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1401. Eades K.M. The New Solution Selling: The Revolutionary Sales Process That is Changing the Way People Sell2004
1402. Earle T.C. Modeling with Pattern Recognition Decision Rulesn/a
1403. Eckardt M. Insurance Intermediation: An Economic Analysis of the Information Services Market2007
1404. Eckes G. Derickson S. Six Sigma Team Dynamics: The Elusive Key to Project Success2001
1405. Eden B. A Course in Monetary Economics: Sequential Trade, Money, and Uncertainity2005
1406. Edleson M.E. Bernstein W.J. Value Averaging: The Safe and Easy Strategy for Higher Investment Returns (1st edition)2007
1407. Edwards J.E. Scott J.C. Evaluating Human Resources Programs: A 6-Phase Approach for Optimizing Performance2007
1408. Edwards K.W. Your Successful Real Estate Career (Fifth edition)2007
1409. Eggert M.A. Hailstone Ph. (ill.) Motivation (Management Pocketbooks) (1 edition)1999
1410. Eggink J. Managing Energy Costs A Behavioral and Non-technical Approach2007
1411. Ehlers J.F. Mesa and Trading Market Cycles: Forecasting and Trading Strategies from the Creator of MESA1992
1412. Ehrentreich N. Artificial Economics Agent Based Methods in Finance Game Theory and Their Applications2005
1413. Ehrlenspiel K. Kiewert A. Lindemann U. Cost-Efficient Design2007
1414. Ehrman D.S. The Handbook of Pairs Trading: Strategies Using Equities, Options, & Futures2006
1415. Eichengreen B. Capital Flows and Crises2003
1416. Eigenhuis A. van Dijk R. High Performance Business Strategy: Inspiring Success Through Effective Human Resource Management2007
1417. Einstein M. Brands of Faith: Marketing Religion in a Commercial Age2008
1418. Einstein M.J. Media Diversity: Economics, Ownership and the FCC2003
1419. El-Sayed Abou-Zeid Knowledge Management and Business Strategies: Theoretical Frameworks and Empirical Research2007
1420. Elder A. Trading for a Living1993
1421. Eldred G.W. Make Money with Condominiums and Townhouses2003
1422. Eldred G.W. The Beginner's Guide to Real Estate Investing2004
1423. Elias S. Stim R. Patent Copyright & Trademark (sixth edition)2003
1424. Elias S. Stim R. Trademark: Legal Care for Your Business & Product Name (8th editon edition)2007
1425. Elkington J. Cannibals with Forks: Triple Bottom Line of 21st Century Business2007
1426. Ellerman D.P. Economics, Accounting, and Property Theory1982
1427. Elliot R.J. Kopp P.E. Mathematics of Financial Markets1998
1428. Elliott R.J. Kopp P.E. Mathematics Of Financial Markets (Second Edition)2005
1429. Ellis Ch.D. Capital: The Story of Long-Term Investment Excellence2004
1430. Ellis E. Opportunities in Broadcasting Careers2004
1431. Elms J. Dunn P. Balsbaugh A. The 7 Essential Steps to Successful eBay Marketing: Creative Strategies to Boost Profits Now2005
1432. Elroy Dimson Paul Marsh Mike Staunton Triumph of the Optimists: 101 Years of Global Investment Returns2002
1433. Elseiver Research in Labor Economics (Volume 22, 2003 edition)2003
1434. Elseiver Research in Labor Economics (Volume 23, 2004 edition)2004
1435. Elseiver Research in Labor Economics (Volume 25, 2007 edition)2007
1436. Elseiver Research in Labor Economics (Volume 26, 2007 edition)2007
1437. Elseiver Research in Labor Economics (Volume 27, 2008 edition)2008
1438. Elseiver Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology (Volume 22-A, 2004 edition)2004
1439. Elseiver Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology (Volume 22-C, 2004 edition)2004
1440. Elseiver Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology (Volume 25-A, 2007 edition)2007
1441. Elseiver Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology: Documents From the History of Economic Thought (Volume 25-B, 2007 edition)2007
1442. Elseiver Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology: Documents on Modern History of Economic Thought (Volume 21-C, 2003 edition)2003
1443. Elseiver Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology: Histories of Economic Thought (Volume 21-B, 2003 edition)2003
1444. Elseiver Spatial and Spatiotemporal Econometrics (Volume 18 edition)2004
1445. Elsevier Advances in Accounting, Volume 21, 20052005
1446. Elsevier Advances in Accounting, Volume 21, 20062006
1447. Elsevier Advances in Accounting, Volume 23, 20082008
1448. Elsevier Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations (Volume 13 edition)2004
1449. Elsevier Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations (Volume 15 edition)2007
1450. Elsevier Advances in International Marketing (Volume 15 edition)2005
1451. Elsevier Advances in International Marketing (Volume 14 edition)2003
1452. Elsevier Advances in International Marketing (Volume 13 edition)2003
1453. Elsevier Advances in International Marketing (Volume 18 edition)2007
1454. Elsevier Advances in International Marketing (Volume 17 edition)2007
1455. Elsevier Advances in International Marketing (Volume 19 edition)2007
1456. Elsevier Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology (Volume 21-A, 2003 edition)2003
1457. Emblemsvåg J. Life-Cycle Costing: Using Activity-Based Costing and Monte Carlo Methods to Manage Future Costs and Risks2003
1458. Emerick D. Round K. Exploring Web Marketing and Project Management2000
1459. Emerson C. Vital Signs, Vibrant Society: Securing Australia's Economic and Social Wellbeing2006
1460. Emmett T.J. Fibonacci Based Forecasts1985
1461. Emmett T.J. Fibonacci Forecast Examples1984
1462. Eng W.F. The Day Trader's Manual: Theory, Art, and Science of Profitable Short-Term Investing (1 edition)1993
1463. Engineer S.J. Progressive Manufacturing. Managing Uncertainty While Blazing a Trail to Success2005
1464. Engle R.F. The Econometric Of High-Frequency Data1996
1465. English G. Managing Information and Human Performance2004
1466. English J. Going Solo in Your Small Business2002
1467. Englund R.L. Graham R.J. Dinsmore P.C. Creating the Project Office: A Manager's Guide to Leading Organizational Change2003
1468. Englund R.L. Bucero A. Project Sponsorship: Achieving Management Commitment for Project Success2006
1469. Ennew Ch.T. Waite N. Financial Services Marketing: An International Guide to Principles and Practice2007
1470. Ennico C. The eBay Seller's Tax and Legal Answer Book: Everything You Need to Know to Keep the Government Off Your Back and Out of Your Wallet2007

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