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Stevens W.R. — Unix network programming (volume 1) |
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S_HIPRI constant 875
S_IFSOCK constant 81—82
S_INPUT constant 875
S_ISSOCK constant 81
S_MSG constant 875
s_name member 251
S_OUTPUT constant 875
s_port member 251
s_proto member 251
S_RDBAND constant 875
S_RDNORM constant 875—876
S_WRBAND constant 875
S_WRNORM constant 875
T/TCP (TCP for Transactions) 40 213 356 369—371 540 964 969
taddr2uaddr function 791
TADDRBUSY constant 771
Tanenbaum, A.S. 7 969
tar program 24
Taylor, I.L. xix
Taylor, R. xix
TBADADDR constant 768
TBADF constant 768
TBADOPT constant 844
TBUFOVFLW constant 770
tcflush function 425
tcgetattr function 425
TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) 31—33
TCP and SIGIO signal 590—59]
TCP and UDP, introduction 29—53
TCP checksum 671
TCP client alternatives 730
TCP concurrent server, one child per client 732—736
TCP concurrent server, one thread per client 752—753
TCP connection establishment 34—40
TCP connection termination 34—40
TCP for Transactions see “T/TCP”
TCP MSS option 35
TCP options 35—36
TCP out-of-band data 565—572 580—581
TCP output 48—49
TCP preforked server 736—752
TCP preforked server, distribution of connections to children 740—741 745
TCP preforked server, select function collisions 741—742
TCP preforked server, too many children 740 744—745
TCP prethreaded server 754—759
TCP segment 33
TCP socket 85—110
TCP socket option 201—205
TCP socket, connected 100
TCP state transition diagram 37—38
TCP three-way handshake 34—35
TCP timestamp option 35 202 966
TCP urgent mode 565
TCP urgent offset 566
TCP urgent pointer 566
TCP versus UDP 539—542
TCP watching the packets 39—40
TCP window scale option 35 192 838 966
TCP XTI 763—782 797—817
TCP/IP big picture 30—32
tcpdump program 30 90 131 134 176 220 228 236 404—406 486 500 529 580 637 644 703 705 708 714 725 908 913—914 933 937—938
TCPv2 xvi 970
TCPv3 xvi 969
TCPvl xvi 969
tcp_close function 130
tcp_connect function 277 285—288 295 328 417 622 643 689 792—796
tcp_connect function, definition of 285
tcp_connect function, source code 285 793
TCP_KEEPALIVE socket option 179 185 201
tcp_listen function 288—293 296—297 328 345 607 693 734 800—804 806 811 827 877 945
tcp_listen function, definition of 288
tcp_listen function, source code 289 801
TCP_MAXRT socket option 179 202
TCP_MAXSEG socket option 35 179 202 840 910
TCP_NODELAY socket option 179 202—204 209 357 840 910 935
TCP_NOPUSH socket option 370—371
TCP_STDURG socket option 179 205 566
Telnet (remote terminal protocol) 51—52 141 186 199 202—203 581 586 928
telnet program 83 329
termcap file 158
Termination of server process 130—132
Terzis, A. xix
Test networks and hosts 20—23
Test programs 911—913
test_udp function 714 716
TFLOW constant 868
TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol) 47 52 225 471 531 541—542 558—559
Thaler, D. xix
Thomas, M. xx 26 199 365 658 663 947 969
Thomas, S. 489 969
Thomson, S. 26 62 199 238 300 463 497 965 969
Thread structure 754 756
Thread-safe 75 81 304 609—612 617 753 796 800 945 959
Thread-specific data 81 302 305 611—619
threads 601—633
Threads, argument passing 608—609
Threads, attributes 603
Threads, detached 604
Threads, ID 603
Threads, joinable 604
thread_main function 755 757
thread_make function 755 757
Three-way handshake 34 89 94—98 100 183 192 224 228 351 369—370 398 409 412—413 569 576 643—645 736 779 797—799 808—809 835 838 867 950
Three-way handshake, TCP 34—35
thr_join function 621—622 627 631
Thundering herd 740 744 756
ticlts constant 880
ticots constant 880
ticotsord constant 880
Time absolute 630
Time clock 81
Time delta 630
Time exceeded, ICMP 673 679 681 688 897—898
time function 14—15 805
time program 51 408 945
Time system 81
Time-to-live see “TIL”
Timeout BPF, receive 705
Timeout connect function 350—351
Timeout recvfrom function with a 351—354
Timeout socket 193 349—354
Timeout UDP 542
times function 551
timespec structure 168—169 630—631 918
timespec structure, definition of 168
Timestamp option, TCP 35 202 966
Timestamp request, ICMP 659 897
timeval structure 150—151 168—169 179 193 353—354 412 550—551 592 630 667 953
timeval structure, definition of 150
time_t datatype 169
TIME_WAIT state 38 40—41 51 118 141 187 191 208 297 732 814 914 927—928 933
timod streams module 851—852 856 871 905—906
tirdwr streams module 773 781 803 851 856 865
TI_BIND constant 904
TLA (top-level aggregation identifier) 893
TLI (Transport Layer Interface) 763 771 791 798 835 845 852 861 870—871 880
TLI, transport endpoint 764
TLI, transport provider 764
TLI_error member 860
TLOOK constant 772 774 779—780 782 794 808—810 812 814 824 829 831
TLV (type/length/value) 646 649
tmpnam function 381 611
TNODATA constant 867—868
Token Ring 31 53 183 431 488—489 926
Top-level aggregation identifier see “TLA”
Torek, C. 196 969
TOS (type of service) 198—199 837 839 884 897 963
Total length field, IPv4 884
Townsend, M. xix
