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McKinnon L., McKinnon A. — Customizing and upgrading Linux
McKinnon L., McKinnon A. — Customizing and upgrading Linux

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Название: Customizing and upgrading Linux

Авторы: McKinnon L., McKinnon A.


A no-nonsense guide for IT professionals
While Linux vendors promise speed, efficiency, and reliability, it's the IT professionals who must deliver on that promise. Updated to reflect all the recent changes to Linux version 2.4, this new edition of the McKinnons' popular guide gets system administrators and engineers quickly up to speed on everything they need to know to customize and upgrade their Linux systems. From swap-space options, disk partitions, and installation, through printer and video device configuration and installing and upgrading the Linux kernel, this guide follows the highly successful, classroom-tested approach that the McKinnons have refined during their years as professional trainers.
Responding to the ongoing needs of IT professionals for current and reliable information on the latest technologies, Wiley Computer Publishing introduces the Gearhead Press titles. These books, written by accomplished trainers in their respective fields, focus on real-world examples and case studies to give readers the best information on leading topics.
The Gearhead Press titles are characterized by two imprints: In the Trenches and Point to Point-both series include fast-paced books written by fellow IT professionals who have been there and done that.
In the Trenches books introduce technologies, guide readers to proficiency, and serve as practical, hands-on references after the initial tasks are accomplished. The Point to Point titles invite readers to join an IT team at a model company and implement technologies in real-world environments-demonstrating actual problems and solutions

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 2nd edition

Год издания: 2002

Количество страниц: 286

Добавлена в каталог: 10.12.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Unconfigured file      101
UNIX domain sockets option, in kernel configuration      241
UNIX, boot disk creation      36 38—40 64 94—95
User ids (uids), in file sharing, NFS and      112—113 118—119
User interface/X      92
User management, IDE system installation, adding non-root users      57—58
User management, SCSI system installation, adding non-root users      88
Usr directory/partitions      26—34
usr/sbin/sys-unconfig file      101
utilities      59 92
var directory      27 29
Vertical scan frequency (VSF)      136 144
Vertical synchronization frequency (VSF)      130
Vertical synchronization pulse (VSP)      135—139 144 159—160
VGA memory clock      132 141—143
Video and video configuration      125—171
Video and video configuration, accelerator for      128
Video and video configuration, adapter hardware in      157
Video and video configuration, automatic boot from configuration      165
Video and video configuration, bandwidth in      141—143
Video and video configuration, BIOS and      156
Video and video configuration, buses and slots for      126 128—132
Video and video configuration, cathode ray tube (CRT) displays for      126
Video and video configuration, clock, dot clock or VGA memory clock in      132 141—143
Video and video configuration, color depth in      160
Video and video configuration, custom monitor setup in      158—159
Video and video configuration, desktop installation in      168—171
Video and video configuration, digital to analog converters (DACs) in      132
Video and video configuration, displays and monitors for      132—139
Video and video configuration, dot pitch in      144—147
Video and video configuration, factors affecting performance in      140
Video and video configuration, feedback on configuration in, using SuperProbe      161
Video and video configuration, GNOME systems and      168
Video and video configuration, horizontal frequency in      144
Video and video configuration, horizontal synchronization pulse (HSP)      135—139 159—160
Video and video configuration, IDE system installation      61—62 65—67
Video and video configuration, image data transfer rate in      130—131
Video and video configuration, interlacing in      147—149
Video and video configuration, KDE systems and      168
Video and video configuration, mode, video mode in      127—129 163—164
Video and video configuration, modeline numbers and codes for      140
Video and video configuration, monitor age vs. performance of      141
Video and video configuration, monitor type in      157
Video and video configuration, NFS installation      100—101
Video and video configuration, performance and capability of monitors in      139—147
Video and video configuration, pixels in      127
Video and video configuration, preparation for      149—167
Video and video configuration, probing for hardware in      156
Video and video configuration, problems and troubleshooting in      166—167
Video and video configuration, RAMDAC or chipsets for      128 130 156
Video and video configuration, READMEConfig file and      166
Video and video configuration, refresh rate in      130 136 144 159
Video and video configuration, resolution in      127 130 145—147 160
Video and video configuration, sample configuration in      154—167
Video and video configuration, SCSI system installation      92—93 96—98
Video and video configuration, signal generation in      125—132
Video and video configuration, SuperProbe for information on      151—154
Video and video configuration, synchronization in      134—136 144 159—160
Video and video configuration, testing configuration of      164—165
Video and video configuration, text message test      165
Video and video configuration, unsuccessful Xconfigurator probe and      161—163
Video and video configuration, vertical synchronization frequency (VSF) in      130 144
Video and video configuration, vertical synchronization pulse (VSP) in      144 159—160
Video and video configuration, video adapter memory (VRAM) in      126—128 162
Video and video configuration, Video Electronics Standards Association (VESA) standards in      130
Video and video configuration, X package installation for      167
Video and video configuration, X server setup for      167
Video and video configuration, X Window System scratch installation in      167—171
Video and video configuration, Xconfigurator for      125 127—128 153—156 168 195 209
Video and video configuration, Xconfigurator problems and troubleshooting for      166—167
Video and video configuration, XF86Config file for      125 139 150—151 155—156 166
Video and video configuration, XF86Setup for      195 209—212
Video and video configuration, XFree86 in      150—151 205—209
video card      3 44
Video chips      3
Video Electronics Standards Association (VESA) standards      130
View queue entries (lpq) command      182 184
Web server      80 91
Windows, file sharing with Linux system      119—123
X server, IDE system installation      48
X server, in video configuration      167
X server, XF86Config file for      150—151
X server, XFree86 in      150—151
X Window System      4 9 67—68 91
X Window System, IDE system installation      59
X Window System, in video configuration, scratch installation in      167—171
X Window System, SCSI system installation      98—99
X Window System, XF86Config file for      150—151
xconfig files      229—230
Xconfigurator      125 127—128 153—155 168 195 209 see
Xconfigurator, problems and troubleshooting for      166—167
XF86Config file      125 139 150—151 155—156 195
XF86Config file, Xconfigurator and      153—154
XF86Setup      209—212
XF86Setup, confirming update of      212
XF86Setup, directory for      211
XF86Setup, FTP files for upgrading      211—212
XF86Setup, obtaining update packages for      211
XF86Setup, tutorial for      210—212
XF86Setup, update vs. install files for, determining      212
XF86Setup, video and      195
XFree86      92 150—151
XFree86, confirming upgrade of      209
XFree86, obtaining necessary upgrade files for      207
XFree86, replacing and upgrading      205—209
XFree86, RPM files to replace in, identity of      206—207
XFree86, RPM packages      195
XFree86, upgrade vs. install packages in, determining      208—209
xinetd      202—203
Xlink Technology      119—123
Zlilo utility      249
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