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10442. Kurzweil H. Endliche Körper: Verstehen, Rechnen, Anwenden (überarb. Aufl. edition)2008
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10449. Kusse B.R. Westwig E.A. Mathematical Physics: Applied Mathematics for Scientists and Engineers (2-nd edition)2006
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10451. Kussin D. Vorlesung Knoten2005
10452. Kuster M. Lizzaraga B. Raffelt G. Axions: Theory, Cosmology, and Experimental Searches2008
10453. Kusuoka S. Maruyama T. Advances in mathematical economics2009
10454. Kusuoka S. Yamazaki A. Advances in Mathematical Economics2006
10455. Kusuoka S. (Ed.) Maruyama T. (Ed.) Advances in Mathematical Economics. The Workshop on Mathematical. Economics 2009 Tokyo, Japan, November 2009. Revised Selected Papers. Volume 14 (1st Edition.)2011
10456. Kutateladze S.S. A.D. Alexandrov: Selected Works: Part II: Intrinsic Geometry of Convex Surfaces2005
10457. Kuttler K. Basic Analysis2001
10458. Kuttler K. Calculus:Theory And Applications2004
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10463. Kutylowski M. Pacholski L. Wierzbicki T. Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 19991999
10464. Kutyniok G. Affine density in wavelet analysis2007
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10470. Kuzin I. Pohozaev S.I. Entire Solutions of Semilinear Elliptic Equations1997
10471. Kwak J.H. Combinatorial & computational mathematics: present and future: Pohang, the Republic of Korea, 15-17 February 20002001
10472. Kwak J.H. Lee J. Enumeration of Graph Coverings and Surface Branched Coverings2000
10473. Kwon T.H. Introduction to Finite Element Method2005
10474. Kwong M.K. Norm Inequalities For Derivatives And Differences2008
10475. Kyprianou A.E. Introductory Lectures On Fluctuations Of Levy Processes With Applications2006
10476. Kythe P. Puri P. Partial Differential Equations and Mathematica1997
10477. Kythe P.K. Fundamental Solutions for Differential Operators and Applications1996
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10481. Läuter H. Stochastik In/a
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10483. Lévy-Véhel J. Lutton E. Fractals in Engineering: New Trends in Theory and Applications2005
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10487. L. Accardi W. Freudenberg M. Schurmann Quantum Probability and Infinite Dimensional Analysis: proceedings of the 26th Conference: Levico, Italy, 20-26 February 2005 (illustrated edition)2007
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10492. L. Debnath D. Bhatta Integral Transforms and Their Applications (2 edition)2006
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10496. L. Ribes P. Zalesskii Profinite Groups (Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete. 3. Folge A Series of Modern Surveys in Mathematics)2000
10497. L.Ambrosio N. Gigli G.Savare Gradient Flows: In Metric Spaces and in the Space of Probability Measures (Lectures in Mathematics. ETH Zurich)2005
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