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771. Curtis N. Finn A. Pollard A.J. Hot Topics in Infection and Immunity in Children VII2011
772. Cuschieri A. Grace P.A. Darzi A. Clinical Surgery (Second edition)2003
773. Cutler S.J. Cutler H.G. Biologically Active Natural Products: Pharmaceuticals2000
774. D'Ambrosio D. (ed.) Sinigaglia F. (ed.) Cell Migration in Inflammation and Immunity2003
775. D. Husmeier (Editor) R.Dybowski (Editor) S. Roberts (Editor) Probabilistic Modelling in Bioinformatics and Medical Informatics2004
776. D.M. Taylor D. R. Williams Trace Element Medicine and Chelation Therapy1995
777. Dabbs MD D.J. Diagnostic Immunohistochemistry: Theranostic and Genomic Applications (Third Edition)2010
778. Dalakas M.C. (Editor) Spath P. (Editor) Intravenous Immunoglobulins in the Third Millennium (1 edition)2003
779. Dallenbach-Hellweg G. Color Atlas of Histopathology of the Cervix Uteri (2nd edition)2005
780. Dalton H.R. Hussaini S.H. Murray I.A. Clinic Handbook: Gastroenterology2002
781. Damjanov I. (Editor) Fang Fan (Editor) Cancer Grading Manual (1 edition)2006
782. Danaher K. Rajesh Pahwa Handbook of Essential Tremor and Other Tremor Disorders (1 edition)2005
783. Daniels H.E. Epidemology and medical statistics1977
784. Daniels M.J. Longitudinal profiling of health care units based on continuous and discrete patient outcomes2006
785. Danilkovitch-Miagkova A, Leonard E.J. Macrophage-Stimulating Protein (MSP)n/a
786. Danilkovitch-Miagkova A. Leonard E.J. RON Receptorn/a
787. Dankwardt A. Immunochemical assays in pesticide analysisn/a
788. Daskalaki A. Dental computing and applications: advanced techniques for clinical dentistry2009
789. Daube J. Rubin D. Clinical Neurophysiology (Contemporary Neurology) (3rd edition)2009
790. Davenport J.C. A Color Atlas of Removable Partial Dentures1989
791. David C.C. Gene P.S. Updates in diagnostic pathology2005
792. David J. Ekerdt Macmillan Encyclopedia of Aging Q-Z (1 edition)2002
793. David J. Ekerdt Macmillan. Encyclopedia of Aging E-K (1 edition)2002
794. David J.K. Annie M.Y. ABC of Colorectal Cancer2001
795. David Roland The Power of Suffering2020
796. Davidson C. Theather D. Respiratory Critical Care2002
797. Davies A H Brophy C M. Vascular Surgery2005
798. Davis F.A. Pharmacology in Rehabilitation Ciccone (Forth edition)2007
799. Davis M. Sex, Technology and Public Health2009
800. Day J.G. Stacey G. Cryopreservation and Freeze-Drying Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology) (2-nd edition)2007
801. Day S. Dictionary for Clinical Trials (Second edition)2007
802. de la Rosette J.J.M.C.H. Gill I.S. Laparoscopic Urologic Surgery in Malignancies (1 edition)2005
803. de Luna A.B. Furlanello F. Maron B.J. Arrhythmias and Sudden Death in Athletes (1st edition)2000
804. de Luna A.B. Fiol-Sala M. Baranchuk A. Clinical Electrocardiography: A Textbook (5 edition)2021
805. De Maio M. Rzany B. Bonney’s Gynaecological Surgery2004
806. Dec G.W. Heart Failure. A Comprehensive Guide to Diagnosis and Treatment2004
807. Decker J. Reischl U. Molecular Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases (2nd edition)2003
808. Declan Millett Welbury R. Orthodontics and Paediatric Dentistry: Colour Guide (1 edition)2000
809. Del Guerra A. Ionizing radiation detectors for medical imaging2004
810. Delaney P.C. Neary P.C. Heriot A.G. Operative Techniques in Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery2006
811. Delavier F. Strength Training Anatomy2001
812. Delores C. S. James Nutrition and Well Being A to Z. A to H2004
813. Delton C. Manual de medicina legal (8 edition)2012
814. DeMets D.L. Furberg C.D. Friedman L.M. Data Monitoring in Clinical Trials2006
815. Demirkaya O. Asyali M.H. Sahoo P.K. Image processing with MATLAB. Applications in medicine and biology2009
816. Denyer S.P. (ed.) Baird R.M. (ed.) Guide to Microbiological Control in Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices (Second edition)2006
817. Deprez P. Textbook of chemical peels. Superficial, medium and deep peels in cosmetic practice2007
818. DeRosa T.F. Significant Pharmaceuticals Reported in Recent US Patents2007
819. Dessain S.K. Human Antibody Therapeutics For Viral Disease2007
820. Desselle S.P. Zgarrick D.P. Pharmacy Management: Essentials for All Practice Settings (Second edition)2009
821. Deutsch W. (ed.) The Child’s Construction of Language1981
822. Devillers J. Genetic Algorithms in Molecular Modeling (1 edition)1996
823. Dewan N.A. Luo J.S. Lorenzi N.M. Information Technology Essentials for Behavioral Health Clinicians (Health Informatics)2010
824. Dewick P.M. Medicinal natural products. A biosynthetic approach (2nd edition)2002
825. Dhawan A. (ed.) Hughes R.D. (ed.) Hepatocyte Transplantation. Methods and Protocols2009
826. Dhein S. Cardiac Gap Junctions: Physiology, Regulation, Pathophysiology and Pharmacology1998
827. Di Mizio R. Scaglione M. Small-Bowel Obstruction CT Features with Plain Film and US correlations (1 edition)2007
828. Dibbern H.-W. UV and IR Spectra Pharmaceutical Substances (UV and IR) and Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Excipients (IR)2002
829. Dick M. (ed.) Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology in the Young (Developments in Cardiovascular Medicine)2006
830. Didenko V.V. In Situ Detection of DNA Damage. Methods and Protocols2002
831. Didier J.-P. Bigand E. Rethinking physical and rehabilitation medicine: New technologies induce new learning strategies (Collection de L'Academie Europeenne de Medecine de Readaptation)2010
832. Dietz T. Stern P. New Tools for Environmental Protection: Education, Information, and Voluntary Measures2002
833. Diggle P.J. Point-source modelling using matched case-control data2000
834. Dijkstra Albert J. Hamilton Richard J. Hamm Wolf Trans Fatty Acids2008
835. Dillon P.M. Nursing Health Assessment: A Critical Thinking, Case Studies Approach (2-nd edition)2007
836. DiMaio V.J. DiMaio D. Forensic Pathology2001
837. DiMaio V.J.M. Gunshot Wounds: Practical Aspects of Firearms, Ballistics, and Forensic Techniques (2 edition)1998
838. Ding A.A. Wu H. Assessing antiviral potency of anti-HIV therapies in vivo by comparing viral decay rates in viral dynamic models2001
839. Dingwall H.M. A History of Scottish Medicine2003
840. Dingwall H.M. A history of Scottish medicine: themes and influences2003

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