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141. deMarrais K.B. Lapan S.D. Foundations for Research: Methods of Inquiry in Education and the Social Sciences2003
142. Deuchler M. Under the ancestors’ eyes : kinship, status, and locality in premodern Korea2015
143. Dimitrov G. M. A Luta pela Unidade da Classe Operária contra o Fascismon/a
144. Ditmore M.H. Encyclopedia of Prostitution and Sex Work2006
145. Doku S.O. Cosmopolitanism in the Fictive Imagination of W. E. B. Du Bois: Toward the Humanization of a Revolutionary Art2015
146. Dorfbauer L.J. (ed.) Fortunatianus redivivus. Bischof Fortunatian von Aquileia und sein Evangelienkommentar2017
147. Earles Mark HERD How to Change Mass Behaviour by Harnessing Our True Nature2007
148. Eckstein A. M. BAD MOON RISING2016
149. Eco U. Migração e intolerância2020
150. editor Tenbrunsel A.E. Research on Managing Groups and Teams: Ethics in Groups (Vol. 8)2006
151. Ehlers M. A, Give and take: poverty and the status order in early modern Japan2018
152. Ellen Ernst Kossek Susan J. Lambert Work and Life Integration Organizational, Cultural, and Individual Perspectivesn/a
153. Encarnación O.G. Out in the Periphery. Latin America's Gay Rights Revolution2016
154. Epstein S. Constructive Thinking. The Key to Emotional Intelligence1998
155. Esteve M. The aesthetics and politics of the crowd in american literature2003
156. Etzioni A. From Empire to Community: A New Approach to International Relations (1st edition)2004
157. Fawaz A. Gerges The Far Enemy: Why Jihad Went Global2005
158. Fazli A. (ed.) Kundu A. (ed.) Reimagining Prosperity2023
159. Fischer K. Florian M. Malsch T. Socionics: Scalability of Complex Social Systems2005
160. Fitch K.L. Sanders R.E. (eds.) Handbook of Language and Social Interaction2005
161. Florini S. Beyond hashtags: racial politics and black digital networks2019
162. Forster G. John Locke’s Politics of Moral Consensus2005
163. Foucault M. The History of Sexuality, Vol. 2: The Use of Pleasure1990
164. Fozdar F. Duelling discourses, shared weapons: rhetorical techniques used to challenge racist arguments2010
165. Freund J. Sociologie de Max Weber1966
166. Friedman M. Capitalismo e Liberdade2014
167. Fritz J.M. (ed.) International Clinical Sociology2008
168. Fukuyama F. Ordem e decadência política: Da revolução industrial à globalização da democracia2018
169. Gale Group Staff Worldmark Encyclopedia of the Nations: World Leaders 2003 5 Volume set (Worldmark Encyclopedia of the Nations) (11 edition)2003
170. Gerstle G. Liberty and coercion: the paradox of American government from the founding to the present2015
171. Ghodsee K. Orenstein M. A. Taking stock of shock: social consequences of the 1989 revolutions2021
172. Gibbard A. Reconciling Our Aims2008
173. Gledhill J. State and Society: The Emergence and Development of Social Hierarchy and Political Centralization (One World Archaeology) (New edition)1995
174. Gohn M.G. Movimentos sociais e rede de mobilizações civis no Brasil contemporâneo2013
175. Goldmann K. The Logic of Internationalism: Coercion and Accommodation1994
176. Goodale M. (ed.) Merry S.E. (ed.) Practice of Human Rights. Tracking Law Between the Global and the Local2007
177. Goulding S. Company Law. Second edition (Second edition)1999
178. Greenwood R. Suddaby R. Research in the Sociology of Organizations (Volume 24): Professional Service Firms2006
179. Grimm H. Rihoux B. Innovative Comparative Methods for Policy Analysis2005
180. Grossmann M. How social science got better: overcoming bias with more evidence, diversity, and self-reflection2021
181. Groves R.M. Survey Errors and Survey Costs (1st edition)1989
182. Gu Z. Screen Media and the Construction of Nostalgia in Post-Socialist China2023
183. Gurpreet S. Dhillon Social Responsibility in the Information Age: Issues and Controversies2002
184. Guy D.M. Carmichael D.R. Lach L.A. Ethics for CPAs: Meeting Expectations in Challenging Times2003
185. Haas M. The Formation Process of SME Networks: A comparative case analysis of social processes of Austria, Belgium and Turkey2007
186. Haddad M. A. Politics volunteering japan2007
187. Halbwachs M. A memoria coletivan/a
188. Han B.-C. Sociedade paliativa2021
189. Han B.C. Sociedade paliativa2020
190. Haralson E. Henry James and Queer Modernity (1st edition)2003
191. Harvie Ch. Matthew H.C.G. Nineteenth-Century Britain: A Very Short Introduction2005
192. Hayes S. C. Follette V. M. Linehan M. M. Mindfulness and Acceptance: Expanding the Cognitive-Behavioral Tradition2004
193. Hennink M.M. International Focus Group Research: A Handbook for the Health and Social Sciences2007
194. Hewitt Ch. Cheetham T. Encyclopedia of Modern Separatist Movements2000
195. Hicken A. (ed.) Aspinall E. (ed.) Weiss M. (ed.) Electoral dynamics in the Philippines: money politics, patronage, and clientelism at the grassroots2019
196. Higgins E.T. Achieving Shared Reality in the Communication Game1992
197. Hinton P.R. Brownlow C. McMurray I. SPSS Explained (1 edition)2004
198. Hirschland M.J. Corporate Social Responsibility and the Shaping of Global Public Policy2006
199. HMC P. Um livro para ser entendido2016
200. Hobsbawm E. J. Bandidos (4 edition)2015
201. Holland S. Spracklen K. Subcultures, Bodies and Spaces2018
202. Holmes H. (ed.) Hall S. M. (ed.) Mundane Methods: Innovative ways to research the everyday2020
203. Holt T.C. The Civil Rights Movement2021
204. Hoover H. Nash G. N. American Individualism (3 edition)2016
205. Hsiao H. M. Exploration of the Middle Classes in Southeast Asia2001
206. Hudson R. A. Majeska M. The Sociology and Psychology of Terrorism: Who becomes a Terrorist and Why?1999
207. Hunter L.M. The Environmental Implications of Population Dynamics2000
208. Hussein E. Revaluing Roman Cyprus: Local Identity on an Island in Antiquity2021
209. Huszczo G. Tools for Team Leadership: Delivering the X-Factor in Team eXcellence2004
210. Inglehart R. Welzel C. Modernization, Cultural Change, and Democracy. The Human Development Sequence2005

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