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1681. M. J. Wilde Birth Control Battles2020
1682. M. Newton The Encyclopedia of High-Tech Crime and Crime-Fighting (Facts on File Crime Library)2003
1683. M. Prokop M. Galanski Spiral and Multislice Computed Tomography of the Body ( THIEME )2001
1684. M. Stanborough Direct Release Myofascial Technique: An Illustrated Guide for Practitioners2004
1685. M.R. Pinsky L. Brochard J. Mancebo Applied Physiology in Intensive Care Medicine (2nd ed. edition)2009
1686. M.Zuckerman Psychobiology of Personality (Problems in the Behavioural Sciences) (2 edition)2005
1687. Maarten H. Discogenic Low Back Pain. Lumbar spondylodesis revisited2000
1688. MacDonald M.G. (Editor) Jayashree Ramasethu (Editor) Atlas of Procedures in Neonatology (Fourth edition)2007
1689. MacFadyen B. V. Arregui M.E. Eubanks S. Laparoscopic Surgery of the Abdomen2004
1690. MacFarlane M.T. Urology (4th edition)2006
1691. Machin D. Campbell M.J. Design of Studies for Medical Research2005
1692. MacLachlan M. Gallagher P. Enabling Technologies in Rehabilitation: Body Image and Body Function2003
1693. Mader S.S. Understanding Human Anatomy and Physiology (5-th edition)2004
1694. Magee D.J. Orthopedic Physical Assessment (Fourth Edition)2005
1695. Maguire J.J. Davenport A.P. Peptide Research Protocols. Endothelin2002
1696. Mah J. Lotzmann U. Bumann A. TMJ Disorders and Orofacial Pain: The Role of Dentistry in a Multidisciplinary Diagnostic Approach (Color Atlas of Dental Medicine)2008
1697. Mahato R.I. (ed.) Kim S.W. (ed.) Pharmaceutical perspectives of nucleic acid-based therapeutics (1 edition)2002
1698. Mahmoudi M. Challenging Cases in Allergy and Immunology2009
1699. Maiden M.C.J. Pollard A.J. Meningococcal Disease. Methods and Protocols2001
1700. Maiden M.C.J. Pollard A.J. Meningococcal Vaccines. Methods and Protocols2001
1701. Maj M. Personality Disorders2005
1702. Maj M. Sartorius N. Schizophernia (2 edition)2003
1703. Majkowski J. (ed.) Bourgeois B.F.D. (ed.) Antiepileptic drugs. Combination therapy and interactions2005
1704. Malcolm I. Levene Tudehope D.I. Thearle M.J. Essentials of Neonatal Medicine (3 edition)2000
1705. Malik M. Risk of arrhythmia and sudden death2001
1706. Malinzak R. Albritton M. Pickering T. First Aid for the Orthopaedic Boards, Second Edition (FIRST AID Specialty Boards) (2 edition)2009
1707. Malkin J. Medical and Dental Space Planning: A Comprehensive Guide to Design, Equipment, and Clinical Procedures (3 ed edition)2002
1708. Malone P.M. Stanovich J.E. Kier K.L. Drug Information: A Guide for Pharmacists (3rd edition)2006
1709. Manfred E.Wolff Alfred Burger Burger's Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Discovery, Principles and Practice, Vol. 1 (Sixth Edition)1995
1710. Mang W.L. Manual of Aesthetic Surgery 22005
1711. Mannheim B. Apoptosis and Cell Proliferation (2-nd edition)1998
1712. Manser E. (ed.) Leung T. (ed.) GTPase Protocols: The Ras Superfamily2002
1713. Manson M.M. Immunochemical Protocols1992
1714. Mantak Chia (Author) Winn M. (Author) Taoist Secrets of Love: Cultivating Male Sexual Energy1984
1715. Mantzoros C. S. Nutrition and Metabolism2009
1716. Manzoor M. Khan Immunopharmacology (1 edition)2008
1717. Marani E. Schoen J.H.R. A Reappraisal of the Ascending Systems in Man, with Emphasis on the Medial Lemniscus2005
1718. Marchal G. Multidetector-Row Computed Tomography: Scanning and Contrast Protocols2005
1719. Marcus D.A. Chronic pain: a primary care guide to practical management (1 edition)2005
1720. Margit Pavelka Jürgen Roth Functional Ultrastructure (2nd edition)2010
1721. Marilyn Barrett The Handbook of Clinically Tested Herbal Remedies2003
1722. Marin D. (Editor) Garcia P. (Editor) New Research on Antioxidants (Nova Biomedical) (1 edition)2008
1723. Marin-Garcia J. Mitochondria and the Heart2004
1724. Marincek B. (ed.) Dondelinger R.F. (ed.) Emergency radiology2007
1725. Marino P.L. The ICU Book (3 edition)2007
1726. Mark Morgan Sam Siddighi Obstetrics and Gynecology (5th edition)2005
1727. Mark P Jensen Hypnosis Chronic Pain Management2011
1728. Marsh M.N. (ed.) Celiac Disease: Methods and Protocols2000
1729. Marshall L. Stoller Maxwell V. Meng Urinary Stone Disease (1 edition)2007
1730. Martin Greenberg Essentials of neurosurgery. Chapter 1. Neuroanatomical Basis for Surgery on the Cranium2000
1731. Martin M.M. (ed.) Hynes J.T. (ed.) Femtochemistry and Femtobiology: Ultrafast Dynamics in Molecular Science2004
1732. Martin O.R. Iminosugars: From synthesis to therapeutic applications2007
1733. Martin R. Sutherland E.R. Asthma and Infections, Volume 238 (Lung Biology in Health and Disease)2009
1734. Martin R.F. Surgical Clinics of North America2008
1735. Mashiro N. Black Medicine: The Dark Art of Death (First edition)1978
1736. Maskell D. Salmonella Infections: Clinical, Immunological and Molecular Aspects (Advances in Molecular and Cellular Microbiology)2006
1737. Mason P. Dietary Supplements (3rd edition)2007
1738. Mason P. Dietary Supplements Pocket Companion (1st edition)2008
1739. Mathias Bahr Neuroprotection: Models, Mechanisms and Therapies2004
1740. Mathiowitz E. Encyclopedia of Controlled Drug Delivery, 2 Volume Set (1st edition)1999
1741. Matt McCarthy O que os médicos não contam2019
1742. Matthew James Crawford Joseph M. Gabriel Drugs on the Page: Pharmacopoeias and Healing Knowledge in the Early Modern Atlantic World2019
1743. Mattson M.P. Genetic Aberrancies and Neurodegenerative Disorders, Volume 3 (Advances in Cell Aging and Gerontology)2000
1744. Mattson M.P. Pathogenesis of Neurodegenerative Disorders2001
1745. Maulik D. Doppler Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology1997
1746. May S. A Cautionary Note on the Use of the Grønnesby and Borgan Goodness-of-fit Test for the Cox Proportional Hazards Mode2004
1747. Maynard A.D. Pui D.Y.H. Nanoparticles and Occupational Health2007
1748. Maynard R.L. Brimblecombe P. The Urban Atmosphere and Its Effects2001
1749. Mayo Clinic Mayo Clinic Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy2004
1750. Mazur M. Kurman R.J. Diagnosis of Endometrial Biopsies and Curettings: A Practical Approach (2nd edition)2004

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