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Price E.O. — Animal domestication and behavior |
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Abandonment (desertion) of offspring see "Maternal behavior"
Activity see "Locomotor activity"
Age effects see also "Early experience effects"
Age effects, reproductive success 52 139—140
Age effects, response to novelty 105—106
Age effects, survival of captive-reared animals reintroduced to wild 190 193—194 196 198—201
Age structure of wild vs. captive populations 135 141
Aggressive (agonistic) behavior 16 22 23 32—33 45—46 60 68—69 70 80 81 85 88 89 94 101 102 103—104 126—128 131 133 134 135—138 139—140 141 146 147 156 157 158 159 161 164 166 173 175—178 181 190—191 210 211 214 215 225
Agility (mobility) 23 24 28 64 70 81 170 191 192 196 225
Agouti (pelage color) gene locus 16—17
Alarm signals 14 166 194—196 199—200
Amphibians and reptiles, alligator 192
Amphibians and reptiles, anole 205
Amphibians and reptiles, frog 205—206
Amphibians and reptiles, komodo dragon 146
Amphibians and reptiles, rattlesnake 109
Artificial selection for behavior 12 17 25 35 43 45—46 48 70 78—79 80 81 84 85 88 112 114—119 120—121 126 127—128 129 136—137 140 154 159 162 167 168 169—170 171—172 173—174 180 216 225
Artificial selection for egg production 84—85 124
Artificial selection for growth 46 48 73 79 80 81 84—85 86 92 133 162 170—171 178 225
Artificial selection for milk yield 46 80 92 225—226
Artificial selection for physiological traits 43—44 47 55 64 75 78 79—80 81 83 84 92 127—128 129 162 168 169 171 173 209 216 225—226
Artificial selection for physiological traits for structural traits 26 27 35 43—44 45 47 48 55 73 78 79 83 84—85 86 91 92 93 162 173 225—226 see artificial "Taming selection
Artificial selection, general 24—26 30 35—36 43—50 51 55 56 68 69 70 72 73 74—75 82 84—86 92—93 94 126 136 139 162 168 183 185 186 225—226
Audition 83 89 126 216
behavior see "Aggressive behavior" "Artificial for "Burrowing" "Climbing" "Dominance social" "Drinking" "Emotional "Fearfulness" "Feeding behavior" "Flight "Geotaxis" "Grooming" "Learning" "Locomotor "Maternal "Mating "Novelty response "Predation" "Reintroductions preconditioning "Sexual "Shelter effect "Social "Socialization" "Stress behavioral "Subordinate behavior" "Swimming" "Taming" "Vocalizations" "Welfare atypical
Biological control (invertebrates) 7 8—9 29 59 145
Birds, bustard 200
Birds, buzzard 189
Birds, canary 78
Birds, chicken 2 3 21 45 46 66 67 73 76 79—80 84—85 92 97 99 104 114 120 124—125 126 153 157 162 183 200 217 222 223 225
Birds, condor 139 200—201
Birds, crane 100—101 139 151 170 189 200—201
Birds, dove 129
Birds, duck 19 89—90 91 129 139 168 171 185
Birds, eagle 190
Birds, falcon 164
Birds, finch 78—79
Birds, general 22 69 90 91 146 186 198 228
Birds, goose 90 170 199
Birds, heron 109
Birds, jungle fowl 2 3 73 79—80 84—85
Birds, ostrich 99—100
Birds, owl 109 198
Birds, parrot 122 216—217
Birds, partridge 53 151 191 192 196 197—198 199—200
Birds, pheasant 109 189 199 200 201
Birds, pigeon 90
Birds, quail 57 115 140 170 185 196 201 225
Birds, robin 196
Birds, Turkey 2 14 21 67 81 90 162 163 168 170 220—221
Birds, vulture 190
Body size see also "Growth"
Body size, adrenal 147
Body size, brain and skull size 5 83 84 85 87—91 172
Body size, eye 83 91
Body size, general 5 25 34 68—69 78 79 81 83 84 85—86 91 126—127 134 137 162 171 178 190 191
Body size, other morphological characteristics 68—69 83 91—92 93
Body size, reproductive organs 79 92 168
Brain (and skull) size see "Body size"
Brain biochemistry 17 19 43 80 93 113 123 127—129 219
