from the Fiascoes That Shaped America2006
796. Smith N. I Was Wrong: The Meanings of Apologies2008
797. Smyth J.D. McManus D.P. The Physiology and Biochemistry of Cestodes2007
798. Snyder D. K. Simpson J.A. Hughes J. N. Emotion regulation in couples and families: pathways to dysfunction and health (1 edition)2006
799. Sokolowski L. Psychoanalysis Under Nazi Occupation2022
800. Sommers-Flanagan J. Sommers-Flanagan R. Counseling and psychotherapy theories in context and practice: skills, strategies, and techniques2004
801. Sonderegger Th. Psychology (Cliffs Quick Review) (1st edition)1998
802. Sonnentag S. Psychological Management of Individual Performance (1 edition)2001
803. Sophia Love Join Me on a Love Quest2018
804. Spagnolo R. Northoff G. The Dynamic Self in Psychoanalysis: Neuroscientific Foundations and Clinical Cases2022
805. Spielberger C. Encyclopedia of Applied Psychology2002
806. Spielberger C. Encyclopedia of Applied Psychology (Vol. 1 A-H)2004
807. Spielrein S. A destruição como origem do devir2021
808. Spock B. Dr. Spock's The First Two Years: The Emotional and Physical Needs of Children from Birth to Age 22001
809. St. Hilaire C. Elogios para 27 Poderes de Persuasão2012
810. Stafford T. Johnson S. Webb M. Mind Hacks: Tips and Tools for Using Your Brain2004
811. Stahl S. Alt M. Eu sou assim mesmo!2005
812. Stahl S. Eu sou assim mesmo!2018
813. Starhawk Baker D. Hill A. Circle round. Raising children in goddess traditions2020
814. Stark J. Global Product: Strategy, Product Lifecycle Management and the Billion Customer Question (Decision Engineering) (1 edition)2007
815. Starko A.J. Creativity in the classroom (Third Edition)2004
816. Starr J. The coaching manual: the definitive guide to the process, principles and skills of personal coaching2003
817. Steel D. Eclipse: The Celestial Phenomenon That Changed the Course of History2001
818. Steele R. D. Body Language Secrets: A Guide During Courtship & Dating1997
819. Steenbarger B.N. The Psychology of Trading. Tools and Techniques for Minding the Markets2003
820. Stefan M. Travis M. Murray R.M. An Atlas of Schizophrenia2002
821. Stefan S. Emergency Department Treatment of the Psychiatric Patient: Policy Issues and Legal Requirements2006
822. Stein M. Jung e o caminho da individuação: uma introdução concisa2020
823. Stein M. Jung e o camino da individuaçãon/a
824. Stenning K. Lascarides A. Calder J. Introduction to Cognition and Communication2006
825. Stephen Denning The secret language of leadership (1 edition)2007
826. Stern R. Ray W.J. Quigley K.S. Psychophysiological Recording (2-nd edition)2000
827. Sternberg R. Jordan J. A Handbook of Wisdom: Psychological Perspectives (1 edition)2005
828. Sternberg R.G. (ed.) Why smart people can be so stupid2002
829. Stets J.E. Burke P.J. Identity theory and Social Identity theory1999
831. Stevens B. Não Apresse o Rio, Ele Corre Sozinho1970
832. Stivers R. Shades of Loneliness: Pathologies of a Technological Society2004
833. Stone J. Wiegand A.W. Cooper J. When exemplification fails: hypocrisy and the motive for self-integrity1997
834. Strack S. Millon T. Handbook of personology and psychopathology2005
835. Strack S. (ed.) Handbook of Personology and Psychopathology2005
836. Straus R.A. Creative Self-Hypnosis1989
837. Street D.J. The Construction of Optimal Stated Choice Experiments2007
838. Stricker G. (ed.) Widiger T.A. (ed.) Weiner I.B. (ed.) Handbook of Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Vol. 8 (1st edition)2003
839. Strickland B. The Gale Encyclopedia of Psychology (2-nd edition)2000
840. Stroh L.K. Black J.S. Mendenhall M.E. International Assignments: An Integration of Strategy, Research, and Practice2005

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