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Peek R.P. (ed.), Newby G.B. (ed.) — Scholarly publishing: the electronic frontier
Peek R.P. (ed.), Newby G.B. (ed.) — Scholarly publishing: the electronic frontier

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Íàçâàíèå: Scholarly publishing: the electronic frontier

Àâòîðû: Peek R.P. (ed.), Newby G.B. (ed.)


Scholarly publishing is changing and the changes will have an impact on all members of the academic community and on how they will go about creating and maintaining scholarship. Scholarly Publishing: The Electronic Frontier examines the critical issues facing universities, academics, libraries, and scholarly presses in the turbulent time when publishing is likely moving from a print to an electronic paradigm. The essays by all of the major participants in this "electronic revolution" explore the technical, social, and organizational impact of computer-mediated communication. They examine both ends of the continuum and everything in between — from how the system might be completely overhauled to a gradual retrenching where much remains the same but paper is no longer the communication medium. Some of the subjects, implicit in the various possible futures for scholarly publishing and covered here, include the role of the library with respect to electronic publications, protection of intellectual and economic property, and plagiarism.

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Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 11.12.2005

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Copyright Act (1976), libraries and      291
Copyright Act (1976), technology-neutrality of      278
Copyright Act (1976), typeface programs and      304
Copyright Clearance Center      194 296n28
Copyright fees      172 194
Copyright of "works for hire"      294n7
Copyright of CD—ROMs      296
Copyright of hypertext links      160
Copyright of printed journals      233—234
Copyright of program performance      299—312
Copyright of revised drafts      285
Copyright of trade publications      103—104
Copyright Office (U.S.)      233 304
Copyright Reform Act (1993)      312n19
Copyright, "sweat of the brow" doctrine and      294—295n12
Copyright, academic libraries and      197—198
Copyright, access issue and      144 173
Copyright, computer conferences and      282
Copyright, contracts and      289
Copyright, contributory infringement of      295n15
Copyright, FTP and      107
Copyright, future irrelevance of      33
Copyright, interlibrary loan and      291
Copyright, Internet and      174 323
Copyright, joint authorship and      279 280 294n10
Copyright, legal ownership and      136 137
Copyright, of software      290
Copyright, privacy issue and      161
Copyright, proposed TRnet system and      322—323 324
Copyright, rights additional to      288
Cornell University      262 297n31
Corporation for Public Broadcasting      129
Corporation for Scholarly Publishing (proposed)      129
Correspondence      See Private letters
costs      See Finances
Craige, Betty Jean      66
Critical thought      61—62
cross-references      77 82 83
Cryptographic techniques      140—141 143
CSnet      167
Cumulative Index to Journals in Education      8
Current Contents (journal)      106
DARPA (network)      216. See also ARPAnet
Data networks      See Networks
databases      See also Digital libraries
Databases in public domain      30 170 173 177
Databases in technology transfer      41—42
Databases, accessibility of      35—36
Databases, cataloging of      253
Databases, commercial      See Commercial databases
Databases, Copyright Reform Act on      312n19
Databases, costs of      171
Databases, early      viii
Databases, federal      270
Databases, in DIALOG      220
Databases, interactive programs and      308
Databases, journalists and      30—31 34—35
Databases, library subscriptions to      292
Databases, preprints in      95
Databases, programs distinguished from      302
Databases, scientific      220
Databases, smart retrieval software and      311n3
Databases, social aspects of      219 333
Databases, updating of      134 138 141—142
Databases, virtual central      313—339
Davis, Madeline      9
DC Comics (magazine)      125
De Sola Pool, Ithiel      134
Declaration of Independence      38
Democratization      See Social equity
Demonstration projects      42 43 161—162
derivative works      283—285 293 307—308.
Descartes, Rene      88n7
Design Flex 4.0 (program)      305
Desktop publishing      246
Determinism      87—88n1
