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Содержимое каталога
1121. Greenberg M.I. (Editor) Hendrickson R.G. (Editor) Silverberg M. (Editor) Greenberg's Text-Atlas of Emergency Medicine (1 edition)2004
1122. Greenhalgh T. How to Read a Paper: The Basics of Evidence Based Medicine (second edition)2001
1123. Greenstein B. Color Atlas of Neuroscience - Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology2000
1124. Greenstein B. Greenstein A. Color Atlas of Neuroscience: Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology2000
1125. Greenwood D. Davey P. Finch R. Antimicrobial Chemotherapy (5th edition)2007
1126. Grehn F. Stamper R. Glaucoma2007
1127. Griez E. J. L. Faravclli C. Nutt D. J. Mood Disorders: Clinical Management and Research Issues2005
1128. Griffin R.D. Principles of air quality management (2 edition)2006
1129. Grillo H.C. Surgery of the Trachea and Bronchi2004
1130. Groenwald S.L. Frogge M.H. Goodman M. Cancer Nursing: Principles and Practice (Fourth edition)1987
1131. Gross C.G. Brain, Vision, Memory: Tales in the History of Neuroscience1999
1132. Grossel S.S. Crowl D.A. Handbook of Highly Toxic Materials Handling and Management1995
1133. Grossel Stanley S. Crowl Daniel A. Handbook of Highly Toxic Materials Handling and Management1995
1134. Grossman R.G. Loftus C.M. Principles Of Neurosurgery1999
1135. Group D. Encyclopedia of Mind Enhancing Foods, Drugs and Nutritional Substances2000
1136. Guarino R.A. (ed.) New Drug Approval Process (third edition)2000
1137. Gullo A. Lumb P.D. Intensive and Critical Care Medicine: Reflections, Recommendations and Perspectives2005
1138. Gullo A. (ed.) Berlot G. (ed.) Perioperative and critical care medicine. Educational issuess 20052006
1139. Gundelfinger D. (ed.) Seidenbecher C.I. (ed.) Schraven B. (ed.) Cell Communication in Nervous and Immune Systems2006
1140. Guo Y. Manatunga A.K. Modeling menstrual cycle length using a mixture distribution2006
1141. Gupta D. (ed.) Sharma M. (ed.) Chaudhary V. (ed.) Robotic Technologies in Biomedical and Healthcare Engineering2021
1142. Gupta D.K. Microskin Grafting for Vitiligo2009
1143. Gupta I. Trivedi M. Kandamuthan S. Adoption of Health Technologies in India2007
1144. Gupta R.C. Veterinary Toxicology. Basic and Clinical Principles (2nd edition)2012
1145. Gupta S.P. (ed.) QSAR andMolecular Modeling Studies in Heterocyclic Drugs I2006
1146. Gupta S.P. (ed.) QSAR andMolecular Modeling Studies in Heterocyclic Drugs II2006
1147. Gurney A.L. IL-17E2002
1148. Gustafson J.P. Very Brief Psychotherapy2005
1149. Guthrie L.J. Clinical Case Studies in Physiotherapy: A Guide for Students and Graduates (Physiotherapy Pocketbooks)2008
1150. Guyton A.C. Hall J.E. Textbook of Medical Physiology (10-th edition)2000
1151. Gvozdjáková A. (Author, Editor) Mitochondrial Medicine: Mitochondrial Metabolism, Diseases, Diagnosis and Therapy (1 edition)2008
1152. Gwinnell E. The Encyclopedia Of Addictions And Addictive Behaviors2005
1153. Gwinnutt C. L. Driscoll P. A. Trauma resuscitation: the team approach2003
1154. Gylys B.A. Masters R.M. Medical Terminology Simplified: A Programmed Learning Approach By Body Systems (3rd edition)2005
1155. H. E. Kroemer H. J. Kroemer K.E. Kroemer-Elbert Engineering Physiology: Bases of Human Factors Engineering Ergonomics (4 edition)2010