Brain development and function 83 89 91 155 189 204 220
Burrowing behavior 162
Capture (by man) 14 16 24 26 52 57 77 105—106 109—110 123 138 147 150 151 189 205—210 221
Capture (by predators) see "Predation"
Catecholamines see "Brain biochemistry"
Chemical signals see "Olfaction"
Climbing 36 102 149—150 162—163 179
Co-adapted gene complexes 37 48 50
Cognitive abilities see "Learning"
COLOR see also "Pelage" "Coloration"
Color, environmental preferences 159—160
Color, feeding responses 99—100
Color, recognition of humans (clothing) 126
Color, social interactions 47 138 191
Conditioning see "Learning"
Crustaceans, crab 108 194
Crustaceans, crayfish 8
Crustaceans, general 81
Crustaceans, lobster 8 188 189
Crustaceans, prawn 6 8 77 81—82 168
Crustaceans, shrimp 8 27 43 54 97—98 99 111
Crustaceans, water flea 8
density see "Population density"
Development see "Early experience behavior sexual "Growth" "Hatchery "Human-animal hand-rearing socialization" "Isolation "Learning" "Reintroductions preconditioning "Sexual "Shelter effect effect "Socialization" "Taming experiential "Welfare atypical environmental handling
Disease 5 21—22 26 55 110—111 112 133 183 186—187 201—202 203 204 210 211 216—217
Domestic phenotype 10—12 16 24 28 129 147 148 161 180 181
Domestication and resource allocation 96—97 133 see
Domestication, "loss" of behavioral patterns 161—165
Domestication, adaptation to captive environment 1 10—12 21—29 56 91 93 95—96 105—106 113 146—147 161—162 183 223—225 see "Drinking" "Feeding" "Humans" "Humidity" "Infectious "Light" "Photoperiod" "Predation" "Reproductive "Salinity" "Shelter" "Social "Substrate" "Temperature"
Domestication, adaptation to humans 1 6 113—129 134 147 168 184 see "Human-animal
Domestication, an evolutionary process 10—12 39 161—162 183 186 227
Domestication, animal welfare, effect on 1 204 209 211 221 226—227
Domestication, approaches to the study of domestication ,longitudinal approach (monitoring generation by generation changes) 15—16
Domestication, approaches to the study of domestication, comparison of wild and domestic stocks 13—15
Domestication, approaches to the study of domestication, domestication genes, search for 16—17
Domestication, approaches to the study of domestication, hybridization of wild domestic stocks 13—19
Domestication, aquacultural enterprises 6
Domestication, behavior, effect on see "Behavior"
Domestication, definition of 10—12
Domestication, developmental phenomenon 10—12 19 22 184
Domestication, genetic mechanisms influencing the domestication process see "Artificial selection" "Inbreeding" "Genetic "Natural "Relaxation
Domestication, genetic variation, effect on 72—73 135—136 226—227 see
Domestication, genotype-environment interactions, effect on 174—175 178—180
Domestication, morphological traits, effect on 33 84—92 93—94
Domestication, physiological traits, effect on 83 88 89 92 93—94 127—129 147 162
Domestication, pre-adaptations for 21—29 132 140 141 185 223—225 226
Domestication, pre-adaptations for, list of traits — invertebrates 23
Domestication, pre-adaptations for, list of traits — vertebrates 23
Domestication, products from domestic animals 1 4 6 7 8—9 21—22 46 48—49 see "On on on on
Domestication, rate of change during domestication 14 15 16 44 133 137
Domestication, reasons for 4—6 7 8—9 21—22
Domestication, reintroductions, effect of domestication on success of see "Reintroductions"
Domestication, self-domestication 25—26 29
Domestication, societal effects 1 6
Domestication, species domesticated, historical aspects, alpaca 2
Domestication, species domesticated, historical aspects, bee 27—28
