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1681. George G. (ed.) Haas M.R. (ed.) Joshi H. (ed.) Handbook on the Business of Sustainability2022
1682. George J. Jones G. Understanding and Managing Organizational Behavior (Fifth edition)2007
1683. George M. Rowlands D. Kastle B. What Is Lean Six Sigma?2003
1684. George M.L. Wilson S.A. Conquering Complexity In Your Business: How Wal-Mart, Toyota, and Other Top Companies Are Breaking Through the Ceiling on Profits and Growth2004
1685. George M.L. Lean Six Sigma for Service: How to Use Lean Speed and Six Sigma Quality to Improve Services and Transactions2003
1686. George M.L. The Lean Six Sigma Pocket Toolbook: A Quick Reference Guide to Nearly 100 Tools for Improving Process Quality, Speed, and Complexity2005
1687. George Soros The Alchemy of Financen/a
1688. Gerber M. How to Create and Manage a Mutual Fund or Exchange-Traded Fund: A Professional's Guide2008
1689. Gerber M.E. Awakening the Enterpreneur Within: How Ordinary People Can Create Extraordinary Companies2008
1690. Gerd R. Betriebswirtschaftliche Steuerlehre (2-е издание edition)1990
1691. Gerencsér L. Mátyás Z. A behavioral stock market model2008
1692. German Advisory Council on Global Change Climate Change as a Security Risk2008
1693. Gerrard B. The Economics of Rationality1993
1694. Gesteland R.R. Cross-Cultural Business Behavior: Negotiating, Selling, Sourcing and Managing Across Cultures (4th edition)2005
1695. Geweke J. Tanizaki H. Bayesian estimation of state-space models using the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm within Gibbs sampling2001
1696. Geweke J. Contemporary Bayesian Econometrics And Statistics2005
1697. Geweke J. Note on the Sampling Distribution for the Metrolis-Hastings Algorithm2003
1698. Ghobadian A. O'Regan n. Gallear D. Viney H. Strategy and Perfomance: Achieving Competitive Advantage in the Global Marketplace2004
1699. Ghosh B. N. Contemporary Issues in Development Economics (1 edition)2001
1700. Giannamore R. Barbara Bordow Osach The High-Income Mortgage Originator: Sales Strategies and Practices to Build Your Client Base and Become a Top Producer2008
1701. Giavazzi F. (ed.) Goldfajn I. (ed.) Herrera S. (ed.) Inflation Targeting, Debt, and the Brazilian Experience, 1999 to 20032005
1702. Gibbons R. Game Theory for Applied Economists1992
1703. Gibson R.C. Asset Allocation (Fourth Edition)2008
1704. Gide C. Principles of political economy (1 edition)1902
1705. Gilbert D.R. Ethics Through Corporate Strategy1996
1706. Gilbert G. World Population: A Reference Handbook (1st edition)2005
1707. Gill I. Kharas H. Bhattasali D. An East Asian Renaissance: Ideas for Economic Growth2007
1708. Gill S. Bakker I. Power, Production and Social Reproduction: Human In/security in the Global Political Economy2003
1709. Gimpel H. Jennings N.R. Kersten G.E. Negotiation, Auctions, and Market Engineering: International Seminar, Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, November 12-17, 2006, Revised Selected Papers2008
1710. Gingrich G. (ed.) Managing IT in Government, Business & Communities2003
1711. Ginsburgh V.A. (ed.) Throsby D. (ed.) Handbook of the Economics of Art and Culture, Vol. 12006
1712. Giovinazzo W.A. Internet-Enabled Business Intelligence2002
1713. Gisler A. Bühlmann H. A Course in Credibility and Its Applications2005
1714. Gittings T. Goldsmith K. Money Matters: The American Experience with Money2000
1715. Glasgow F. Personal Finance and Investing All-in-one for Dummies2007
1716. Glasserman P. Monte Carlo Methods in Financial Engineeing (1st edition)2003
1717. Glasserman P. Monte Carlo Methods in Financial Engineeing2003
1718. Glassey D.R. Financial Freedom: Using the Wealthflow System2004
1719. Gleason S.E. The Shadow Workforce: Perspectives on Contingent Work in the United States, Japan, and Europe2006
1720. Glib T. The Evolutionary Project Managers Handbook2002
1721. Gloria-Palermo S. Evolution of Austrian Economics: From Menger to Lachmann1999
1722. Glushko R.J. McGrath T. Document Engineering: Analyzing and Designing Documents for Business Informatics and Web Services2005
1723. Glycopantis D. Yannelis N.C. Differential Information Economies2005
1724. Glycopantis D. Yannelis N.C. Differential Information Economies (Studies in Economic Theory)2004
1725. Glyn A. Capitalism Unleashed: Finance, Globalization, and Welfare2006
1726. Gobillot E. Connected Leader: Creating Agile Organisations for People, Performance and Profit2007
1727. Godley W. Lavoie M. Monetary Economics: An Integrated Approach to Credit, Money, Income, Production and Wealth2007
1728. Goel A. Fleet Telematics: Real-time management and planning of commercial vehicle operations2008
1729. Goldberg G.S. Rosenthal M.G. Diminishing Welfare2001
1730. Goldner P.S. Red-Hot Selling: Power Techniques That Win Even the Toughest Sale2010
1731. Goldstein B. The Ultimate Small Business Marketing Toolkit: All the Tips, Forms, and Strategies You'll Ever Need!2007
1732. Goldstein M. Reinhart C. Kaminsky G. Assessing Financial Vulnerability : An Early Warning System for Emerging Markets2000
1733. Gonçalves C.E.S. Giovannetti B. Economia na palma da mão: do economês para o português2015
1734. Gonzalez C.G.F. Risk Management of Natural Disasters2006
1735. Goodall T. Adequate Decision Rules For Portfolio Choice Problems2002
1736. Goodhart C. Hofmann B. House Prices and the Macroeconomy: Implications for Banking and Price Stability2007
1737. Goodman J. Philips J. (ed.) Kantor A. (ed.) Vault Career Guide to Marketing and Brand Management2001
1738. Goodman L. Ignasio R.S. Engineering project management: the IPQMS method and case histories (1 edition)1999
1739. Goodpasture J.C. Quantitative Methods in Project Management2003
1740. Goodwin P. Wright G. Decision Analysis for Management Judgment (third edition)2004
1741. Gorchels L. The Product Manager's Handbook: The Complete Product Management Resource2000
1742. Gordon J.S. An Empire of Wealth: The Epic History of American Economic Power2008
1743. Gorrod M. Risk Management Systems: Technology Trends (Finance and Capital Markets)2004
1744. Gostick A. Elton Ch. A Carrot a Day: A Daily Dose of Recognition for Your Employees2004
1745. Gotsill G. Natchez M. From Resistance to Acceptance: How to Implement Change Management2007
1746. Gottschalk B. Kalmbach R. Mastering Automotive Challenges2007
1747. Gottschalk P. Business Dynamics in Information Technology2007
1748. Gottschalk P. CIO and Corporate Strategic Management: Changing Role of CIO to CEO2007
1749. Gottschalk P. E-Business Strategy, Sourcing, and Governance2005
1750. Gottschalk P. Knowledge Management Systems in Law Enforcement: Technologies and Techniques2006

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