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1471. Epping R.C. The Beginner's Guide To The World Economy (second edition, revised and updated)1995
1472. Epps T.W. Pricing Derivative Securities (2 edition)2007
1473. Epps T.W. Quantitative finance: its development, mathematical foundations, and current scope2009
1474. Epstein B. Mirza A. Wiley Ias 2003: Interpretation and Application of International Accounting Standards2002
1475. Epstein M.J. Lee J.Y. Advances in Management Accounting, Volume 142005
1476. Erbe W. 75-jahriges Jubilaum des Institut des Actuaires Francais1966
1477. Erik Granered Global Call Centers (1 edition)2005
1478. Eriksson H.E. Penker M. Business Modeling with UML: Business Patterns at Work2000
1479. Ernst &Young Strategic Business Risk: 2008 – the Top 10 Risks For Business2007
1480. Ernst &Young Отчет о движении денег. Стандарт бухгалтерского учета № 4 национальной комиссии республики Казахстан по бухгалтерскому учету2004
1481. Estrada J. Finance in a Nutshell: A no-nonsense companion to the tools and techniques of finance2006
1482. Etherington D. Hawley D.L. Hiring Professionals Under Nafta1998
1483. Etro F. Competition, Innovation, and Antitrust: A Theory of Market Leaders and Its Policy Implications2006
1484. Etzkorn M. Keeps Up the Pace2004
1485. Evans A. Poverty Reduction in the 1990s: An Evaluation of Strategy and Performance2000
1486. Evans B. Joas M. Sundback S. Governing Sustainable Cities2005
1487. Evans Ch. Managing the Knowledge - HR's Strategic Role2004
1488. Evans K.M. The American Economy2007
1489. Evans M. Capacity Development in South Asia2007
1490. Evans M.K. Macroeconomics for managers (1 edition)2004
1491. Evans N.D. Business Innovation and Disruptive Technology: Harnessing the Power of Breakthrough Technology ... for Competitive Advantage2002
1492. Evanschitzky H. Iyer G.R. E-Services: Opportunities and Threats2007
1493. Ewald C.-O. Mathematical Finance. Introduction to continuous time. Financial Market models2007
1494. Eydeland A. Wolyniec K. Energy and Power Risk Management: New Developments in Modeling, Pricing, and Hedging2003
1495. Föllmer H. Schied A. Stochastic finance2002
1496. Førsund F.R. Hydropower Economics2007
1497. Fabozzi F.J. Bond Markets, Analysis and Strategies (Fourth Edition)2000
1498. Fabozzi F.J. Rachev S.T. Focardi S.M. Financial Econometrics: From Basics to Advanced Modeling Techniques2007
1499. Fabozzi F.J. CFA Peterson P.P. Financial Management and Analysis (Frank J. Fabozzi Series) (2 edition)2003
1500. Facts on File Careers Skills Library: Leadership Skills (Second Edition)2004
1501. Facts on File Careers Skills Library: Learning the Ropes (Second Edition)2004
1502. Facts on File Careers Skills Library: Organization Skills (Second Edition)2004
1503. Facts on File Careers Skills Library: Problem Solving (Second Edition)2004
1504. Facts on File Careers Skills Library: Research and Information Management (Second Edition)2004
1505. Faerber E. All About Bonds and Bond Mutual Funds: The Easy Way to Get Started (2 edition)2000
1506. Faerber E. All About Stocks (Second edition)2000
1507. Faerber E.E. All about Investing: The Easy Way to Get Started2006
1508. Faerber E.E. The Personal Finance Calculator: How to Calculate the Most Important Financial Decisions in Your Life (First Edition)2003
1509. Faggini M. Lux T. Coping with the complexity of economics (1 edition)2008
1510. Fahy M. Weiner A. Roche J. Beyond Governance: Creating Corporate Value through Performance, Conformance and Responsibility2004
1511. Falck O. Emergence and Survival of New Businesses: Econometric Analyses2007
1512. Falcone P. Hiring and Firing Question and Answer Book2001
1513. Fama E.F. French K.R. Multifactor explanations of asset pricing anomalies1996
1514. FAO Staff Guidelines for Quality Management in Soil and Plant Laboratories1998
1515. Farahani R.Z. Hekmatfar M. Facility location concepts, models, algorithms and case studies2009
1516. Farber B. Diamond Power: Gems of Wisdom From America's Greatest Marketer2004
1517. Farely A. 20 Rules for the Master Swing Trader2002
1518. Farely A. 3 Swing Trading Examples with Charts Instructions and Defenitions to Get You Started2001
1519. Farley R. Timing The Bond Market With Elliott And Fibonacci1990
1520. Faruqee R. (ed.) Strategic Reforms for Agricultural Growth in Pakistan1999
1521. Fasnacht D. Open Innovation in the Financial Services: Growing Through Openness, Flexibility and Customer Integration2009
1522. Faulkner M. Customer Management Excellence2003
1523. Favero C.A. Applied macroeconomics2001
1524. Fay M.P, Random marginal agreement coefficients: rethinking the adjustment for chance when measuring agreement2005
1525. Fayolle A. Handbook of Research in Entrepreneurship Education: Contextual Perspectives, Vol. 22007
1526. Federer W.T. Derivatives Credit Risk Mode Valuation & Hedgingn/a
1527. Federer W.T. Statistical Design and Analysis for Intercropping Experiments: Three or More Crops, Vol. 21998
1528. Federico M. Beaty R. Rath & Strong's Six Sigma Team Pocket Guide2003
1529. Feibel B. Investment Performance Measurement2002
1530. Feige E.L. The Underground Economies: Tax Evasion and Information Distortion1989
1531. Feigenbaum J. (Ed) Security and Privacy in Digital Rights Management2003
1532. Feitelberg S. Net Worth Workout: A Powerful Program for a Lifetime of Financial Fitness2005
1533. Feldman A.M. Serrano R. Welfare Economics And Social Choice Theory2006
1534. Feldman D.L. Reverse Mergers: Taking a Company Public Without an IPO (1 edition)2006
1535. Feldstein A.G. Fabozzi F.J. The Handbook of Municipal Bonds2008
1536. Ferdinandi P. Data Warehousing Advice for Managers1999
1537. Fernandes M. Statistics for Business and Economics2009
1538. Fernandes W. Contratos empresariais: contratos de organização da atividade econômica2011
1539. FERNANDO VEGA-REDONDO Economics and the theory of games2003
1540. Fernie J. Sparks L. Logistics and Retail Management (2nd edition)2004

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