Developing countries      13 80 85 154—155 292 297n31 324
DIALOG (information retrieval system)      127 220 228n1 289—290 318
Dictionaries      76
Diderot, Denis      76—77 78 82—83 88n6
Digital Image Access Project      262
Digital libraries      193
Digital libraries, academic experiments with      173
Digital libraries, analytical reduction studies of      45
Digital libraries, CIP Project and      270
Digital libraries, government support for      17
Digital libraries, NSF on      30—31
Digital libraries, proposed TeleRead system and      320
Digital libraries, social aspects of      47 48
Digital Library Initiative      30—31
Digital Notary (time—stamping service)      235
Diplomatic service      73—74
Directory of Electronic Journals, Newsletters.and Academic Discussion Lists (L. King)      236
Disciplines      See Academic disciplines
Discussion forums      See Network forums
Division of labor      85—86
Doctoral programs      49n5 61 184
Document delivery services      172 194
Document Type Definition      272
Drexler, K.E.      xii
drugs      292
Duke Mathematical Journal      239
E-math (Internet service)      124
E-Text Archive      316
Eco-museums      83—84 85
Economic issues      See Finances
editing      See also Copyediting by academicians 237—238 244 246—247
Editing at university presses      148 149 151
Editing of computer conferences      281 282—283
Editing of electronic documents      152
Editing of electronic journals      60 64 67 98 99 237—238 247
Editing of printed books      107—108
Editing of printed journals      110 125—126 232 235
Editing referee selection and      111
editions      See Revised works
Editorial boards      110 153 232
educational institutions      See Academic institutions; Schools
Educational Resources Information Clearinghouse      8
Educational software      331 335
Educational videos      326
Educom      207
Ego consciousness      59
EJournal      124
Electrical service      175
Electronic databases      See Databases
Electronic Journal of Communication      124
Electronic journals in proposed TRnet system      327 331
Electronic journals, academic communities and      55 59—68
Electronic journals, BITNET and      286
Electronic journals, cataloging of      258 260 266
Electronic journals, currently available      123—125 239—240
Electronic journals, drawbacks of      17—18
Electronic journals, financial aspects of      235—236 248—250 295n19
Electronic journals, interactive potential of      96—98
Electronic journals, management of      243—250
Electronic journals, preprints and      95—96
Electronic journals, quality control of      103—118 209 210.
Electronic journals, traditional publishers and      231 234—240
Electronic journals, transition to      12 14 91—92
Electronic libraries      See Digital libraries
Electronic mail      114 165 170 177 279 294n4
Electronic mailing lists      10 127 258.
Electronic newsletters      236 260
Electronic storage devices      See Computer storage devices
Electronics Letters (journal)      124 236
Elements      88n5
Emory University      207
Empirical analysis      18 22—23 24 40 43 46 47—48
Employment      19 48
Encyclopaedia Britannica      176
Encyclopedic      76—77 82—83
Engineering journals      172
Engineering studies      262
English departments      224
English literature      226
Enlightenment, the      88n7
Environmental pollution      28
Equitable access      See Social equity
ergonomics      72 122 246
Ethernet      94 166 170 179n4
Europe      38 73—75 187 188 190 295—296n21
European Community Database Directive (proposed)      308
European Laboratory for Particle Physics      125
Faculty      See Academicians
Fair use      127—128 158 173 198 296n28.
Fairfax County      337
Fashion industry      335
Fatalism      88n1
fax machines      95
Faxon Research Services      194
Federal agencies      17 175 179 270—271 322 324 332.
Federal databases      270
Federal documents      296—297n30. See also Classified documents
Federal subsidies      173 176
Federalism      318—319
fees      See also Copyright fees; Licensing; Royalty fees
Fees for document delivery      172
Fees for electronic document use      158 159
Fees for electronic journal use      128—129 173 235—236
Fees for Internet use      174 176—179
Fees in proposed TRnet system      326—327
Fees of regional Internet suppliers      169
Feist Publications, Inc. v. Rural Telephone Service Co. (1991)      294—295n12 303
Feminist studies      58 66 221
Fiction      25 47
File Transfer Protocol      105—108
