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Stevens W.R. — Unix network programming (volume 2)
Stevens W.R. — Unix network programming (volume 2)

Îáñóäèòå êíèãó íà íàó÷íîì ôîðóìå

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Íàçâàíèå: Unix network programming (volume 2)

Àâòîð: Stevens W.R.


Presents a comprehensive guide to every form of IPC, including message passing, synchronization, shared memory, & Remote Procedure Calls (RPC). Text contains extensive new source code - all carefully optimized & available on the Web. DLC: Unix (Computer file).

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Òåõíîëîãèÿ/

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Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 555

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 11.12.2005

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Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
/dev/clts device      413
/dev/null device      526
/dev/zero device      315—317 322—323 325 454 497 526
/dev/zero memory mapping      316—317
/etc/inetd.conf file      413
/etc/netconfig file      413
/etc/rpc file      412—413
/etc/sysconfigtab file      38
/etc/system file      37 458
4.2BSD      198
4.3BSD      98
4.4BSD      311 315—316
4.4BSD-Lite      537
64-bit architectures      85 427
<errno.h> header      13 18
<limits.h> header      72
<pthread.h> header      180
<sys/errno.h> header      13 503
<sys/ipc.h> header      30
<sys/msg.h> header      33 129 131 134
<sys/sem.h> header      33 282 288
<sys/shm.h> header      33 343
<sys/stat.h> header      23 54
<sys/types.h> header      28
<unistd.h> header      8 86 173 257
Abort function      90 424—425
Absolute time      171
Abstract Syntax Notation One      see ASN.l
Accept function      399
accepted_reply structure, definition of      447
accept_stat member      447
Access function      91
ACE (Adaptive Communications Environment)      180
Address, IP      245 401 403 413 422 533
advisory locking      203—204 217 522
aio_return function      91
aio_suspend function      91
AIX      xvi 151
Alarm function      91 396 425
American National Standards Institute      see ANSI
American Standard Code for Information Interchange      see ASCII
Anonymous memory mapping      315—317
ANSI (American National Standards Institute)      21 402—403 505 511 520
API (application program interface)      13—14 356 379—380 450 536
API (application program interface), sockets      xiv 8 14 151 398—399 403 406 449—450 454—455
API (application program interface), TLI      406
API (application program interface), XTI      14 151 398—399 403 406 413—414 424 449—450 455
Apollo      406
APUE (Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment)      xiv 536
areply member      447
ARM      429
Array datatype, XDR      429
array member      288
ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange)      193 426 429 444
ASN.1 (Abstract Syntax Notation One)      426
Aspen Group      178
Async-signal-safe      90—91 95 98 102 279 525—526
Asynchronous event notification      87
Asynchronous I/O      14 101
Asynchronous Procedure Call      356
At-least-once RPC call semantics      423 450
At-most-once RPC call semantics      423 450
atomic      24 59 197 214 220 286
Atomicity of pipe and FIFO writes      65—66
Attributes, condition variable      113 172—174 521
Attributes, doors      363 366 375 384
Attributes, message queue      79—82 520
Attributes, mutex      172—174
Attributes, process-shared      9—10 113 128 173 175 265 454
Attributes, read-write lock      179
Attributes, thread      98 113 502 521 532
aup_gid member      416
aup_gids member      416
aup_len member      416
aup_machname member      416
aup_time member      416
aup_uid member      416
Authentication, null      414
Authentication, RPC      414—417
Authentication, Unix      414
authsys_create_default function      415
authsys_parms structure      416
authsys_parms structure, definition of      416 446
AUTH_BADCRED constant      449
AUTH_BADVERF constant      449
AUTH_DES constant      417
auth_destroy function      415
AUTH_ERROR constant      448—449
auth_f lavor member      446
AUTH_FAILED constant      449
AUTH_INVALIDRESP constant      449
AUTH_KERB constant      417
AUTH_NONE constant      414 446—447 533
AUTH_OK constant      449
AUTH_REJECTEDCRED constant      449
AUTH_REJECTEDVERF constant      449
AUTH_SHORT constant      417 446
auth_stat member      449
AUTH_SYS constant      414 416 446—447
AUTH_TOOWEAK constant      449
Autoconf program      509
awk program, xvii      13
Bach, M.J.      36 535
Bandwidth      457
Bandwidth, performance, message passing      467—480
Basename program      13
Basic Encoding Rules      see BER
Bass, J.      198
Bausum, D.      xvi
Bentley, J.L.      xvii
BER (Basic Encoding Rules)      426
Berg, D.J.      371 536
Bibliography      535—537
Big-endian byte order      403 426 444
Binary semaphore      219 281
Bind function      399
Birrell, A.D.      406 535
Black magic      380
body member      446
bool datatype, XDR      429
Bostic,K.      311 536
Bound, J.      xvi
Bounded buffer problem      161
Bourne shell      13 52 72
Bowe, G.      xvi
Briggs, A.      xvi
BSD/OS      53 59 66 84 111 209—210 213 316 403—405 411—412 425 437 456 517
Buf member      288
buffers, multiple      249—256
BUFFSIZE constant, definition of      507
Bullet, silver      453
Butenhof, D.R.      xvi 9 95 160 163 180 192 535
Byte, order, big-endian      403 426 444
Byte, order, little-endian      403 426
Byte, range      197
Byte, stream      67 74 76 444 454
BYTES_PER_XDR_UNIT constant      438
C function prototype      21 105 363 384 402—403 505
C shell      72
C standard      21 90 511 520
C standard, C9X      21
C standard, Technical Corrigendum      520