Domestication, species domesticated, historical aspects, capybara 6 130
Domestication, species domesticated, historical aspects, carp 6
Domestication, species domesticated, historical aspects, cat 21 24
Domestication, species domesticated, historical aspects, cattle 2
Domestication, species domesticated, historical aspects, chicken 2 21
Domestication, species domesticated, historical aspects, cicada 7
Domestication, species domesticated, historical aspects, cricket 7
Domestication, species domesticated, historical aspects, dog 1—2 24—26 45
Domestication, species domesticated, historical aspects, eland 6
Domestication, species domesticated, historical aspects, ferret 21
Domestication, species domesticated, historical aspects, fox 114
Domestication, species domesticated, historical aspects, fruit fly 7
Domestication, species domesticated, historical aspects, gerbil 33
Domestication, species domesticated, historical aspects, giant pouched rat 6
Domestication, species domesticated, historical aspects, goat 2
Domestication, species domesticated, historical aspects, guinea pig 2
Domestication, species domesticated, historical aspects, hamster 33 113
Domestication, species domesticated, historical aspects, horse 2 35
Domestication, species domesticated, historical aspects, invertebrates 7 8
Domestication, species domesticated, historical aspects, liama 2
Domestication, species domesticated, historical aspects, livestock 2
Domestication, species domesticated, historical aspects, mink 37 38
Domestication, species domesticated, historical aspects, mouse 2 5 13—14
Domestication, species domesticated, historical aspects, musk ox 6
Domestication, species domesticated, historical aspects, pig 2 86
Domestication, species domesticated, historical aspects, prawn 6
Domestication, species domesticated, historical aspects, rabbit 2
Domestication, species domesticated, historical aspects, rat 5
Domestication, species domesticated, historical aspects, salmon 6
Domestication, species domesticated, historical aspects, sheep 2
Domestication, species domesticated, historical aspects, silkworm 2
Domestication, species domesticated, historical aspects, taxonomic designations (distinction between wild and domestic animals) 3—4
Domestication, species domesticated, historical aspects, turkey 2 21
Domestication, species domesticated, historical aspects, water buffalo 21
| Dominance see also "Aggressive behavior" "Dominance "Subordinate behavior"
Dominance hierarchy 23 81—82 131 132 133 157
Dominance, social 14 18 68—69 70 81 103—104 127 131—132 133 136—138 139—140 157 158 168 170 173 175—178 180 191
Dominant genes 18 19 31
Dopamine see "Brain biochemistry"
Drinking 63—64 85 101 121 130 143 149 152 157 173 194 210 227
Early experience effects, behavior 82 110 120 121—123 127 133 134 135—136 139 146—147 150—151 155—156 162—164 171—172 174—175 176 191 192 193—194 196 198—201 202 206 210 211 213—214 216—217 218—220 see
Early experience effects, sexual maturation 57 61 68 80 85 169 170 see
Early experience effects, welfare 206 210 211 213—215 216—217 218—220 see environmental
Emotional reactivity 22 43 69 82 88 89 112 117—119 177 180 see "Novelty response
Enrichment (physical and social environments) see "Welfare environmental
Exploration 79 103 150 151 156 160 166 171 191 193—194 see
Fearfulness 11—12 45—46 54 80 114—127 128—129 133 146—147 148 164 176—177 180 194—197 199—201 206 215—216 225 see "Novelty" "Response
Feed efficiency (conversion) 79—80 84 92 156
Feeding see also "Growth" "Predation predatory
