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1891. Binstock C. Peterson D. Smith M. The XML Schema Complete Reference2002
1892. Birchler J. Plant Chromosome Engineering: Methods and Protocols2011
1893. Bird D. Harwood M. Network+ Exam Prep 22005
1894. Bird I. Phospholipid Signaling Protocols1998
1895. Bird J. Electrical and Electronic Principles and Technology (Third edition)2007
1896. Bird J. Electrical Circuit Theory and Technology (Third edition)2007
1897. Bird J. Electrical Circuit Theory and Technology (2-nd edition)2003
1898. Bird J. Electrical Circuit Theory and Technology (revised second edition)2003
1899. Bird J.O. Electrical And Electronic Principles And Technology (2-nd edition)2004
1900. Birglen L. Gosselin C. Laliberte T. Underactuated robotic hands2008
1901. Birkholz E. Burnett M. Special OPS: Host and Network Security for Microsoft, Unix and Oracle2003
1902. Birkholz M. Fewster P.F. Genzel C. Thin Film Analysis by X-Ray Scattering (1st edition)2006
1903. Birman K.P. Building Secure and Reliable Network Applications1996
1904. Birn J. Digital Lighting & Rendering2000
1905. Birn J. Digital Lighting And Rendering (2-nd edition)2006
1906. Birnbaum M.D. Essential Electronic Design Automation (EDA)2003
1907. Birolini A. Reliability Engineering: Theory and Practice (5th edition)2007
1908. Biron M. (Ed) Thermosets and Composites: Technical Information for Plastics Users2003
1909. Bishop J. C# 3.0 Design Patterns2007
1910. Bishop M. Computer Security: Art and Science2002
1911. Bishop M. Introduction to computer security2004
1912. Bishop O. Electronics: A First Course (Second Edition)2006
1913. Bishop O. Microelectronics - Systems and Devices2000
1914. Bishop O. Understand Amplifiers (1st edition)1998
1915. Bishop O. Understand Electronics (Second Edition)2001
1916. Bishop R. Intelligent Vehicle Technology And Trends2005
1917. Bishop R.H. Mechatronics: An Introduction2006
1918. Bishop R.H.H. Mechatronics Handbook2002
1919. Bishop V. International Glossary of Biochemistry, Construction, Energy & Power Engineering2009
1920. Bisi O. Ossicini S. Pavesi L. Porous silicon: a quantum sponge structure for silicon based optoelectronics1999
1921. Bisplinghoff R.L. Ashley H. Halfman R.L. Aeroelasticity1996
1922. Bissett B. Automated Data Analysis Using Excel2007
1923. Biswas M. Capek I. Chern C.-S. New Polymerization Techniques And Synthetic Methodologies2001
1924. Bitlner K. Spence I. Managing Iterative Software Development Projects2006
1925. Bitter R. Mohiuddin T. Nawrocki T. Lab View Advanced Programming Techniques2001
1926. Bitter R. Mohiuddin T. Navrocki M. LabVIEW Advanced Programming Techniques2000
1927. Bittner K. Spence I. Use Case Modeling2002
1928. Bjorner D. Software Engineering 1: Abstraction and Modelling, Vol. 12005
1929. Bjorner D. Madsen Ch.K. Software Engineering 2: Specification of Systems and Languages, Vol. 22005
1930. Bjorner D. Software Engineering 32006
1931. Black D. Ruby for Rails2006
1932. Black D. Technician's Guide to the 68HC11 Microcontroller2000
1933. Black D.C. Donovan J. SystemC: From the Ground Up2004
1934. Black J.T. Kohser R.A. DeGarmo's Materials and Processes in Manufacturing (Tenth edition)2007
1935. Black M. Castillo D. Backup Exec 9: For Windows Servers2004
1936. Black R. Pragmatic Software Testing: Becoming an Effective and Efficient Test Professional (1st edition)2007
1937. Black S.C. Chiles V. Lissaman A.J. and Martin S.J. Principles of Engineering Manufacture (Third Edition)1996
1938. Black S.C. Chiles V. Lissaman A.J. Principles of engineering manufacture (3rd edition)1996
1939. Blackburn J.F. Components Handbook (1st edition)1949
1940. Blackburn J.L. (Ed) Protective Relaying: Principles and Applications (3rd edition)2006
1941. Blackman J. Metallic Nanoparticles. Volume 52008
1942. Blackwell G.R. The electronic packaging handbook2000
1943. Blackwell G.R. The electronic packaging handbook (1 edition)1999
1944. Blahut R.E. Theory of Remote Image Formation2004
1945. Blair J. G. Digital Boudoir Photography2006
1946. Blake A. Isard M. Active Contours: The Application of Techniques from Graphics, Vision, Control Theory and Statistics to Visual Tracking of Shapes in Motion2000
1947. Blake A. Zisserman A. Visual Reconstruction1987
1948. Blake B. Sahlin D. How to do everything with Macromedia Flash2005
1949. Blake G. Ten Ton Dreamweaver2006
1950. Blake R. Wireless Communication Technology2000
1951. Blakelock J.H. Automatic Control of Aircraft and Missiles2001
1952. Blanc-Talon J. Philips W. Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems: 11th International Conference, ACIVS 2009 Bordeaux, France, September 28--October 2, 2009 ... Vision, Pattern Recognition, and Graphics)2009
1953. Blanchet G. Charbit M. Digital Signal and Image Processing Using MATLAB2006
1954. Blanchette J. Summerfield M. C++ GUI Programming with Qt 32004
1955. Blanchette J. Summerfield M. C++ GUI Programming with Qt 42001
1956. Blanchfield D.S. How Products Are Made: An Illustrated Guide to Product Manufacturing, Vol. 72002
1957. Blank A. TCP/IP JumpStart: Internet Protocol Basics (2-nd edition)2002
1958. Blank A.G. TCP/IP Foundations2004
1959. Blank-Edelman D.N. (ed.) Perl for System Administration: Managing multi-platform environments with Perl2000
1960. Blaszczak M. Professional MFC Visual C++5 (2nd edition)1997

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