File transfer protocol, academic use of      165
File transfer protocol, citations of      136
File transfer protocol, controlled access to      293
File transfer protocol, copyright and      283 295n15
File transfer protocol, library use of      262
File transfer protocol, preprints copied from      95
filenames      254 269
films      94 197
finances      See also Fees; Government subsidies; Marketing; Research funds
Finances in author-publisher relations      105
Finances of academic institutions      9 95 148 184—185
Finances of academicians      154—155 278
Finances of electronic journals      235—236 248—250 295n19
Finances of electronic publication      112 125—130 131—132 156—157 165—180 196 287—288
Finances of Internet use      165—180
Finances of libraries      9 93 177 191—192 290
Finances of printed journals      79 125—126 129 130—131 234 286
Finances of proposed TeleRead system      314 322 327—328 330—332 337—338
Finances of quality control      108
Finances of scholarly publication      11
Finances of university presses      147—148 149—150 156—157 158 161
Finances, contraband FTP and      106—107
Finances, international      187—188 292
Finances, security arrangements for      235
Financial databases      308
Financial loose-leaf services      135
Firestone Library      172
First Amendment rights      See Freedom of expression
First-sale doctrine      136 137 144 288 295—296n21
Fisher, Janet H.      244
Flora Online (journal)      123
Football (imaginary program)      306—307
Foucault, Michel      57 63
Fraud      136—137
Freedom of expression      161 293 336—338.
Freeman, Grey      167
French Revolution      38
French texts      217—218
Fuchs, Stephan      58
Fugitive documents      152
Fuller, Buckminster      39
Functional illiteracy      32
Garfield, Eugene      125
Gates Rubber Co. v. Bando American, Inc. (1992)      305 311n2
Gender biases      20
Genre conventions      21—22 46—47
Geoffroy, E.—F.      88n4
Germany      188
Getz, Malcolm      130
Giddens, Anthony      50n13
Ginsparg, Paul      95 116n1
Global Network Navigator (user interface)      175
GNP deflator      184 187 188 189
Gopher (user interface)      315
Gopher (user interface), academic use of      165 227
Gopher (user interface), impediments of      317
Gopher (user interface), library use of      222 223
Gopher (user interface), literature and      224
Gopher (user interface), network congestion and      170
Gopher (user interface), specialized      225
Gopher (user interface), USMARC and      267 274
Gordon and Breach (firm)      124
Government agencies      See also Federal agencies
Government agencies, information technologies in      42
Government agencies, intellectual property of      289
Government agencies, proposed TeleRead system and      314 319 333—334 336—338
Government agencies, public conflict with      37—38
Government agencies, Utopian views of      39
Government documents      138 296—297n30.
Government Information Locator Service      270—271
Government research councils      208
Government subsidies      165 168 196.
Graham, G.      11
Grammar      59
Grants      See Government subsidies; Research funds
Graph reading      62
Graphic-user interfaces      49n9 315
Graphics      See Images
Greek literature      171
Gross domestic product      330 332
Group authorship      87 278—280 293 294nn7 10
Guedon, Jean-Claude      202
Guidelines for Bibliographic Description of Reproductions      252
Hall, G.K., & Co. (firm)      221
Hancock, Vicki      321
Handicapped persons      321
Harnad, Stevan      96 202 243 246
Hayes, R.M.      10
Health care reform      3
HEP (preprint archive)      116n1
Hesse, Bradford W.      45
Hewlett-Packard (firm)      330
High-energy physics      95 116n1 223 247
Higher Education General Information Survey      183
Historians      35
Hockey, Susan      217
Home users      19 174 177 178 179 327 334—335
Homological algebra      98
HTML (authoring tool)      223 227
Human experimentation      294n6
Human genome research      247
Humanism      33
Humanities journals      110
Humanities, computer use in      216 217
Humanities, databases for      171
Humanities, electronic publication and      160
Humanities, Gophers for      224 225
Humanities, interdisciplinary studies in      153
Humanities, libraries and      20 220
Humanities, World Wide Web and      225—226
Hurt, C.S.      12
Hypertext      195
Hypertext in hypothetical publication processes      97
Hypertext, British literature and      226
1 2 3 4 5
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