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1611. Freyer T.A. Antitrust and Global Capitalism, 1930-2004 (1st edition)2006
1612. Fridson M. Alvarez F. Financial Statement Analysis: A Practitioner’s Guide (3 edition)2002
1613. Friedfertig M. West G. Burton J. Electronic Day Traders' Secrets: Learn From the Best of the Best Day Traders1999
1614. Friedman B.M. Hahn F.H. Handbook of Monetary Economics, Vol. 1 (Fourth Edition)1990
1615. Friedman B.M. Nahn F. Handbook of Monetary Economics, Vol. 21990
1616. Friedman D.D. Law's Order: What Economics Has to Do with Law and Why It Matters2000
1617. Friedman D.D.. Price theory: An Intermediate Text1990
1618. Friedman L. S. The microeconomics of public policy analysis2002
1619. Friedman R.D. Poverty: definition and perspective (1 edition)1965
1620. Friend G. Zehle S. Guide to Business Planning2004
1621. Frigenti E. Comninos D. The Practice of Project Management2002
1622. Fritsch M. Schmude J. Entrepreneurship in the Region2006
1623. Frost S.M. The Bank Analyst's Handbook: Money, Risk and Conjuring Tricks (1st edition)2004
1624. Frumkin N. Guide to Economic Indicators (Fourth Edition)2006
1625. Frush S. Hedge Funds Demystified: A Self-Teaching Guide2008
1626. Fry D. Create Your Own ETF Hedge Fund: A Do-It-Yourself ETF Strategy for Private Wealth Management2008
1627. Frynas J.G. Pegg S. Transnational Corporations And Human Rights2003
1628. Fu B. Fu H. SAP Bw: A Step-By-Step Guide2002
1629. Fuchs C. Kenett R. Multivariate Quality Control1998
1630. Fuchs G. (ed.) Shapira P. (ed.) Rethinking Bank Regulation: Till Angels Govern2005
1631. Fuerst O. Geiger U. Peres C. From Concept to Wall Street: A Complete Guide to Entrepreneurship and Venture Capital2002
1632. Fullbrook E. Crash - Why it happened and what to do about it, Vol.12009
1633. Fulmer K.L. Business Continuity Planning: A Step-by-Step Guide with Planning Forms (third edition)2005
1634. Furnham A. People Business: Psychological Reflections of Management2005
1635. Fusai G. Roncoroni A. Implementing Models in Quantitative Finance. Methods and Cases2008
1636. Fusaro P.C. Miller R.M. What Went Wrong at Enron: Everyone's Guide to the Largest Bankruptcy in U.S. History (1st edition)2002
1637. FXMAG.RU Forex magazine (Июль 2006, №126/26). Еженедельное интернет-издание2006
1638. Gaidar Y. (ed.) The Economics of Russian Transition (1st edition)2003
1639. Gajek L. Ostaszewski K.M. Financial Risk Management for Pension Plans2004
1640. Galant M. Dolan B. Currency Trading For Dummies2007
1641. Galbraith C.S. Stiles C.H. Developmental entrepreneurship: Adevsity, Risk and Isolation2006
1642. Gale W. Shoven J.B. Warshawsky M.J. The Evolving Pension System : Trends, Effects, and Proposals for Reform2005
1643. Gall T.L. Worldmark Encyclopedia of the Nations (Volume 1 - 5) (12 edition)2006
1644. Gallati R. Risk Management and Capital Adequacy2003
1645. Gallea A.M. Patalon III W.P. Contrarian Investing1998
1646. Gallegos F. Manson D. Information Technology Control and Audit (2-nd edition)2004
1647. Gandevani N. How to Become a Successful Trader: The Trading Personality Profile: Your Key to Maximizing Your Profit With Any System2002
1648. Gandossy R. Sonnenfeld J. Leadership and Governance from the Inside Out (1st edition)2004
1649. Gane M. Forest Strategy: Strategic Management and Sustainable Development for the Forest Sector2007
1650. Gann W. The Magic Word1950
1651. Gann W.D. 45 Years In Wall Street1949
1652. Gann W.D. Method for Forecasting the Stock Market1931
1653. Gann W.D. New Stock Trend Detector1936
1654. Gann W.D. Wall Street Stock Selector1930
1655. Gardner D.L. The Supply Chain Vector : Methods for Linking the Execution of Global Business Models with Financial Performance2004
1656. Gardner P. Yoshida N. CONCUR 2004 -- Concurrency Theory2005
1657. Gardner S. Buzz Marketing with Blogs For Dummies2005
1658. Garland E. Future, Inc.2007
1659. Garland E. Future, Inc.: How Businesses Can Anticipate and Profit from What's Next2007
1660. Garnaut R. Song L. Tenev S. China’s Ownership Transformation: Process, Outcomes, Prospects (1st edition)2005
1661. Garner R.J. Coplan R.B. Nissenbaum M. Ernst & Young's Financial Planning Essentials1999
1662. Garnsey P. Thinking about Property: From Antiquity to the Age of Revolution2007
1663. Garratt B. Thin on Top: Why Corporate Governance Matters & How to Measure, Manage, and Improve Board Performance2003
1664. Gates B. Hemingway C. Business at the Speed of Thought: Using a Digital Nervous System1999
1665. Gates S.M. In the Name of Entrepreneurship? The Logic and Effects of Special Regulatory Treatment for Small Business2007
1666. Gatti D. Emergent Macroeconomics2006
1667. Gauger M.A. Solutions manual for "Actuarial Mathematics" by Browers et al.1997
1668. Gaughan P.A. Thornton R.J. Devevlopments uin litigation economics2005
1669. Gavin L. Eai Solution Using Websphere Business Integration (V4.1)2003
1670. Gavrichina K.S. Sazonov M.A. Gavrichina I.N. Dictionnaire Commercial et Financier1993
1671. Gaynor G.H. Innovation by design2002
1672. Gazis D.C. Azis A.C. Hillier F.S. (Ed) Traffic Theory (International Series in Operations Research and Management Science), Vol. 502002
1673. GBS Chicago University Бизнес кейсы университета Чикаго2004
1674. Geddes R. An Introduction to Corporate Finance: Transactions and Techniques (Second Edition)2006
1675. Geddes R. Ipos And Equity Offerings2003
1676. Geiger R.L. Knowledge and Money: Research Universities and the Paradox of the Marketplace2004
1677. Geisst Ch.R. Undue Influence: How the Wall Street Elite Puts the Financial System at Risk2005
1678. Gelauff G.(ed.) Grilo I. (ed.) Lejour A. (ed.) Subsidiarity and Economic Reform in Europe (1 edition)2008
1679. Gencay R. Selcuk F. Whitcher B. An Introduction to Wavelets and Other Filtering Methods in Finance and Economics (1 edition)2001
1680. Georgakopoulos N.L. Principles and methods of law and economics2005

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