1156. H. L. McBride Embodiment and Eating Disorders2019
1157. H. Michael Mayer H. M.(Editor) Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery : A Surgical Manual (2nd edition)2005
1158. H.Robinson Objections to Physicalism1993
1159. Habermann T.M. (ed.) Ghosh A.K.(ed.) Mayo clinic internal medicine review 2006-2007 (7th edition)2006
1160. Habermann T.M. (Editor) Ghosh A.K. (Editor) Mayo Clinic Internal Medicine Concise Textbook (1 edition)2007
1161. Haddad M.C. Abd El Bagi M.E. Tamraz J.C. Imaging of parasitic diseases2008
1162. Hahn-Deinstrop E. Applied Thin-Layer Chromatography: Best Practice and Avoidance of Mistakes (2nd edition)2007
1163. Hahnel S. (ed.) Inflammatory diseases of the brain2009
1164. Hahnemann S. The Chronic Diseases, their Peculiar Nature and their Homeopathic Cure. (1st edition)n/a
1165. Haider S.I. Pharmaceutical Master Validation Plan: The Ultimate Guide to FDA, GMP and GLP Compliance (1st edition)2001
1166. Haider S.I. Validation Standard Operating Procedures: A Step by Step Guide for Achieving Compliance in the Pharmaceutical, Medical Device, and Biotech Industries, and Biotech Industries (2 edition)2006
1167. Haider S.I. Validation Standard Operating Procedures: A Step-by-Step Guide for Achieving Compliance in the Pharmaceutical, Medical Device, and Biotech Industries2002
1168. Haines D.E. Neuroanatomy. An Atlas of Structures (6-th edition)2003
1169. Haldeman S.D. Kirkaldy-Willis W.H. Bernard T.N. An Atlas of Back Pain2002
1170. Halder R. Dermatology and Dermatological Therapy of Pigmented Skins2006
1171. Hale T. Exercise Physiology: A Thematic Approach2003
1172. Haley J. Uncommon Therapy: The Psychiatric Techniques Of Milton H Erickson1981
1173. Hall J.B. Schmidt G.A. Wood L.D.H. Principles of Critical Care Hall (3 edition)2005
1174. Hall T.E. Technique and Diagnosis1997
1175. Hall W.A. Immunotoxin Methods and Protocols2000
1176. Hallet M. Chokroverty S. Magnetic Stimulation in Clinical Neurophysiology (2 edition)2005
1177. Haluck R. Hoffman H. Westwood J. Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 14: Accelerating Change in Healthcare: Next Medical Toolkit2006
1178. Hamill J. Knutzen K.M. Biomechanical Basis of Human Movement (3 edition)2008
1179. Hamilton-Fairley D. Lecture notes on obstetrics and gynaecology (2nd edition)2004
1180. Hampton J. R. The ECG In Practice (4 edition)2003
1181. Hanausek M. Walaszek Z. Tumor Marker Protocols1998
1182. Handler С. Cleman M. Classic Papers in Coronary Angioplasty2006
1183. Hanley M.E. Welsh C.H. Current Diagnosis & Treatment in Pulmonary Medicine (1st edition)2003
1184. Hans Bisgaard Chris O'Callaghan Gerald C. Smaldone Lung Biology in Health & Disease Volume 162 Drug Delivery to the Lung (1st edition)2002
1185. Hans Förstl (Hrsg.) Demenzen in Theorie und Praxis2011
1186. Harahap M. Innovative Techniques in Skin Surgery (Basic and Clinical Dermatology)2002
1187. Harper Ch.A. Petrie E.M. Plastics Materials and Processes: A Concise Encyclopedia2003
1188. Harper J.C. Delhanty J.D.A. Handyside A.H. Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis2001
1189. Harper J.C. Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (2 edition)2009
1190. Harris M. Taylor G. Medical Statistics Made Easy (4 edition)2021

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