Feeding, behavior 16—17 23—24 28 36 60—61 63—64 79—80 81 82 91 96—106 110 111 114 119 132 134 136—137 145 150 154 155 156 157 158 164 165 166 176—177 185 189 190 191 192 193 197—199 200—201 206—207 211 213 225 227
Feeding, competition for food 81—82 103—104 119 130 132 136—137 138 154 158 176—177 191 192
Feeding, delivery methods (of food) in captivity 79—80 101—103 114 142 153 154 155 156 158—159 164 165 166 191 192 200—201 218—219
Feeding, deprivation (including self-imposed) 36 61 64 105—106 111 152 170 171 194 206—207 212 218
Feeding, diets fed to captive animals 24 28 52 58—60 60—61 63—64 79—80 93 96—100 110 111 139 185 190—191 192 197—199 205 211 219 227
Feeding, general 10 22 23 24 25 26 28 52 63—64 68 76 78 81 85 93—94 95—106 108 121 143 149 166 173 184—185 205 210 211 218 227
Feeding, hand-feeding 100—101 114 122 164 165 184—185 189 200—201 206—207
Feeding, schedules of feeding 101
Feralization see "Reintroductions feralization"
Fish, bass 151 187
Fish, carp 6 98—99 111
Fish, cichlid 41—42
Fish, cod 110 111 190 192
Fish, damselfish 205
Fish, drum 109—110
Flight distance 113—114 120 121—122 123 129 see
Flounder 27 97—98 99 108 145 159 194
Foraging behavior see "Feeding behavior"
Founder effect 33 35 36 38 39 40 55 74 77 187
Freshwater, adaptation to 6 76 137 189
General 6 26 27 81 111 146 158 159 170 186 188—197 189 192—193 197 206 209
Genetic drift 30 35 38—42 55 70—71 72 186
Genetic variability see also "Domestication effect "Founder "Heritability" "Heterozygosity genetic "Hybridization heterozygosity
Genetic variability in captive populations 37 38 39—40 41—42 48 55 72—78 82 186 209
Genetic variability, estimation (measurement) of 39
Genetic variability, genetic drift effects 38 39—42 72
Genetic variability, inbreeding effects on 30—31 32 35 39 42
Genetic variability, population differences 14 38 39—42 72—78
Geotaxis (response to gravity) 48
Goby 192
Gonad size and function 26—27 57 80 92 128 139 144 168 169 205 206 208 225
grooming 17 18 65 114 123 147 154 157
Grouper 26
Growth 16 26 32 46 60 68 69 80 81—82 84—85 92 97—99 132 138 145 147 155—156 158 159—160 170—171 172 178—179 180—181 188 189 190—192 208 209 214 225 226 see
Guppy 31 76
Habituation see "Learning"
Haddock 99
Hand-rearing see "Human-animal interactions"
Hatchery rearing (aquatic species, mostly fish) 6 14 15 27 39—40 43—44 47—48 69 73—74 77 78 93—94 99 108 109—110 136—138 154 158—160 170—171 186 187—188 189 190—191 192—193 194—196 197 208—209
Health see "Disease" "Parasites" "Welfare"
Heart size and function 64 91—92 109 151—152
Heritability 114 120 186 209
Heterosis 18 31 34 36 see "Outbreeding"
Heterozygosity see also "Heterosis" "Hybridization" "Genetic "Inbreeding" "Outbreeding"
Heterozygosity, genetic variation, relation to 30—31 34 36—37 39—40 40—42 48 73—74 75—78
Heterozygosity, phenotypic characters, effect on 16 32 36—37 81 111
Hormonal induction of breeding see "Reproductive success in captivity hormonal"
Human-animal interactions with captive animals see also "Flight distance" "Learning" "Socialization" "Taming"
Human-animal interactions with captive animals, aggression toward humans 23 80 126—127 134 222
Human-animal interactions with captive animals, breeding 10 48—49 55 74—75 80 84 114—115 167 171 173 180
Human-animal interactions with captive animals, capture and handling see "Capture (by humans)" "Welfare" "Caprure handling handling
Human-animal interactions with captive animals, commensal/symbiotic relationships 6 24—26 29 65 74 166 167 184
Human-animal interactions with captive animals, discrimination of individual humans 126
Human-animal interactions with captive animals, fear of humans (taming) 11—12 16—17 23 28 45—46 52 80 84 113—129 146—147 148 166 171 173 177 180 196 205—206 215 216—217
