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351. Rocha С. Menos Marx, mais Mises2021
352. Roehner B.M. Driving Forces in Physical, Biological and Socio-economic Phenomena: A Network Science Investigation of Social Bonds and Interactions2007
353. Romm N.R.A. Accountability in Social Research: Issues and Debates2002
354. Rosa E. A. Renn O. McCright A. M. The risk society revisited:social theory and governance2014
355. Rose K. D. American isolationism between the World Wars : the search for a nation’s identity2021
356. Rosenberg M.-B. Les mots sont des fenêtres (ou bien ce sont des murs)2018
357. Rosenfield D. L. O que é democracia2017
358. Rosenfield D. L. O que é democracia2017
359. Rosenfield D. L. O que é democracia2017
360. Rosiles J. R. Concepto y función de los mass media en la ética discursiva: hacia un modelo de Öffentlichkeit virtual2019
361. Rossi I. (ed.) Frontiers of Globalization Research: Theoretical and Methodological Approaches (1st edition)2007
362. Roth J. K. Ethics - Revised Edition (Vol. 1) (Revised edition)2005
363. Rothbart D. Modeling: Gateway to the Unknown, A Work by Rom Harre, Vol. 12004
364. Rowley C.K. (ed.) Shneider F. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Public Choice (Volume I)2004
365. Roy W.G. Socializing Capital: The Rise of the Large Industrial Corporation in America1997
366. Ruef M. Lounsbury M. Research in the Sociology of Organizations (v. 25 )2007
367. Ruse M. Mystery of Mysteries. Is Evolution a Social Construction?1999
368. Rushton J.Ph. Rasse, Evolution und Verhalten2003
369. S.O'sullivan R. Siegelman National Physical Therapy Examination Review and Study Guide (2008 NPTE)2008
370. Sabongui A.G. The Art of Social Networking2007
371. Sakai J. Learning from an Unimportant Minority: Race Politics Beyond the White/Black Paradigm2015
372. Salais R. (ed.) Villeneuve R. (ed.) Europe and the Politics of Capabilities (1st edition)2004
373. Santayana G. Dominations and powers : reflections on liberty, society, and government (2 edition)1995
374. Schneider B. (ed.) Smith D.B. (ed.) Personality And Organizations2004
375. Schwarcz L. M. O Império em Procissão2001
376. Scott J. Fifty Key Sociologists - The Contemporary Theorists (1 edition)2006
377. Segal R.A. (ed.) The Blackwell Companion to the Study of Religion2006
378. Shapiro B. O Lado Certo da História2019
379. Shiraev E. Russian Government and Politics (3 edition)2021
380. Shum D. Red Roulette2021
381. Sigler D. Fracture feminism: the politics of impossible time in British romanticism2021
382. Sills D.L. Merton R.K. International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences Volume 19: Social Science Quotations1991
383. Silverman B.W.(ed.) Trewin D.J.(ed.) International statistical review. Revue internationale de statistique. Volume 60: number 3, december 1992n/a
384. Silverman B.W.(ed.) Trewin D.J.(ed.) International statistical review. Revue internationale de statistique. Volume 61: number 2, august 19931993
385. Smith A. Adam Smith and Modern Sociology a Study in the Methodology of the Social Sciences2001
386. Smith R.D. Strategic Planning for Public Relations (second edition)2005
387. Smith R.D. Strategic Planning for Public Relations (2nd edition)2004
388. Sofaer J. Material Identities2007
389. Solomon A. Longe da árvore2012
390. Souza J. Como o racismo criou o Brasil2021
391. Spink A. (Ed) Cole Ch. (Ed) New Directions in Cognitive Information Retrieval2005
392. Spink A. (Ed) Cole Ch. (Ed) New Directions in Human Information Behavior (1st edition)2006
393. Stajano A. Research, Quality, Competitiveness: European Union Technology Policy for the Information Society2006
394. Steer P. Settler colonialism in Victorian literature : economics and political identity in the networks of empire2020
395. Stets J. E. Burke P. J. Gender, Control and Interactionn/a
396. Stets J.E. Burke P.J. A Sociological Approach to Self and Identityn/a
397. Stoll D. Pescadores de hombres o fundadores de Imperio2002
398. Stolley K.S. The basics of sociology2005
399. Subhabrata B.B. Corporate social responsibility : the good, the bad and the ugly (1 edition)2007
400. Sugranyes A. Mathivet C. Ciudades para tod@s2010
401. Sutton K. Sexuality in Modern German History2023
402. T. G Olson Conducting SEI-assisted software process assessments (Technical report. Carnegie Mellon University. Software Engineering Institute)1989
403. T. S. Buchel Using Communication Technology: Creating Knowledge Organizations2001
404. Tackrah J.R. Dictionary of Terrorism (2nd edition)2003
405. TALBOTT W. J. Learning from Our Mistakes2021
406. Taneja P. (ed.) State of the World’s Minorities and Indigenous Peoples 20092009
407. Tavares da Silva R. B. Responsabilidade civil na área da saúde (2 edition)2009
408. Taylor-Gooby P. Zinn J.O. Risk in social science2006
409. The Human Rights Campaign Transgendrism and Transition in the workplace2000
410. Theaker A. The public relations handbook (2 edition)2004
411. THOMPSON E. A letter from Indian/a
412. Thompson D.F. Restoring Responsibility: Ethics in Government, Business, and Healthcare2005
413. Thomson Gale (Creator) Worldmark Encyclopedia of the Nations. 5 Volume Set. Vol.4 - Asia & Oceania (12 edition)2007
414. Thomson P. Evolutionary Epistemology and Scientific Realism1995
415. Thorisson H. Coupling, Stationarity, and Regeneration2000
416. Thurlow C. Lengel L. Tomic A. Computer Mediated Communication. Social Interaction And The Internet2004
417. Tiao G.С.(ed) Chao M.Т.(ed) Fu J.С.(ed) Statistica sinica. Volume 2. Number 1. January 19921992
418. Tom Reichert SEX IN ADVERTISING. Perspectives on the Erotic Appeal2003
419. Tonet I. Nascimento A. Descaminhos da Esquerda: da centralidade do trabalho à centralidade da política2009
420. Tormey S. Townshend J. Key Thinkers from Critical Theory to Post-Marxism2006

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