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1401. Antoine J. Trapani C. Partial Inner Product Spaces: Theory and Applications2009
1402. Antoine J.-P. (ed.) Tirapegui E. (ed.) Functional Integration: Theory and Applications1980
1403. Anton H. Calculus - A New Horizon (6 edition)1998
1404. Antonelli P.L. Mathematical essays on growth and the emergence of form1985
1405. Antonelli P.L. Kahn P.J. Burghelea D. The Concordance-Homotopy Groups Of Geometric Automorphism Groups2008
1406. Antoni Zygmund Trigonometric Series. Volume 1 (2-nd edition)1988
1407. Antonini C. Les Mathematiques pour l'agregation (lectures edition)2002
1408. Antonini C. Quini J.-F. Borgnat P. Les Mathematiques pour lagregation2002
1409. Antonini P. Mugnai D. Pucci P. Quasilinear elliptic inequalities on complete Riemannian manifolds2007
1410. Antonio J. Colmenarez Facial Analysis from Continuous Video with Applications to Human-Computer Interface (International Series on Biometrics) (1 edition)2004
1411. Antonio Pumarino J. Angel Rodriguez Coexistence and Persistence of Strange Attractors1997
1412. Antoon Pelsser Efficient Methods for Valuing Interest Rate Derivatives (4th edition)2000
1413. Antosik P. Swartz Ch. Matrix Methods in Analysis (1st edition)1985
1414. Aomoto K. Kita M. Theory of hypergeometric functions2011
1415. Apagyi B. (ed.) Lévay P. (ed.) Endrédi G. (ed.) Inverse and Algebraic Quantum Scattering Theory: Proceedings of a Conference Held at Lake Balaton, Hungary, 3-7 September 19961997
1416. Apanasov B. Conformal geometry of discrete groups and manifolds2000
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1423. Apostol T.M. Calculus (Volume 2): Multi-Variable Calculus and Linear Algebra with Applications (Second edition)1969
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1425. Apostol T.M. Calculus, Volume II: Multi-Variable Calculus and Linear Algebra, with Applications to Differential Equations and Probability (2 edition)1969
1426. Apostol T.M. Calculus: One-Variable Calculus with an Introduction to Linear Algebra, Vol. 1 (Second Edition)1967
1427. Apostol T.M. Introduction to Analytic Number Theory1995
1428. Apostol T.M. Mathematical Analysis (5th edition)1981
1429. Apostol T.M. Modular forms and Dirichlet series in number theory (2 edition)1997
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1431. Appa G.M., Pitsoulis L., Williams H.P. Handbook on Modelling for Discrete Optimization (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science) (1 edition)2006
1432. Appclgatc H. Onishi H. The Slow Continued Fraction Algorithm Via $2 \times 2$ Integer Matrices2003
1433. Appelbaum P. Allen D.S. Embracing mathematics: on becoming a teacher and changing with mathematics2008
1434. Appelgate H. Barr M. Seminar on Triples and Categorical Homology Theory1969
1435. Appell J. Vignoli A. De Pascale E. Nonlinear Spectral Theory2004
1436. Appell P. Oeuvres De Henri Poincare (Tome 1)1928
1437. Applebaum D. Bollobas B. Fulton W. Lévy Processes and Stochastic Calculus2004
1438. Applebaum D. Probability and Information: An Integrated Approach (Second Edition)2008
1439. Applebaum D. Probability and information: An integrated approach (2-е издание edition)2008
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1441. Applegate H. Barr M. Day B. Reports of the Midwest Category Seminar IV1970
1442. ApSimon H. Mathematical Byways in Ayling, Beeling and Ceiling1991
1443. Aquade J. (ed.) Kane R. (ed.) Algebraic Topology, Barcelona 19861988
1444. Arad Z. (Ed) Products Of Conjugacy Classes In Groups2008
1445. Araki H. Int'l Symposium on Mathematical Problems in Theoretical Physics1975
1446. Araki H. Mathematical Theory of Quantum Fields2000
1447. Araki H. (Ed) Moore C.C. (Ed) Operator Algebras and Their Connections with Topology and Ergodic Theory: Proceedings of the Oate Conference Held in Busteni1985
1448. Araki H. (ed.) Ezawa H. (ed.) Topics in the Theory of Schrödinger Operators2004
1449. Aratyn H. Keung W.-Y. Imbo T.D. Supersymmetry and Integrable Models1998
1450. Araujo I.M. (ed.) Branco M.J.J. (ed.) Fernandes V.H. (ed.) Proceedings of the Workshop: Semigroups and Languages2004
1451. Araujo V. Pacifico M.J. Three-dimensional flows2010
1452. Arbab F. Talcott C. Coordination Models and Languages: 5th International Conference, COORDINATION 2002, YORK, UK, April 8-11, 2002 Proceedings2002
1453. Arbenz K. Complements d'analyse1981
1454. Arbib M.A. Manes E.G. Arrows structures and functors. The categorical imperative1975
1455. Arbogast T. Bona J. Methods of applied mathematics2004
1456. Arce G.R. Nonlinear signal processing: a statistical approach2004
1457. Archbold J.W. Introduction to the Algebraic Geometry of a Plane1948
1458. Archibald R. Outline of the history of mathematics (Herbert Ellsworth Slaught memorial paper)1949
1459. Archibald R.C. Euclid's Book on Divisions of Figures1915
1460. Archinard N. Exceptional sets of hypergeometric series2003
1461. Arefeva I.Y. 1/N expansion for scalar fields1983
1462. Arfken G. Mathematical methods for physicists (3rd edition)1985
1463. Arfken G. Weber H. Mathematical Methods for Physicists Solutions Manual (5 edition)2001
1464. AriBen-Menahem Encyclopedia of Natural and Mathematical Sciences2009
1465. Arico A. V-cycle Multigrid for multilevel matrix algebras proof of optimality2006
1466. Ariki Susumu 加群からはじめる代数学入門-線形代数学から抽象代数学へ Введение в алгебру: от линейной к абстрактно2021
1467. Arino O. Axelrod D.E. Kimmel M. Mathematical population dynamics1991
1468. Arino O. (ed.) Hbid M.L. (ed.) Ait Dads E. (ed.) Delay Differential Equations and Applications2005
1469. Arioli G. A deformation theorem in the noncompact nonsmooth setting and its applications2000
1470. Arioli G. A note on a quasilinear elliptic eigenvalue problem1991

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