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911. Bragg S.M. Burton E.J. Accounting and Finance for Your Small Business (Second Edition)2006
912. Bragg S.M. Business Ratios and Formulas: A Comprehensive Guide (Second Edition)2007
913. Bragg S.M. Controller's Guide to Planning and Controlling Operations2004
914. Bragg S.M. Financial Analysis: A Controller's Guide (Second Edition)2006
915. Bragg S.M. Inventory Accounting: A Comprehensive Guide2005
916. Bragg S.M. Management Accounting Best Practices: A Guide for the Professional Accountant2007
917. Brainard L. Transforming the Development Landscape: The Role of the Private Sector2006
918. Brakman S. Garretsen H. Marrewijk C. An Introduction to Geographical Economics (1st edition)2001
919. Bramel J. Simchi-Levi D. The Logic of Logistics. Theory, Algorithms and Applications for Logistics Management1999
920. Branch B. The Predictive Power of Stock Market Indicators1976
921. Brandao O. Agrarismo e industrialismo2006
922. Brandon D. Project Management for Modern Information Systems2005
923. Brandon N.P. (ed.) Thompsett D. (ed.) Fuel Cells Compendium2005
924. Branham L. The 7 hidden reasons employees leave : how to recognize the subtle2005
925. Bratton J. Gold J. Human Resource Management: Theory and Practice (Second edition)1999
926. Braunerhjelm P. Feldman M.P. Cluster Genesis: Technology-Based Industrial Development2006
927. Brav A. Lehavy R. An Empirical Analysis of Analysts’ Target Prices: Short-term Informativeness and Long-term Dynamics2003
928. Breakenridge D. DeLoughry T.J. The New PR Toolkit: Strategies for Successful Media Relations2003
929. Brealey R.A. Myers S.C. Marcus A.J. Fundamentals of Corporate Finance (third edition)2001
930. Bremner R.P. Chairman of the Fed: William McChesney Martin Jr., and the Creation of the Modern American Financial System2004
931. Brent R.J. Applied Cost-Benefit Analysis (Second Edition)2007
932. Bressert W. The Cycle Trading Pattern Manual1998
933. Breyfogle Forrest W. Implementing Six Sigma. Smarter Solutions Using Statistical Methods1999
934. Brian J. Carroll Lean Performance ERP Project Management. Implementing the Virtual Lean Enterprise (Second Edition)2007
935. Brian Kettell Economics for Financial Markets2002
936. Briese S. The Commitments of Traders Bible: How to Profit from Insider Market Intelligence2008
937. Brigham E.F. Houston J.F. Fundamentals of Financial Management (10 edition)2003
938. Briody D. The Halliburton Agenda: The Politics of Oil and Money (1st edition)2004
939. Briody D. The Halliburton Agenda: The Politics of Oil and Money2004
940. Britton D.B. McGonegal S. The Digital Economy Fact Book, Ninth Edition (9th edition)2007
941. Broadman H,G, Anderson J. Claessens C.A. Building Market Institutions in South Eastern Europe: Comparative Prospects for Investment and Private Sector Development2004
942. Broadman H.G. Paas T. Welfens P.J.J. Economic Liberalization and Integration Policy: Options for Eastern Europe and Russia2006
943. Broback S. Publish and Prosper: Blogging for Your Business2006
944. Brock W. Lakonishok J. LeBaron B. Simple Technical Trading Rules and the Stochastic Properties of Stock Returns1992
945. Brock W.A. Malliaris A.G. Differential equations, stability and chaos in dynamic economics (1 edition)1989
946. Brody L. Raffa D. Everything I needed to know about business... I Learned From a Canadian2005
947. Bromley D. The Ten Golden Rules of the Winning Traders2006
948. Bromley S. Makintosh M. Wuyts M. Making The International: Economic Interdependence and Political Order (World of Whose Making?) (1 edition)2004
949. Brosch R. Portfolios Of Real Options2008
950. Brousseau E. (ed.) Glachant J.-M. (ed.) The Economics of Contracts: Theories and Applications2002
951. Brown A. The poker face of wall street2006
952. Brown C.S. The Sustainable Enterprise: Profiting from Best Practice2005
953. Brown D.P. Jennings R.H. On technical analysis1989
954. Brown K.F. Trend Trading: Timing Market Tides (1st edition)2006
955. Brown R.L. Gutterman A.S. A Short Course in International Business Plans: Charting a Strategy for Success in Global Commerce2003
956. Brown T.S. Sperandeo V. Cooperman L.G. Trader Vic: Methods of a Wall Street Master2003
957. Brown W. Athreye S. Potterton E. A World of Whosy making? Study Guide 1 (Third Edition)2006
958. Browne C.H. The Little Book of Value Investing2006
959. Broyles J. Financial Management and Real Options (1st edition)2003
960. Brue G. Six Sigma for Small Business (1 edition)2006
961. Brunhart N. Individual Financial Planning for Retirement: Empirical Insights from the Affluent Segment in Germany2008
962. Bruni A. Gheraradi S. Poggio B. Gender and Entrepreneurship: An Ethnographic Approach2005
963. Bruni L. (ed.) Porta P.L. (ed.) Handbook on the Economics of Happiness2007
964. Bryon M. How to Pass the GMAT: Unbeatable Preparation for Success in the Graduate Management Admissions Test2007
965. Bryson J.M. Ackermann F. Eden C. Visible Thinking: Unlocking Causal Mapping for Practical Business Results2004
966. Bubnova N. Governance Impact on Private Investment: Evidence from the International Patterns of Infrastructure Bond Risk Pricing2000
967. Buchanan J.M. Calculus of Consent, Vol. 31999
968. Buchanan J.M. Cost and Choice: An Inquiry in Economic Theory, Vol. 61999
969. Buchanan J.M. Thirlby G.F. L.S.E. Essays on Cost1981
970. Buchanan J.M. Public Finance in Democratic Process1999
971. Buchanan J.M. Reason of Rules: Constitutional Political Economy, Vol. 102000
972. Buchanan J.M. The Demand and Supply of Public Goods1999
973. Buchanan J.R. An Undergraduate Introduction to Financial Mathematics2006
974. Buchta D. Eul M. Schulte-Croonenberg H. Strategic IT Management: Increase value, control performance, reduce costs (2nd edition)2007
975. Buenstorf G. The Economics of energy and the production process: an evolutionary approach2004
976. Buffett W.E. Cunningham L.A. The Essays of Warren Buffett: Lessons for Corporate America (издание 2nd edition)2008
977. Buffie E.F. Trade Policy in Developing Countries2003
978. Bulkowski Th.N. Encyclopedia of Chart Patterns2000
979. Bulkowsky T. Broadening Patterns: Clues to breakout direction2004
980. Bulkowsky T. Gauging Gaps2003

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