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1051. Cass A. Shaw B.F. LeBlanc S. The Bullish Thinking Guide for Managers: How to Save Your Advisors and Grow Your Bottom Line2008
1052. Cassels J.W.S. Economics for mathematicians1981
1053. Cassidy A. Planning tor E-Business Success2001
1054. Cassis Y. Bussiere E. London and Paris as International Finance Centres, 1890-20002005
1055. Castells M. Ruptura.A crise da democracia liberaln/a
1056. Catalano V. Sectors and Styles: A New Approach to Outperforming the Market2006
1057. Cate F.H. Litan R.E. Staten M., Wallison P. Financial Privacy, Consumer Prosperity, and the Public Good2003
1058. Catell R.B. Moore K. Rifkin G. The CEO and the Monk: One Company's Journey to Profit and Purpose2004
1059. Catherine Shenoy Kent McCarthy Applied Portfolio Management: How University of Kansas Students Generate Alpha to Beat the Street2008
1060. Catherine Weetman Economia Circular: conceitos e estratégias para fazer negócios de forma mais inteligente, sustentável e lucrativa2019
1061. Centre for the Study of Financial Innovation Sizing up the City – London’s Ranking as a Financial Centre (1st edition)2003
1062. Cerbasi G. Casais inteligentes enriquecem juntos2004
1063. Cerbasi G. Dinheiro: os segredos de quem tem2016
1064. Cesarano F. Monetary Theory and Bretton Woods: The Construction of an International Monetary Order2006
1065. CFA Institute 2011 CFA Program Curriculum: Level 2, Volume 12011
1066. Chaib-draa B. (Editor) Müller J.P. (Editor) Multiagent based Supply Chain Management (1 edition)2006
1067. Chalasani P. Somesh J. Shreve S.: Lectures on Stochastic Calculus and Finance1997
1068. Chalasani P. Jha S. Steven Shreve: Stochastic Calculus and Finance1997
1069. Chamberlain J. The Enterprising Americans: A Business History of the United States1991
1070. Chamberlain J. The Enterprising Americans: A Business History of the United States1991
1071. Chan Kim W. Mauborgne R. Blue Ocean Strategy2005
1072. Chan L.K.C. Jegadeesh N. Lakonishok J. Momentum Strategies1996
1073. Chan N.H. Wong H.-Y. Simulation Techniques in Financial Risk Management2006
1074. Chande T.S. Adapting Moving Averages To Market Volatility1992
1075. Chande T.S. Beyond Technical Analysis: How to Develop and Implement a Winning Trading System1997
1076. Chande T.S. Kroll S. New Technical Trader: Boost Your Profit by Plugging into the Latest Indicators1994
1077. Chaney L.H. The Essential Guide to Business Etiquette (1 edition)2007
1078. Chaplin G. Credit Derivatives : Trading, Investing,and Risk Management2010
1079. Chapman C.S. Hopwood A.G. Shields M.D. Handbook of Management Accounting Research, Volume 1 (1st edition)2007
1080. Chapman C.S. Hopwood A.G. Shields M.D. Handbook of Management Accounting Research, Volume 22007
1081. Chapman R.J. Simple Tools and Techniques for Enterprise Risk Management2006
1082. Charles Chao Towards Strategic Pragmatism in Foreign Policyn/a
1083. Charles R. Greer Strategic Human Resource Management: A General Managerial Approach (2 edition)2000
1084. Charnes J. Financial Modeling with Crystal Ball and Excel2007
1085. Charney C. The Instant Sales Pro: More than 600 Tips and Techniques to Accelerate Your Sales Success2004
1086. Chatterjee A. Chakrabarti B.K. Econophysics of Markets and Business Networks2007
1087. Chavas J.-P. Risk Analysis in Theory and Practice (Academic Press Advanced Finance)2004
1088. Chen A.H. Research In Finance, Vol. 212005
1089. Chen A.H. Research In Finance, Vol. 222005
1090. Chen A.H. Research In Finance, Vol. 232006
1091. Chen A.H. (ed.) Research in finance. Volume 19n/a
1092. Chen J. The Physical Foundation of Economics: An Analytical Thermodynamic Theory (1st edition)2005
1093. Chen P. Islam S.M.N. Optimal Control Models in Finance: A New Computational Approach2005
1094. Chen P. Islam S.M.N. Optimal Control Models in Finance: A New Computational Approach2005
1095. Chen S. Strategic Management of e-Business (second edition)2005
1096. Chen S. (ed.) Wolf C. (ed.) China, the United States, and the Global Economy (1st edition)2001
1097. Chen Sh.- H. (Ed) Wang P.P. (Ed) Kuo T.- W. (Ed) Computational Intelligence in Economics and Finance: Volume II2007
1098. Chenery H. (ed.) Srinivasan T.N. (ed.) Handbook of Development Economics. Vol. 1 (Second Edition)1988
1099. Chenery H. (ed.) Srinivasan T.N. (ed.) Handbook of Development Economics. Vol. 2 (Second Edition)1989
1100. Chenery H.B. Srinivasan T.N. Behrman J.R. Handbook of Development Economics. Vol. 3. Part 11989
1101. Chenery H.B. Srinivasan T.N. Behrman J.R. Handbook of Development Economics. Vol. 3. Part 21989
1102. Cheng Few Lee (Editor) Lee A.C. (Editor) Encyclopedia of Finance2006
1103. Cheng J. Hitt M. Advances in International Managment, Vol. 162004
1104. Chennat Gopalakrishnan Classic Papers in Natural Resource Economics (1 edition)2000
1105. Chernobai A.S. Fabozzi F.J. Rachev S.T. Operational Risk: A Guide to Basel II Capital Requirements, Models, and Analysis2007
1106. Cherubini U. Della Lunga G. Structured Finance: The Object-Oriented Approach2007
1107. Cheshire P. (ed.) Mills E.S. (ed.) Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics, Vol. 3: Applied Urban Economics (Third Edition)1999
1108. Cheverton P. Key Account Management: A Complete Action Kit of Tools and Techniques for Achieving Profitable Key Supplier Status (3d edition)2004
1109. Cheverton P. Key Marketing Skills (1st edition)2004
1110. Chian C.-A. Complex Systems Approach to Economic Dynamics2007
1111. Chiang A.C. Fundamental Methods of Mathematical Economics (Third Edition)1984
1112. Chiang A.C. Fundamental Methods of Mathematical Economics (3-d edition)1984
1113. Chiang A.C. Fundamental Methods of Mathematical Economics1984
1114. Chiarella C. Flaschel P. Franke R. Foundations for a Disequilibrium Theory of the Business Cycle: Qualitative Analysis and Quantitative Assessment2005
1115. Chiarella C. (ed.) Franke R. (ed.) Flaschel P. (ed.) Quantitative And Empirical Analysis Of Nonlinear Dynamic Macromodels (1st edition)2006
1116. Chicago careers internet database Banking careers (1 edition)2005
1117. Choi J.P. (ed.) Recent Developments in Antitrust: Theory and Evidence2007
1118. Chorafas D.N. Midgley G. The Management Of Equity Investments2005
1119. Chorafas Dimitris N. Wealth Management: private banking, investment decisions and structured financial products2006
1120. Choudhry M. Fixed Income Securities and Derivatives Handbook: Analysis and Valuation2005

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