CALL constant      446
Call semantics, at-least-once RPC      423 450
Call semantics, at-most-once RPC      423 450
Call semantics, exactly-once RPC      422—423 450
Call semantics, RPC      422—424
Calloc function      84 136
call_body structure, definition of      446
Cancellation, thread      174 180 183 187—192 384 388 396—398 530
Carriage return      see CR
cat program      52—53 64—66
cbody member      446
CDE (Common Desktop Environment)      15
Cedar      406
cfgetispeed function      91
cfgetospeed function      91
cfsetispeed function      91
cfsetospeed function      91
cgid member      33—34 131 283
Chang, W.      xvi
char datatype, XDR      427
chdir function      91
chmod function      91
chmod program      205
chovm program      33
chown function      91
Clark, J.J.      xvii
Cleeland,C.      xvi
CLGET_RETRY_TIMEOUT constant      418
CLGET_TIMEOUT constant      418
client function      48 54—55 72 142 144 147 149
Client structure      401—402 415
Client, handle, definition of      401
Client, identity      83—84 365 369 397 415—417 456
Client, stub      403 405
clnt_call function      419—420 424 451 486 534
clnt_control function      418—420
clnt_control function, definition of      418
clnt_create function      401 403—405 412—413 418 420 532
clnt_create function, definition of      401
clnt_destroy function      420
clnt_destroy function, definition of      420
clnt_sperror function      424
clnt_stat structure      409
clock_gettime function      91
Close function      12 61 63 65 73 77 91 114 214 260 265 279 330 376—378 383—384 524
Clouter, M.      xvi
CLSET_TIMEOUT constant      420
cl_auth member      415
Coding style      12 90
Columbus Unix      28
Common Desktop Environment      see CDE
Concurrency, thread      163 165—166 488
Concurrent server      66—67 147 357 372 407
condition variables      159—175
Condition variables, attributes      113 172—174 521
config.h header      509—510
Configure program      509
Connect function      399
const datatype, XDR      427
Contention scope      386 388 462
Conventions, source code      11
Cooperating processes      203
Cooperative locks      161
Coordinated Universal Time      see UTC
Copy-on-write      501
Corbin, J.R.      406 535
Counting semaphore      221 281
Courier      406
Cox, J.      36 311 535
cpio program      13
CR (carriage return)      67
creat function      91
Creator ID      33
cred member      446
Credentials      417 446 449 533
Critical region      159 177 197
cuid member      33—34 131 283
Daemon      60 174 203 408 502 504 511 523
Daemon, starting one copy      213—214
daemon_proc variable      511
Data Encryption Standard      see DES
Datatypes, XDR      427—430
data_ptr member      357 362—363 367—369
data_size member      357 362 530
DCE (Distributed Computing Environment)      407
dc_egid member      365
dc_euid member      365
dc_pid member      365
dc_rgid member      365
dc_ruid member      365
Deadlock      56 143 238 279 518 523—524
DEBUG constant      408
Delta time      171
Denial-of-service      seeDoS
DES (Data Encryption Standard)      417
Descriptor passing      84 379—384
desc_num member      357 362—363 530
desc_ptr member      357 362—363 380
Detached thread      98 384 386—388 504
dg_echo function      256
Digital Equipment Corp.      xvi
Digital Unix, xvi      15 20—21 37 51 73 77 79 82 98 100 104 109 154 163 209—210 213 225 231—232 238 296 319 331 333 342 351 370 407 411—412 437 458—459 461 464 466 471 489 520—522 524
Dijkstra, E.W.      220
DIR_MODE constant, definition of      508
Discriminant      429
Discriminated union      429
Distributed Computing Environment      see DCE
di_attributes member      366
di_data member      366 384
di_proc member      366 384 386
di_target member      366
di_uniguifier member      366
Doors      355—398
Doors, attributes      363 366 375 384
Doors, premature termination of client      390—397
Doors, premature termination of server      390—397
Doors, thread management      370—375
door_arg_t structure      363 380—381
door_arg_t structure, definition of      362
door_bind function      377 385—386 388 390 532
door_bind function, definition of      390
door_call function      357—358 360—364 367 369 388 390—393 395—398 422 476 484 530—531
door_call function, definition of      361
door_create function      357—358 361 363—364 375 377 379 384—386 388—389 397—398 531
door_create function, definition of      363
Door_create_proc datatype      384
door_cred function      365 369
door_cred function, definition of      365
door_cred_t structure      365
door_cred_t structure, definition of      365
DOOR_DESCRIPTOR constant      380 384
door_desc_t structure      362—363 380—381 530
door_desc_t structure, definition of      380
door_inf o function      365—367 377 530
door_inf o function, definition of      365
door_inf o_t structure      364 366 384 386—387 531
door_inf o_t structure, definition of      366
DOOR_LOCAL constant      366
DOOR_PRIVATE constant      364 366 386
DOOR_QUERY constant      366
DOOR_RELEASE constant      384
door_return function      358 361—362 364—365 377 380 383 385 387—388 396—397
door_return function, definition of      365
DOOR_REVOKE constant      366
door_revoke function      366 377 390 398 530—531
door_revoke function, definition of      390
door_server_create function      384—390
door_server_create function, definition of      384
Door_server_proc datatype      363
door_unbind function      390
door_unbind function, definition of      390
DOOR_UNREF constant      364 366 375—379
DOOR_UNREF_DATA constant      364 375
Dorado      406
DoS (denial-of-service)      65—67
Double buffering      251
double datatype, XDR      427
dup function      91
1 2 3 4 5 6
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