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1823. Badiale M. Tarantello G. A Sobolev-Hardy inequality with applications to a nonlinear elliptic equation arising in astrophysics2003
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1827. Badiale M. Guida M. Rolando S. Elliptic equations with decaying cylindrical potentials and power-type nonlinearitiesn/a
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1835. Badiale M. Benci V. Rolando S. Solitary waves physical aspects and mathematical results2001
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1851. Baghdasaryan I.A. Geometry of toroidal and other mathematical fractalsn/a
1852. Baglio S. (ed.) Bulsara A. (ed.) Device Applications of Nonlinear Dynamics2006
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1855. Bahls C.P. Isomorphism Problem in Coxeter Groups2005
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1858. Bai Z. (ed.) Templates for the Solution of Algebraic Eigenvalue Problems: A Practical Guide (New Edition)2000
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1861. Bailey D.H. Li X.S. A Comparison of Three High-Precision Quadrature Schemes2002
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1870. Bainov D. Covachev V. Impulsive Differential Equations With a Small Parameter1995
1871. Bainov D. Mishev D.P. Covachev V. Oscillation theory of operator-differential equations1995
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1880. Baker M. Cooper D. A combination theorem for convex hyperbolic manifolds, with applications to surfaces in 3-manifolds2008
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1883. Baker A. An Introduction to Galois Theory2006
1884. Baker A. Wustholz G. Logarithmic Forms and Diophantine Geometry2007
1885. Baker A. Matrix Groups. An Introduction To Lie Groups (2 edition)2003
1886. Baker A. Richter B. Structured Ring Spectra (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series)2004
1887. Baker A.J. Finite Groups and their Representations2002
1888. Baker A.J. P Adic Numbers and Analysis 0012006
1889. Baker A.L. Elliptic functions1890
1890. Baker A.L. Elliptic Functions1890

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