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Euler L. |
On the remarkable properties of the pentagonal numbers | 1775 |
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Euler L. |
On the sums of series of reciprocals | 1735 |
6093. |
Euler L. |
The expansion of the infinite product into a single series | 1775 |
6094. |
Euler L. |
Theorems about the divisors of numbers contained in the form paa ± qbb | 1748 |
6095. |
Euler L. |
Theorems on residues obtained by the division of powers | 1755 |
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Unleitung zur Algebra | 1802 |
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Opera Omnia. Vol. 5: Commentationes Arithmeticae | n/a |
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Opera Omnia. Vol. 9: Introductio In Analysin Infinitorum | n/a |
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Short communications. Mathematical software. Other activities | 2006 |
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Evangelaras H. Koukouvinos C. Lappas E. |
18-run nonisomorphic three level orthogonal arrays | 2007 |
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Orthomorphism Graphs of Groups (Lecture Notes in Mathematics) | 1992 |
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Orthomorphism Graphs of Groups | 1993 |
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Model Theory of Groups and Automorphism Groups (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series) | 1997 |
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Quantum symmetries on operator algebras | 1998 |
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The Cambridge colloquium, 1916. functionals and their applications, selected topics, including integral equations | 1918 |
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Analytic Methods for Partial Differential Equations (1st edition) | 1999 |
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A Bohr-Langmuir Transformation | 1923 |
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Economics and the Calculus of Variations | 1924 |
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Potentials of General Masses in Single and Double Layers. The Relative Boundary Value Problems | 1929 |
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Evans G.C. |
Problems of Potential Theory | 1921 |
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Evans G.C. Haskell R.N. |
The mixed problem for laplaces equation in the plane discontinuous boundary values | 1930 |
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Evans L.C. |
An Introduction To Mathematical Optimal Control Theory (Version 0.1) | n/a |
6113. |
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Weak Convergence Methods for Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations | 1990 |
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Probability and Real Trees: Ecole D'Ete de Probabilites de Saint-Flour XXXV-2005 | 2007 |
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Eve Bearne |
Differentiation and diversity in the primary school | 1996 |
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Graph algorithms | 1979 |
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Everest G. Ward T. |
An Introduction to Number Theory | 2005 |
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Analytic Number Theory | 1999 |
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Everest G. van der Poorten A. Shparlinski I. |
Recurrence sequences | 2003 |
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Everitt B. |
An R And S-Plusa Companion To Multivariate Analysis | 2005 |
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Everitt B.S. Rabe-Hesketh S. |
A Handbook of Statistical Analyses Using Stata (2 edition) | 2000 |
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An R and S-Plus® Companion to Multivariate Analysis | 2005 |
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The Cambridge dictionary of statistics (3rd edition) | 2006 |
6124. |
Everitt W.N. Sleeman B.D. (eds.) |
Conference on the Theory of Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations | 1972 |
6125. |
Everitt W.N. |
Inequalities: Fifty Years On From Hardy, Littlewood and Polya (Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics 129) | 1990 |
6126. |
Everitt W.N. Markus L. |
Infinite Dimensional Complex Symplectic Spaces | 2004 |
6127. |
Everitt W.N. Sleeman B.D. (eds.) |
Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations | 1976 |
6128. |
Everitt W.N. Sleeman B.D. (eds.) |
Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations | 1981 |
6129. |
Everitt W.N. Sleeman B.D. (eds.) |
Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations | 1982 |
6130. |
Everitt W.N. Lewis R.T. (ed.) |
Ordinary Differential Equations and Operators | 1983 |
6131. |
Everitt W.N. (ed.) |
Spectral Theory and Differential Equations | 1975 |
6132. |
Eves H. |
Great Moments in Mathematics After 1650 | 1983 |
6133. |
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Great Moments in Mathematics Before 1650 (2-nd edition) | 1983 |
6134. |
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Mathematical Circles Adieu | 1977 |
6135. |
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Mathematical Circles Revisited: A Second Collection of Mathematical Stories and Anecdotes | 1971 |
6136. |
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Mathematical Circles Squared: A Third Collection of Mathematical Stories and Anecdotes | 1972 |
6137. |
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Mathematical circles revisited | 1971 |
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Mathematical Circles, Quadrants I, II, III, IV | 2002 |
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Return to mathematical circles (1988) | 1987 |
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Evyatar A. Rosenbloom P. |
Motivated mathematics | 1981 |
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Ewald C.-O. |
Games, Fixed Points and Mathematical Economics | 2004 |
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Ewald G. Schulz C. |
Spharen mit kleinen Eckenvalenzen | 1988 |
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From Kant to Hilbert, Vol.1 | 1996 |
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From Kant to Hilbert, Vol.2 | 2005 |
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From Kant to Hilbert: A source book in the foundations of mathematics. Volume 1 | 2007 |
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Ewald W.B. |
From Kant to Hilbert: A source book in the foundations of mathematics. Volume 2 | 2007 |
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Ewing J. |
A century of mathematics: Through the eyes of the Monthly | 1994 |
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Ewing R. |
The Mathematics of reservoir simulation | 1983 |
6149. |
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The Mathematics of Reservoir Simulation (Frontiers in Applied Mathematics) | 1983 |
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Exner G.R. |
Inside Calculus | 1999 |
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Analyse Harmonique sur les Groupes de Lie | 1975 |
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Analyse Harmonique sur les Groupes de Lie II | 1979 |
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Harmonic Analysis | 1988 |
6154. |
Eymard P. |
Moyennes Invariantes et Representations Unitaires | 1972 |
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Eршов А.П. |
Теория программирования и вычислительные системы | 1972 |
6156. |
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Operator Theory in Krein Spaces and Nonlinear Eigenvalue Problems | 2006 |
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F. Albiac N. J. Kalton |
Topics in Banach Space Theory (Graduate Texts in Mathematics 233) | 2006 |
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F. Calogeros A.Degasperis |
Spectral Transform and Solitons: Tools to Solve and Investigate Nonlinear evolution equations (volume one) | 1982 |
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F. Gazzola H. Grunau G. Sweers |
Polyharmonic Boundary Value Problems: Positivity Preserving and Nonlinear Higher Order Elliptic Equations in Bounded Domains (Lecture Notes in Mathematics) | 2010 |
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F. H. Clarke Y. S. Ledyaev R. J. Stern |
Nonsmooth Analysis and Control Theory (1 edition) | 1997 |