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1331. Dickson B.J. Wealth into power2008
1332. Dickson D. C.M. Hardy Mary R. Waters Howard R. Actuarial Mathematic for Life Contindent Risks2009
1333. Diebolt C. (ed.) Kyrtsou C. (ed.) New Trends in Macroeconomics (1st edition)2005
1334. Dierx A. (ed.) Ilzkovitz F. (ed.) Sekkat K. (ed.) European Integration and the Functioning of Product Markets (1st edition)2004
1335. Dietmeyer B. Bazerman M. Kaplan R. Strategic Negotiation: A Breakthrough Four-Step Process for Effective Business Negotiation2004
1336. Dileep Mehta Hung-Gay Fung International Bank Management2004
1337. Dillon P. Wykoff F.C. Creating Capitalism: Transitions and Growth in Post-Soviet Europe2002
1338. Dimancescu D. Dwenger K. World-Class New Product Development: Benchmarking Best Practices of Agile Manufacturers1996
1339. Dimas S. Mesjasz C. Grin J. Globalization and Environmental Challenges: Reconceptualizing Security in the 21st Century2008
1340. DiMatteo L.A. Dhooge L. Greene S. International Sales Law: A Critical Analysis of CISG Jurisprudence2005
1341. Dimmick J.W. Media Competition and Coexistence: the theory of the Niche2003
1342. Dinar A. Albiac J. Sanchez-Soriano J. Game Theory and Policy Making in Natural Resources and the Environment (Routledge Explorations in Environmental Economics)2008
1343. Dine J. The Governance of Corporate Groups (1 edition)2000
1344. Diniz de santi E. Tributação dos mercados financeiro e de capitais e dos investimentos internacionaisn/a
1345. Dinsmore P.C. The AMA handbook of project management1993
1346. Dix J.D. Ernst M.F. Handbook for Death Scene Investigators1999
1347. Dixit A.K. Optimization in Economic Theory1976
1348. Dixit A.K. Optimization in Economic Theory (Second edition)1990
1349. Djankov S. (ed.) Klein M. (ed.) McLiesh C. (ed.) Doing Business in 2004: Understanding Regulation2004
1350. Dnes A.W. Rowthorn R. The law economics marriage and divorce2004
1351. Dobbins R. Pettman B. What Self-Made Millionaires Really Think, Know and Do: A Straight-Talking Guide to Business Success and Personal Riches2006
1352. Dobeck M.F. Elliott E. Money2007
1353. Dobney S. (ed.) NBBJ: Selected and Current Works. Part I2006
1354. Dobney S. (ed.) NBBJ: Selected and Current Works. Part II2006
1355. Dodge E. 5 Steps to a 5 AP Microeconomics and Macroeconomics2005
1356. Doh J.P. Stumpf S.A. Handbook on Responsible Leadership And Governance in Global Business (1 edition)2005
1357. Doherty N. Integrated Risk Management: Techniques and Strategies for Managing Corporate Risk2000
1358. Domsch M.E. Hristozova E. Human Resource Management in Consulting Firms2006
1359. Dorsey A.H. Active Alpha: A Portfolio Approach to Selecting and Managing Alternative Investments2007
1360. Dorsey T.J. Commodity Strategies: High-Profit Techniques for Investors and Traders2007
1361. Dorsey T.J. Derosier T.F. Wright W.H. Tom Dorsey's Trading Tips: A Playbook for Stock Market Success2001
1362. Dotlich D.L. Noel J.L. Walker N. Leadership Passages: The Personal and Professional Transitions That Make or Break a Leader2004
1363. Douglas Cave Tony De Luca Ron Hanmer Economics for the Real World (4th Edition)2019
1364. Douglas M. The Disciplined Trader: Developing Winning Attitudes1990
1365. Douglas M. Trading in the Zone: Master the Market with Confidence, Discipline and a Winning Attitude2000
1366. Douglas S. Roberts Follow the Fed to Investment Success: The Effortless Strategy for Beating Wall Street2008
1367. Doyle E. The Economic System (1 edition)2005
1368. Dr. Christian-Oliver Ewald Discrete Time Financen/a
1369. Drake P.J. Dimensioning and Tolerancing Handbook1999
1370. Dreier T. Studer R. Weinhardt C. Studies on eOrganisation and Market Engineering 4. Information Management and Market Engineering2006
1371. Dreman D. Contrarian Investment Strategies in the Next Generation1998
1372. Dresner H. Performance Management Revolution: Improving Results Through Visibility and Actionable Insight2007
1373. Drew J. McCallum B. Roggenhofer S. Journey to Lean: Making Operational Change Stick2004
1374. Drucker P.F. Innovation and Enterpreneurship: Practice and Principles1985
1375. Drucker P.F. Management Challenges for the 21st Century (1 edition)2002
1376. Drucker P.F. The Effective Executive2002
1377. Drucker P.F. The Essential Drucker2001
1378. du Plessis J.J. Bernhard G. Luttermann C. German Corporate Governance in International and European Context2007
1379. Duarte J. Futures & Options For Dummies2006
1380. Duarte. J. Market Timing for Dummies2008
1381. Dubois D.D. Rothwell W.J. Competency-Based Human Resource Management2004
1382. Dubrawsky I. Designing and Building Enterprise DMZs2006
1383. Dudwick Nora Comart Elisabeth Marc Alexandre When things fall apart: Qualitative Studies of Poverty in the Former Soviet Union2003
1384. Dueck G. Lean Brain Management: More Success and Efficiency by Saving Intelligence (1st edition)2008
1385. Duffie D. Singleton K.J. Credit Risk. Pricing, Measurement and Management2003
1386. Duffie D. Singleton K.J. Credit Risk: Pricing, Measurement, and Management2003
1387. Duffie D. Dynamic Asset Pricing Theory (provisional manuscript)1999
1388. Duffie D. Security Markets. Stochastic Models1988
1389. Duina F.G. Harmonizing Europe:Nationstates within the common marketn/a
1390. Dukas C. Parker Gallagher T. TRENDadvisor Guide to Breakthrough Profits: A Proven System for Building Wealth in the Stock Market2006
1391. Dumas М. (ed) Reichert M. (ed) Shan M-C (ed) Business Process Management: 6th International Conference, BPM 2008, Milan, Italy, September 2-4, 2008, Proceedings2008
1392. Dungaciu D. (ed.) Iordache R. (ed.) The Perfect Storm of the European Crisis2017
1393. Dunis C.L. Naim P. Laws J. Applied Quantitative Methods for Trading and Investment2003
1394. Dunmore M. Inside-Out Marketing: How to Create an Internal Marketing Strategy (1st edition)2002
1395. Dunning J. Gugler P. Foreign Direct Investment, Location and Competitiveness2008
1396. Durlauf S.N. Johnson P.A. Temple J.R.W. Growth Econometrics2004
1397. Dustmann C. (ed.) Fitzenberger B. (ed.) Machin S. (ed.) The Economics of Education and Training2008
1398. Dwyer F.R. Tanner J.F. Business Marketing: Connecting Strategy, Relationships, and Learning (2nd edition)2002
1399. E. Ehrlich; D. Fanelli E. Ehrlich D.Fanelli The Financial Services Marketing Handbook: Tactics and Techniques that Produce Results2004
1400. E. Wayne Nafziger Economic Development (4th edition)2006

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