TPI (Transport Provider Interface) 852 856—866 970
| tpi_bind function 857—858 861 904
tpi_close function 858 865
tpi_connect function 858 861
tpi_daytime.h header 856
tpi_read function 858 864
trace. h header 673
traceloop function 675 677 682
traceroute program 31 52 562
traceroute program, implementation 672—685
Transaction time 540
Transient multicast group 489
Transmission Control Protocol see “TCP”
Transport address, XTI 791
Transport endpoint, TLI 764
Transport Layer Interface see “TLI”
Transport Provider Interface see “TPI”
Transport provider, TLI 764
Transport service data unit see “TSDU”
Trivial File Transfer Protocol see “TFTP”
troff xx
trpt program 184
truncation, UDP, datagram 539
Truss program 903—904 907—908 911
TRY_AGAIN constant 243
ts member 722
TSDU (transport service data unit) 765—766
tsdu member 765—766
TSYSERR constant 768
TTL (time-to-live) 40 199—201 490 496 498 500 507 667 673 676—679 688 837 839 884 886 897 900
ttyname function 611
ttyname_r function 611
tunnel 899—902
Tunnel, automatic 894
Tunnel, configured 894
tv_nsec member 168 918
tv_sec member 150 168 918
tv_sub function 667
tv_sub function, source code 667
tv_usec member 150 168
Two-phase commit protocol 370
Type field, ICMP 896
Type of service see “TOS”
Type/length/value see “TLV”
Typo 43
Typographical conventions 7
t_accept function 772 797 799—800 802—803 808—812 814—815 817 835 868 870—871 878
t_accept function, definition of 802
T_ADDR constant 789 796 821 828
T_ALL constant 789—790 796 959—960
t_alloc function 788—790 796 812 820—822 828 845—846 869 880 960
t_alloc function, definition of 789
T_BIND constant 789
t_bind function 770—771 779 782 794 797 802—803 809 812 816 820 827 861 870 872 906
t_bind function, definition of 770
t_bind structure 769—771 789 791—792 795 802 816
t_bind structure, definition of 770
T_BIND_ACK constant 858 860
T_bind_ack structure 861
T_BIND_REQ constant 858 904
T_bind_req structure 858 904
T_bind_req structure, definition of 858
T_CALL constant 789—790
t_call structure 769 772 777 779 788—791 794 796 799 803—804 808—810 812 817 834—835 869 874
t_call structure, definition of 772
T_CHECK constant 841 843
t_close function 794 805—806 870
T_CLTS constant 765 767
T_CONNECT constant 775
t_connect function 413 771—772 775 779 781—783 794 798—799 816 834—835 867—869 878 881 906
t_connect function, definition of 772
T_CONN_CON constant 863 905—906
T_conn_con structure, definition of 863
T_CONN_REQ constant 905—906
T_conn_req structure 861
T_conn_req structure, definition of 861
T_COTS constant 767
T_COTS_ORD constant 765 767
T_CRITIC_ECP constant 839
T_CURRENT constant 838—839 841 844
T_data constant 775 876
T_DATAXFER constant 870
T_DATA_IND constant 864—865 905
T_data_ind structure 864
T_DEFAULT constant 836—837 841 843
T_DIS constant 789
t_discon structure 769 777 789 810 874
t_discon structure, definition of 778
T_DISCONNECT constant 774—775 777 779—780 808 810 812
T_DISCON_IND constant 863 865
T_discon_ind structure, definition of 863
t_errno variable 768 770 772 774 780 808 824 829 867—868
t_error function 767—769
t_error function, definition of 768
T_ERROR_ACK constant 858 860 863
T_error_ack structure, definition of 860
T_EXDATA constant 774—775 876 878
T_EXDATA_REQ constant 911
T_EXPEDITED constant 773—774 876 878 881 911 913
T_FLASH constant 839
t_free function 788—790 796 960
t_free function, definition of 789
T_GARBAGE constant 840
t_getinfo function 869
t_getinfo function, definition of 869
t_getname function 791
t_getprotaddr function 790—792 795
t_getprotaddr function, definition of 790
t_getstate function 869—870
t_getstate function, definition of 869
T_GODATA constant 775
T_GOEXDATA constant 775
T_HIREL constant 839
T_HITHRPT constant 839
T_IDLE constant 802 870
T_IMMEDIATE constant 839
T_INCON constant 870
T_INETCONTROL constant 839
T_INET_IP constant 834 841
T_INET_TCP constant 834 920—921
T_INET_UDP constant 834
T_INFINITE constant 765 880
T_INFO constant 789
t_info structure 27 764—765 767 769 777 788 869 874 880
t_info structure, definition of 765
T_INREL constant 870
T_INVALID constant 765
t_iovec structure 872—873
t_iovec structure, definition of 873
T_IOV_MAX constant 873
T_IP_BROADCAST constant 920—921
T_IP_BROADCAST XTI option 834 838
T_IP_DONTR0UTE XTI option 834 838
T_IP_OPTIONS XTI option 834 838 844
T_IP_REUSEADDR XTI option 833—834 838
T_IP_TOS XTI option 834 839
T_IP_TTL XTI option 834 839 844
t_kpalive structure 834
t_kpalive structure, definition of 840
T_LDELAY constant 839
t_linger structure 834 837
t_linger structure, definition of 837
T_LISTEN constant 775 808—810 812 814 817
t_listen function 775 797 799—800 802—803 808—809 811—812 815 817 834—835 868 871
t_listen function, definition of 799
T_LOC0ST constant 839
t_look function 774—775 779—780 782 808—810 812 876 878
t_look function, definition of 774
T_MORE constant 773 820 829 831
T_NEGOTIATE constant 841 846
T_NETCONTROL constant 839
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