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Содержимое каталога
841. Birley S. (ed.) Macmillan I. (ed.) Entrepreneurship in a Global Context1997
842. Bischi G.I. (ed.) Chiarella C. (ed.) Gardini L. (ed.) Nonlinear dynamics in economics. Finance and the social sciences2010
843. Bishop M. Essential Economics2004
844. Björk T. Arbitrage Theory in Continuous Time (Second edition)2009
845. Bjork T. Arbitrage Theory in Continuous Time2004
846. Black G. The Geography of Small Firm Innovation (International Studies in Entrepreneurship) (1 edition)2005
847. Black R. Critical Testing Processes: Plan, Prepare, Perform, Perfect2003
848. Blackwell E. How to Prepare a Business Plan (Revised 4th Edition)2004
849. Blackwell E. How to Prepare a Business Plan (Business Enterprise) (5 edition)2008
850. Blake D. Pension Economics2006
851. Blanchard D. Supply Chain Management Best Practices (1st edition)2007
852. Blanchard O.J. Fischer S. Lectures on Macroeconomics1989
853. Blau J.R. Social Contracts And Economic Markets1993
854. Blaug M. Economic Theory Retrospect (4th edition)1985
855. Blaug Mark Vane Howard R. Who's who in economics (fourth edition)2003
856. Blecker Th. Friedrich G. Kaluza B. Information and Management Systems for Product Customization2005
857. Bligh P. Turk D. CRM unplugged2004
858. Blinder A.S. The Quiet Revolution (illustrated edition)2004
859. Block S. Chu K. Waggoner J. The Busy Family's Guide to Money2008
860. Blom J. Coulda Woulda Shoulda2001
861. Boadway R.W. Shah A. Intergovernmental Fiscal Transfers: Principles and Practice2007
862. Board on Science and Technology for International Devel Office of International Affairs National Research Council Lost Crops of Africa. Volume I: Grains1996
863. Bogardus A. PHR/SPHR: Professional in Human Resources Certification Study Guide2003
864. Bojadziev G. Bojadziev M. Fuzzy Logic for Business, Finance, and Management2007
865. Boland L.A. Methodology for a New Microeconomics: The Critical Foundations (4 edition)1998
866. Boland L.A. The Foundations of Economic Method1982
867. Boland L.A. The Principles of Economics: Some Lies My Teacher Told Me1992
868. Bollinger J. Bollinger on Bollinger Bands2001
869. Bollinger J. Using Bollinger Bandsn/a
870. Bolstroff P. Rosenbaum R. Supply Chain Excellence: A Handbook for Dramatic Improvement Using the SCOR Model2003
871. Bolten S.E. Stock Market Cycles: A Practical Explanation2000
872. Bonner W. Wiggin A. Empire of Debt: The Rise of an Epic Financial Crisis2006
873. Bonner W. Wiggin A. Financial Reckoning Day: Surviuing the Soft Depression of the 21st Century2008
874. Booker R. Adventures of a Currency Trader: A Fable about Trading, Courage, and Doing the Right Thing2007
875. Bookman C.M. Business Arithmetic1914
876. Bookstaber R. A Demon of Our Own Design: Markets, Hedge Funds, and the Perils of Financial Innovation2007
877. Borio C. (ed.) Hunter W.C. (ed.) Kaufman G.G. (ed.) Market Discipline across Countries and Industries (издание 1st edition)2004
878. Borjas G.J. Crisp J. Poverty, International Migration And Asylum2005
879. Boroson W. J. K. Lasser's Pick Stocks Like Warren Buffett2001
880. Borsellino L. Trading SP, NASDAQ 100 and E-mini Futuresn/a
881. Bossaerts P.L. Degaard B.A. Lectures on Corporate Finance2006
882. Bossidy L. Charan R. Burck C. Execution: The Discipline of Getting Things Done2002
883. Bosworth M.T. Holland J.R. Customer Centric Selling2004
884. Botto Dictionary of e-Business2003
885. Bouchaud J.-P. Potters M. Theory of financial risks: from statistical physics to risk management2000
886. Bouchentouf A. Commodities For Dummies2007
887. Bouchentouf A. Dolan B. Duarte J. High-Powered Investing All-in-One For Dummies2008
888. Boucher M. Connors L. Market Timing Trading Coursen/a
889. Bouknight O. Shrum S. Your MBA Game Plan: Proven Strategies for Getting into the Top Business Schools2003
890. Boumans M. (ed.) Measurement in Economics. A Handbook2007
891. Bounfour A. Edvinsson L. Intellectual Capital for Communities2005
892. Bourguignon F. (ed) Lustig N. (ed) Ferreira F.H.G. (ed) The Microeconomics of Income Distribution Dynamics in East Asia and Latin America2004
893. Bourguignon F. (ed.) Elkana Y. (ed.) Pleskovic B. (ed.) Capacity Building in Economics Education and Research2007
894. Bourlakis M.A. Weightman P.W.H. Food Supply Chain Management2004
895. Bouroudjian H.J. Secrets of the Trading Pros: Techniques and Tips That Pros Use to Beat the Market (1st edition)2007
896. Boutellier R. Gassmann O. von Zedtwitz M. Managing Global Innovation (Third Edition)2008
897. Bouw B. Home Girl: The Single Woman's Guide to Buying Real Estate in Canada2007
898. Bowers N.L. Gerber H.U. Hickman J.C. Actuarial Mathematics (second edition)1997
899. Bowles S. Microeconomia: Comportamento, Istituzioni, Evoluzionen/a
900. Bowman M.E. Наrtle T. Consolidation Patterns1990
901. Bowman N.F. Hartle T. Reversal Patterns1990
902. Boyd L.G. (Ed) Rugman A.M. (Ed) European-American Trade and Financial Alliances2005
903. Boylan T.A. (ed.) O’Gorman P.F. (ed.) Popper and Economic Methodology: Contemporary challenges2008
904. Brabazon A. O'Neill M. Biologically Inspired Algorithms for Financial Model2006
905. Brabazon A. O'Neill M. Biologically inspired algorithms for financial modelling (1 edition)2006
906. Brace I. Questionnaire Design: How to Plan, Structure and Write Survey Material for Effective Market Research2004
907. Bradfield J. Introduction to the Economics of Financial Markets (1st edition)2007
908. Bradley F. Strategic Marketing: In the Customer Driven Organization2003
909. Bradley J. (ed.) Petrakos G. (ed.) Traistaru I. (ed.) Integration, Growth, And Cohesion In An Enlarged European Union2005
910. Brady J. Environmental Management in Organizations: The IEMA Handbook2005

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