Human-animal interactions with captive animals, food provisioning 10 96—103
Human-animal interactions with captive animals, hand-rearing 121 134 163 164 170 198 199—201 222
Human-animal interactions with captive animals, husbandry 10 65 68 69 94 95 107 134 143 166 167 173 222
Human-animal interactions with captive animals, socialization of companion animals 24—26 173—174 222
Human-animal interactions with wild animals 63
Human-animal interactions, reintroductions to wild, human influence, lack of 3 182 183 184—185
Humidity 44 64 75 143 145 147
hybridization see also "Heterosis" "Heterozygosity" "Outbreeding"
Hybridization in breed formation 25 45
Hybridization, behavior, productivity and fitness, effect on 18 36—37 43 45 56 60 64—65 82 97 107—108 127 144 154 168 176 185
Hybridization, heterozygosity and genetic variation, effect on 14 19 34 36—37 72 82 186—187
Imprinting see "Socialization"
Inbreeding and artificial selection 35—36
Inbreeding, general 30—37 42 70—71 187
Inbreeding, genetic variability, effect on 30—31 36—37 39 40 76 77—78
Inbreeding, inbreeding depression 19 31—32 34—34 55 57 76 85 111 112 226
Inbreeding, phenotypic traits, effect on 16 32—33 34 85 111 226
Inbreeding, population size, role of 33—34 35 42 55 186 187
Infanticide see "Maternal behavior" "Mortality infanticide"
Infertility see "Reintroductions reproductive "Reproductive
Insects, ant 8
Insects, apple maggot 97
Insects, beetle 7 8
Insects, big-eyed bug 60—61 98 110
Insects, blowfly 75—76
Insects, boll weevil 7 165—166
Insects, bollworm 7
Insects, cabbage looper 59
Insects, cicada 7
Insects, cochineal 9
Insects, cockroach 7 8
Insects, corn earworm 166
Insects, cricket 7
Insects, fly, house 7 33 36 40
Insects, fly, melon 44
Insects, fly, parasitic 9
Insects, fly, pomace 9
Insects, fruit fly, Caribbean 58—59
Insects, fruit fly, Mediterranean 58 65—66 97
Insects, fruit fly, olive 59—60 62 78 144
Insects, fruit fly, oriental 5 7 19 29 32 33—34 37 40 41 44 48 55 59 61 64 70 75 76 131—132 139
Insects, general 4 7 8 47 75 97 142 186
Insects, grasshopper 7 8
Insects, honeybee 8 27—29
Insects, lac insect 9
Insects, locust 143—144
Insects, louse 7
Insects, mosquito 7 76—77
Insects, moth 8
Insects, pea aphid 60 110
Insects, screwworm 7
Insects, silkworm 2 9
Insects, soybean looper 40
Insects, termite 8
Insects, tobacco budworm 59 60 110
Insects, tobacco hornworm 96—97
Insects, walking stick 8
Insects, wasp 9
Insects, waterbug 8
Invertebrates, other, clam 8
Invertebrates, other, cuttlefish 8
Invertebrates, other, earthworm 8
Invertebrates, other, fluke 8
Invertebrates, other, nematode 111
Invertebrates, other, oyster 8 36—37 73—74 202
Invertebrates, other, palolo worm 8
Invertebrates, other, planaria 8
Invertebrates, other, rotifer 97—98
Invertebrates, other, sea cucumber 9
Invertebrates, other, sea urchin 9
Invertebrates, other, snail 8 76 185
Invertebrates, other, spider 8
Invertebrates, other, squid 8
Isolation effects on behavior, physical 127 130 134 153 173
Isolation effects on behavior, social 119 130 133—136 141 153 164 218—219 220
Isolation effects on behavior, visual 137 139 158 191 214
K- vs. r-selection (reproduction) 85—86
Learning 10—12 35 36 65 91 96 100—101 102—103 107 108 109 110 112 113 120—122 126 127 134 136—137 143 147 150 153 155 156 164—165 166 173 174 175 189 192—201 202 209—210 215 216—217 227 228
Light 44 98 145—146 159—160 166
Litter (clutch) size 32 34 53—54 57 68 124 214 226
Locomotor activity see also "Stress" "Welfare atypical
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